

In a world filled with secrets and danger, Anya finds herself trapped between her haunting past and a future teetering on the edge of darkness. Struggling with the burden of an unknown illness and a tragic history, she seeks solace within the confines of her fractured heart. But when an attempt on her life reveals a web of betrayal and deceit, Anya's fragile existence is shattered. She learned that she was to be sold to the ruthless Russian mafia boss who was more cruel that her wicked uncle. But when she tried to run away, she ended up in the arms of the waiting mafia boss and that shattered her. The ruthless capo, Vincenzo, unexpectedly becomes her ally, unravelling a side of him she never knew existed. As they navigate through a treacherous underworld, they discover a shared strength that defies all odds. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery, where past and present collide, and the lines between trust and betrayal blur. As they inch closer to the truth, Anya's determination intensifies, and she realizes she is no longer willing to be a victim. She will stop at nothing to expose the darkness that threatens to consume her. In this gripping tale of resilience, love, and redemption, Anya must confront her deepest fears, confront the demons of her past, and find the strength to fight for justice. Will she uncover the truth and find the freedom she seeks, or will the shadows of her past devour her once more? "Tainted Desires" is a captivating suspense novel that explores the intricate dance between secrets, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of a woman determined to reclaim her life. Prepare to be enthralled by a tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final, heart-stopping revelation.

Daoistovr4xe · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



I watched as Anya walked away, her presence lingering in my thoughts. There was something about her, something different that stirred emotions within me I had long tried to suppress. I couldn't deny the effect she had on me, the way she made me feel alive in a way I hadn't experienced in years.

But I knew better than to allow myself to feel. Weakness was not an option for me, not with the enemies that lurked in the shadows, waiting for any sign of vulnerability. My father's mistakes had taught me that lesson all too well, and I couldn't afford to repeat them.

No matter how much I tried to distance myself from her, to remind myself of the past and the pain it held, she continued to invade my thoughts. It frustrated me, infuriated me even. I couldn't afford to have distractions, especially not with Emiliano's presence looming over us, a constant threat to the famiglia.

I had tried using the excuse that her father was responsible for my mother's death, but it did little to quell the inexplicable pull she had on me. The desire to touch her, to be near her, was a battle I fought within myself every time she was in front of me. It angered me, not only at her but at my own weakness.

But I couldn't allow myself to grow soft for this girl, no matter how captivating she might be. My duty to the famiglia had to come first. I needed to protect them, to stay focused and unyielding in the face of danger. There was no room for distractions or weaknesses.

I clenched my fists, a mix of frustration and determination coursing through my veins. Anya was dangerous, not only to my emotions but to the delicate balance I had worked so hard to maintain. I had to stay away from her, no matter how much it tore at me from within.

The famiglia needed me now more than ever, and I couldn't afford to let them down. I had to bury these feelings, to steel myself against the allure of her presence. It was a sacrifice I had to make for the greater good, even if it meant denying myself the one thing that seemed to awaken a part of me I thought was long gone.

I pushed open the heavy oak door to my dimly lit office, the familiar scent of cigar smoke lingering in the air. The room was adorned with rich mahogany furniture, an embodiment of power and authority. As I stepped inside, I was met with the sight of my trusted inner circle—Matteo, Carlo, Nico, and Blanca—standing before me, their expressions stoic and respectful.

"Boss," they spoke in unison, their voices reverberating through the room, as they bowed in deference to my position.

I nodded, acknowledging their presence, and took a seat behind my large, imposing desk. My piercing gaze shifted to Blanca, a woman of unparalleled talent, the deadliest assassin one could find in this world of shadows and secrets.

"What news do you have for me, Blanca?" I inquired, my fingers toying with the edges of a gleaming pocket knife.

Blanca, her raven hair cascading over her shoulders, met my gaze with unwavering confidence. She possessed a rare combination of beauty and lethal skill that made her indispensable to our operations.

"Emiliano does not suspect a thing," she began, her voice laced with a mix of admiration and caution, "but he knows you killed Diego Marino."

I couldn't help but smirk at the revelation. Diego Marino, a treacherous snake, had attempted to undermine our organization and had paid the ultimate price for his betrayal.

"What was his reaction?" I inquired, my voice filled with a controlled curiosity.

A flicker of amusement danced in Blanca's eyes as she recounted the details. "He was livid, Boss," she revealed, her tone tinged with satisfaction. "He was actually using Marino to sell drugs."

"Does he suspect you?" I inquired, my voice filled with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Blanca met my gaze, her eyes revealing a glimmer of assurance. "No, Boss," she replied with a hint of satisfaction, "To him, I am just Isabella."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of concern for Blanca's safety. Emiliano was a force to be reckoned with—an adversary whose ruthlessness rivalled my own. It was not a warning to be taken lightly.

"Be careful around him," I cautioned, my voice laced with a genuine sense of worry. "He is truly dangerous."

A scoff escaped Blanca's lips, followed by a chuckle from Nico, who stood nearby. Her fearlessness was one of the qualities that made her an invaluable asset, but it also worried me at times.

"Like that scares me," she retorted, a flash of defiance in her eyes.

As the gravity of the situation weighed on me, I realized the need for meticulous surveillance. I leaned forward, my gaze fixed on Blanca.

"I want you to watch his every move," I instructed, my voice firm and resolute. "Report to me whoever he meets, wherever he goes—every small detail. I want everything. Okay?"

Blanca nodded, her unwavering loyalty evident in her response. "Yes, Boss."

Carlo, interjected with a question that echoed the thoughts lingering in all our minds.

"Boss, are you going to let him be?" he asked, his voice laden with concern.

A smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. "Of course not," I replied with a determined glint in my eyes. "Emiliano may know I killed Marino, yet he remains inactive. It can only mean one thing—he's planning something. I need to uncover whatever he has up his sleeve."

A surge of frustration washed over me, and I absentmindedly rubbed my forehead. The game had escalated, and the stakes were higher than ever. But I thrived in this world of shadows and secrets, where danger lurked around every corner.

"Nico, how did it go with Maksim?" I asked, my tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and frustration.

Nico's scowl deepened as he recounted the encounter. "The man I sent got himself killed," he replied, his voice laced with annoyance. "Maksim may be the leader of the Russian Mafia, but he's a total idiot."

A smirk played on Matteo's lips as he interjected, his amusement evident. "Are you just realizing that now?"

Blanca shook her head in disbelief, her expression mirroring our collective sentiments. "I really don't understand how he even attained that position," she commented, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and disdain.

I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the absurdity of it all. Maksim, the supposed leader of the Russian Mafia, was nothing more than an incompetent fool—a stain on the name of true leadership.

"Of course, Maksim is a real idiot," I muttered, my voice dripping with contempt. "The stupid asshole doesn't even possess a hint of leadership sense."

"Chirkov is the one handling all of his business," Nico revealed, his voice filled with a tinge of exasperation.

I sighed, feeling the weight of frustration settling upon my shoulders. "Chirkov," I repeated, pinching the bridge of my nose in contemplation.

Nico's explanation continued, shedding light on the dynamic between Maksim and Chirkov. "Maksim wasn't even aware when Chirkov stole from the casino we opened in Russia," he elaborated.

A wry smile formed on my lips. "Oh, yeah?" I replied, my voice dripping with a mixture of amusement and derision. Maksim truly was an imbecile, completely oblivious to the machinations occurring within his own organization.

Nico interrupted my thoughts with another piece of information. "He wants to have a meeting with you, boss," he stated matter-of-factly.

Matteo, always sharp and perceptive, interjected with a question. "Chirkov or Maksim?" he inquired, seeking clarification.

Nico confirmed, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Chirkov."

"Does he know we have his daughter?" Matteo's question hung in the air, carrying an undertone of concern.

I glanced at each member of my inner circle, my gaze locking with theirs. "No," I replied firmly, my voice holding a note of determination. "And I want it to remain that way. Nobody talks, understood?"

They all nodded in agreement, a silent vow of secrecy binding us together. The safety of Anya was of utmost importance, and her existence served as our secret weapon, a bargaining chip should the need arise.

Nico's next revelation pierced the air like a dagger. "He wants you to come and meet him," he stated, the surprise evident in his voice mirrored by the others' shocked expressions.

A surge of anger coursed through my veins, the intensity of it threatening to consume me. The audacity of Chirkov, the nerve to demand my presence after stealing from me—it was a display of arrogance that could not go unanswered.

A twisted smile twisted my lips as I spoke, my voice laced with a dangerous edge. "Wow, Chirkov has some nerve, doesn't he?" I remarked, my eyes ablaze with a burning fury. "To think he believes I would simply go to him on his terms. How interesting."

The fire within me grew, fuelled by the mounting rage and the realization that I had been too lenient of late. The Vincenzo they feared and loathed needed to resurface—a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of unyielding power.

Blood would be shed, a visceral reminder of the consequences that awaited those who dared to cross my path. Chirkov would learn the hard way that I would not be manipulated or dictated to.

"If Chirkov thinks I am coming to him, he better think twice," I declared, my voice dripping with a chilling resolve. "He has stolen from me, and he will pay dearly for his transgressions."

"Don't give him a feedback yet," I instructed Nico, my voice filled with a cold determination. "Let him wait for my reply. If he can't, then he'd better get his ass here."

Nico nodded, ready to carry out my orders, but our conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sudden entrance of Alessia, her tear-streaked face and fear-stricken eyes piercing through the tension-filled atmosphere.

Immediately, my hand instinctively reached for my gun, and I rose from my seat, the others following suit with their weapons drawn. Something was terribly wrong, and Alessia's distress only confirmed my worst fears.

"Alessia, what the fuck is wrong?" I demanded, my voice laced with urgency and concern.

Trembling with fear, she clutched my shirt tightly in her hands, her sobs choking her words. "Vince, please... you have to save her, please Vince," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

My heart clenched as I took in her shattered state. Alessia, my sister, rarely showed such vulnerability, and the magnitude of her distress sent a surge of protectiveness through my veins. I knew that she wouldn't come to me like this unless something dire had occurred.

"Alessia, calm down," I urged, my voice softening as I gently held her trembling shoulders. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened. Who do I need to save?"

"Blood. Vince, she was coughing blood, and she is not moving. Please help her," Alessia pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

I struggled to remain composed, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to grasp the severity of the situation. "Calm down, Alessia," I urged, my voice strained with concern. "Who is bleeding?"

Her words pierced through the air, delivering a devastating blow to my core. "Anya," she cried, her voice choked with anguish. "She is not moving, Vince."

A wave of panic washed over me as I comprehended the gravity of her words.

Without wasting another second, I sprinted towards Anya's room, my legs carrying me as fast as they could. Dread filled every fibre of my being, threatening to cripple me, but I fought against it, unwilling to succumb to despair.

As I reached her door, my hand trembled as I turned the doorknob, revealing a scene that shattered my resolve.

My knees threatened to buckle beneath me, my breath catching in my throat at the sight before me.

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