

In a world filled with secrets and danger, Anya finds herself trapped between her haunting past and a future teetering on the edge of darkness. Struggling with the burden of an unknown illness and a tragic history, she seeks solace within the confines of her fractured heart. But when an attempt on her life reveals a web of betrayal and deceit, Anya's fragile existence is shattered. She learned that she was to be sold to the ruthless Russian mafia boss who was more cruel that her wicked uncle. But when she tried to run away, she ended up in the arms of the waiting mafia boss and that shattered her. The ruthless capo, Vincenzo, unexpectedly becomes her ally, unravelling a side of him she never knew existed. As they navigate through a treacherous underworld, they discover a shared strength that defies all odds. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery, where past and present collide, and the lines between trust and betrayal blur. As they inch closer to the truth, Anya's determination intensifies, and she realizes she is no longer willing to be a victim. She will stop at nothing to expose the darkness that threatens to consume her. In this gripping tale of resilience, love, and redemption, Anya must confront her deepest fears, confront the demons of her past, and find the strength to fight for justice. Will she uncover the truth and find the freedom she seeks, or will the shadows of her past devour her once more? "Tainted Desires" is a captivating suspense novel that explores the intricate dance between secrets, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of a woman determined to reclaim her life. Prepare to be enthralled by a tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final, heart-stopping revelation.

Daoistovr4xe · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs



"You startled me," I blurted out, my voice slightly trembling. Vincenzo's mere presence had a way of both captivating and intimidating me, making it difficult to keep my composure.

His lips curved into a smirk, clearly amused by my reaction. "Are you looking for me?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.

I shook my head, trying to regain my composure. "No," I replied firmly, hoping to convey that his presence didn't affect me as much as it did. But deep down, I couldn't deny the flicker of curiosity that burned within me whenever he was around.

A knowing glint danced in his eyes as he continued to study me. "Oh yeah?" he challenged, his smirk widening. I could sense the playful undertone in his voice, as if he enjoyed teasing me.

I took a deep breath, determined not to let his charm get the best of me. "Yes," I responded, my voice carrying a touch of defiance. I wanted to wipe that infuriating smirk off his face, to prove that I wasn't swayed by his charisma.

My breath hitched as Vincenzo pulled me closer, trapping me against the wall with his powerful frame. I could feel the heat emanating from his body, and my heart pounded in my chest. I nervously bit my lip, unsure of what was happening between us.

His hands rose to gently touch my lips, sending a tingling sensation through my body. I struggled to find my voice as he whispered, "So fucking beautiful." His words, both raw and possessive, sent a rush of desire coursing through my veins.

I mustered the courage to speak, my voice barely a whisper. "Vincenzo," I murmured, a mixture of uncertainty and longing in my tone. Every fibre of my being was drawn to him, even as I tried to deny it.

He let out a sigh, his intense gaze locked onto mine. "I really want to avoid you, little star," he admitted, a trace of frustration in his voice. His words confused me, leaving me yearning for clarity.

Confusion and curiosity mingled within me as I asked the question that had been burning in my mind. "What is stopping you?" I inquired, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability.

Vincenzo's expression shifted abruptly, becoming unreadable before he quickly masked it with a smile. I couldn't help but wonder what lay behind that enigmatic smile of his.

My thoughts were momentarily interrupted as he playfully poked my dimples, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. "This."

I mirrored his playful tone and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?" I retorted, attempting to maintain a sense of composure even though his proximity had me feeling off-balance.

A mischievous smile played on his lips as he leaned in closer, his head bending towards mine. The air crackled with anticipation, and my heart raced at the thought of his lips on mine. But before our worlds could collide, a voice called out, shattering the fragile moment we shared.

"Anya!" Alessia's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, bringing me back to reality. I instinctively pushed Vincenzo away, grateful for the interruption that spared me from making a decision I wasn't ready for.

Turning towards Alessia, I gathered myself, hoping to hide the jumbled emotions that had threatened to consume me just moments ago. "I have been waiting for you. I came out to look for you," she said, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

I cleared my throat, attempting to compose myself, and walked over to Alessia without looking back. We entered her room, and as she closed the door behind us, a mischievous giggle escaped her lips. My curiosity piqued, but also slightly wary, I couldn't help but wonder what Alessia had in store this time.

"What are you up to now, Alessia?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes playfully. With her, one could never be entirely sure what antics she had planned.

Alessia's gaze softened as she observed me. "Are you alright?" she asked, genuine concern evident in her voice. She knew me well enough to detect even the slightest shift in my demeanour.

I nodded, trying to convince myself more than anything. "Sure, I'm okay," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. The encounter with Vincenzo had left me feeling both exhilarated and bewildered.

Sensing my hesitation, Alessia's eyes sparkled mischievously. She took hold of my hand and dragged me toward the bed. My brows furrowed in confusion, my curiosity growing with each step.

"What is going on, Alessia?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and caution.

Alessia turned to me, her grin lopsided but full of warmth. "Is there something going on between you and Vince?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Her playful nature never failed to bring a smile to my face, even in the midst of uncertainty.

My cheeks flushed involuntarily at her words, betraying the secret emotions I had been struggling to conceal. "Of course not," I replied, my voice sounding a touch defensive. I hadn't fully admitted my growing feelings for Vincenzo, even to myself.

Alessia's grin widened, her teasing nature on full display. "Then why have your cheeks turned pink?" she prodded, her playful gaze locked onto mine.

I couldn't help but touch my flushed cheeks, feeling both flustered and annoyed by Alessia's teasing. Glaring at her, I hoped my stern expression would discourage her from prying any further. But Alessia, always relentless in her pursuit of the truth, maintained a serious face as she posed her question once again.

"Come on, Anya," she pressed, her voice devoid of its usual playfulness. "Is there really something going on between you and Vincenzo?"

I sighed, feeling torn and uncertain. "I don't know, Alessia," I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. "One minute, he's cold and distant, and the next minute, he acts unexpectedly kind and considerate towards me."

Alessia's surprise was evident in her eyes as she processed my words. "Really?" she responded, her voice filled with genuine astonishment. The realization of Vincenzo's actions seemed to catch her off guard.


Alessia's expression softened, a thoughtful look on her face. "He's never nice to anyone, so if he's treating me differently, there must be something more to it. But he always hides it behind a facade of coldness."

Her words struck a chord within me, resonating with the whirlwind of emotions I had been grappling with. It made sense—Vincenzo, with his guarded nature, had found a way to shield his true feelings behind a veil of indifference. The glimpses of kindness and tenderness he showed me were like precious treasures, rare and cherished.

But before I could fully absorb Alessia's insight, a confession escaped my lips, whispered in a mixture of vulnerability and secrecy. "He gave me my first kiss and orgasm," I revealed, the words hanging in the air between us.

Alessia's reaction was immediate and intense as she let out a loud, piercing screech. I winced, hastily covering my ears to dampen the sound. Her excitement was palpable, and it only added to the tumult of emotions already swirling within me.

Barely able to hear myself think, I felt Alessia tugging at my sleeve, her giggle still lingering in the air. "Are you serious?" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with disbelief and excitement.

I nodded, my expression solemn. "I am serious," I replied, my voice laced with a tinge of exhaustion. Sharing such intimate details with Alessia had brought my feelings into sharper focus, making the situation all the more daunting.

Her smile widened, a mixture of surprise and delight playing across her face. "Wow," she breathed, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and curiosity. It was clear that my confession had caught her off guard.

With a heavy sigh, I confessed my uncertainty. "I don't know what to think," I admitted, my voice laden with a mix of apprehension and longing. The conflicting emotions that Vincenzo stirred within me made it difficult to fully comprehend the depths of my feelings.

Alessia's gaze softened, her eyes searching mine. "About what?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern and curiosity.

I hesitated, searching for the right words to express the inner turmoil that Vincenzo's presence invoked. "About Vincenzo," I replied, my voice carrying a hint of unease. "He scares me, Alessia. The dark, mysterious aura surrounding him, coupled with his involvement in the mafia, is enough to send shivers down anyone's spine."

Alessia's expression grew thoughtful, her eyes holding a wisdom that only came from personal experience. "He's not all that horrible, you know," she said gently, her voice carrying a touch of empathy. "We both come from a very troubled past, and the circumstances we endured shaped him into the person he is today."

Her words sparked a glimmer of curiosity within me. "Really?" I asked, genuine interest shining through. "What happened to him, Alessia?"

"I really don't know the details of it, I was so young and Vincenzo doesn't like talking about it."

A heaviness settled in my chest as Alessia's expression dulled, her eyes clouded with a mix of sadness and frustration. It was clear that delving into Vincenzo's past was a sensitive subject, one that held painful memories for both of them.

"Hmmn, how old were you when it happened?" I inquired softly, my curiosity tinged with a hint of envy. Alessia's ability to shield herself from the haunting memories of her past seemed like a blessing compared to the burden of my own vivid recollections.

Her voice held a tinge of melancholy as she replied, "I was seven." The weight of those words hung heavily in the air, a reminder of the shared trauma that had shaped our lives.

I sighed, my heart filled with an inexplicable mix of envy and longing. I couldn't help but feel envious of Alessia's blissful ignorance, the way she had managed to escape the haunting memories that plagued my every thought. To forget the horrors and find solace in a clouded past—that was something I yearned for.

Images flooded my mind, unbidden and unwelcome. The life-altering event that had transpired twelve years ago, when I was just a seven-year-old girl, had left an indelible mark on my soul.

The sight of their lifeless bodies.

The scent of blood in the air.

The coldness that seeped into my bones.

The suffocating darkness that swallowed everything—I remembered it all.

It would have been a relief, a respite from the nightmares that haunted my dreams, if I had been granted the gift of forgotten memories. But life had dealt me a different hand, one that compelled me to carry the weight of those horrifying moments throughout my life.

"Anya, I noticed you don't like cold things, why?"

As Alessia's gaze met mine, her concern etched on her face, I was taken aback by the depth of her empathy. Her simple question about my aversion to cold things had struck a chord within me, unravelling a vulnerability I had long guarded.

I hesitated for a moment, grappling with whether to open up or retreat behind the walls I had built around myself. But something in Alessia's genuine concern and her willingness to listen stirred a newfound trust within me. It was a chance to share a piece of my past, to release the weight that had burdened me for so long.

Summoning a breath, I faced her and mustered the courage to speak my truth. "Something happened some years back," I began, my voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and relief. "Since then, I've carried this deep-seated aversion to the cold."

Alessia's expression softened even further, her eyes reflecting compassion and understanding. "I am so sorry about that," she whispered, her words laced with a sincerity that touched my heart.

In that moment, I realized the profound impact of her simple act—she was the first person who had ever cared enough to ask, to genuinely inquire about the source of my discomfort. It was a small gesture, but it held immense significance to me.

For so long, I had felt isolated, believing that my pain and fears were invisible to the world around me. Zoya and Alek, despite their closeness, had never ventured into the depths of my inner struggles. But now, with Alessia's compassionate inquiry, a glimmer of hope sparked within me.

"Alright, enough of this cold atmosphere. So tell me Anya, do you like Vince?" She grinned.

Alessia's playful grin contrasted with the weight of her question, causing me to pause and reflect on the tangled emotions within my heart. I sighed, searching for the right words to convey the complexity of my feelings.

"I don't," I replied with a sense of conviction, surprised at the immediacy of my response. It was as if my mind had already formed an unwavering shield against any possibility of opening myself up to Vincenzo.

Her frown deepened, her curiosity piqued by my resolute denial. "Jeez, you didn't even hesitate before answering," she remarked, her voice tinged with a touch of disappointment.

I looked at Alessia, my gaze steady and sincere. "Vincenzo scares me," I admitted, my voice laced with a mix of apprehension and trepidation. "There's a darkness within him, a mysterious aura that both intrigues and unsettles me. And he...he hesitates whenever he's around me, as if he's grappling with his own inner demons. And besides, I don't want to fall in love again."

Alessia's eyes narrowed, a glint of determination shining through. "But why?" she prodded, her voice holding a mix of concern and curiosity.

I ended up telling her everything about Zoya and Alek and how they betrayed me. Her reaction was priceless. Finally, somebody is angry for me.

"What the fuck? How could they do something like that? And she calls herself your best friend. What a nuisance." she scoffed.

I smiled widely "You know, this is the first…" I stopped mid-sentence, a sudden jolt of pain piercing through my abdomen, causing me to double over in agony. The wide smile on my face twisted into a grimace, my features contorting with the intensity of the sensation.

Alessia's startled expression mirrored my own inner turmoil. "Anya, are you okay?" Her voice wavered, laced with genuine concern.

My breaths came in short, ragged gasps as the pain intensified, radiating through my entire body. It felt as though a fiery dagger had lodged itself deep within me, tormenting my senses with each passing moment.

"No... Yes... I..." I struggled to form coherent words, my voice strained and shaky. The pain rendered me powerless, my thoughts scattered amidst the chaos erupting within me.

The world around me seemed to fade into darkness as the pain continued to ravage my body.

"Anya, what is happening?" Alessia's voice, filled with fear and desperation, echoed in my ears, but it felt distant, as though coming from another realm.

I coughed, and a metallic taste filled my mouth. Panic surged through me as I instinctively brought my trembling hands to my lips, only to discover the horrifying sight of blood staining my palms. The realization hit me like a thunderbolt, shattering any semblance of composure I had left.

Alessia's terrified expression mirrored my own shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words seemed to dissolve into the void between us. Time slowed, each passing moment marked by the piercing ache in my chest and the growing sense of impending doom.

Dizziness overwhelmed me, my surroundings spinning in a chaotic dance of shadows and blurred shapes. The pain intensified, consuming my every thought, leaving no room for reason or understanding. Darkness crept at the edges of my vision, threatening to engulf me entirely.

Alessia's scream pierced through the fog of agony, reverberating in my ears as a haunting melody. It was the last sound I registered before succumbing to the embrace of the abyss, my consciousness slipping away into the unknown.

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