
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
72 Chs

destruction of the kurama clan/ New Mission

Yakumo's estate:

Rayon right now was sitting down talking to Yakumo who was happy telling him how she was capable of moving now. 

Rayon though was a bit tired as he listened just nodding since he just finally got done fucking Anko who as soon as he woke up was giving him head again so the two of them went another two rounds and she didn't want to let him go he ended up convincing her since she had to do something with Naruko today. 

"Hey are you listening Yakumo". Said a bit irritated at how Rayon was acting towards how her training has been going she could see he was falling a sleep but what really pissed her off was that it was so easy to smell another girl on him. 

"My bad I'm just a bit tired but from what I understand you are making great progress". Rayon told her with a smile which made her mad but she sighed since she knew she had no right to be angry. 

"Fine whatever but yes I have been doing better my chakra control has gotten better I can even run now I am close to being able to move just as a final year academy ninja can". Yakumo said proudly. 

Rayon was impressed her improvement was happening quickly. "That's good since you have gotten the most of your chakra control, we should focus on building you ph... Run everyone has been killed!" Rayon was cut off as Unkai ran in with a Kuna in his chest bleeding out and dying on the spot. 

Yakumo was stuck as she didn't know what to do seeing her uncle die Rayon though jumped right away and grabbed Yakumo carrying her jumping straight out of a window as soon as he did five ninjas appeared Infront of him before he could take off into the forest. 

Looking up Rayon was irritated 'That would be the root'. Rayon said to himself as he saw the mask he pulled out his sword and got ready to fight while holding Yakumo in his other arm.

"Who are they what is going on". Yakumo asked as she saw the ninja and a few of her clansmen dead 'Why is this happening'. Yakumo thought to herself. 

"You are Rayon correct we are only here for the Kurama clan member hand her over or we will take you in as well". Rayon didn't say anything. 

'Yakumo hold on'. Rayon whispered to her and she held on tight to Rayon.

"Flash Of Lightning!" 

Rayon disappeared in a burst of red lightning and ran straight towards the forest of death the root members watched this and followed right away. 

Rayon dashed fast sadly no one could see them as he went around the village and ran past any homes way to fast so he couldn't get nay help even if he wanted it which he didn't it was best if no one knew he was involved with root in any matter. 

After going for 2 minutes Rayon finally arrived in the forest of death where he ran towards where he could sense Anko. 

With Anko:

Anko sensed Rayon running towards her quickly with someone else she was shocked about the situation then she sensed 5 other ninja she quickly ran out of her tree house and went right towards him. 

As soon as she jumped out of her home she saw Rayon and who he was getting chsaed by she ran right past him "I got this". She told him as she ran past him Rayon just nodded. 

Running and going through hand signs "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Two shadow clones appeared and then ran after the ninja who homed in on her now. 

Anko's clones just with Kunai killed two root members with ease as they all seemed to only be chunin level at best while the other 3 that was confronting Anko seemed to be jonin level. 

Anko on the other hand had no plan to fight the three of them at once she instantly began running through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu. 

"Summoning Jutsu!" A huge snake appeared in a puff of smoke swallowing the three-root ninja up with ease. 

Rayon watched impressed Anko seemed to be stronger without the curse mark or she could just use more chakra. Anko then had the snake eat the two dead bodies of the 2 dead ninjas. 

After doing that the snake disappeared and she walked up to Rayon seriously "What's going on". Rayon though just sighed and told her what the deal was since he knew it was better that she knew than not Rayon then tells her all about Yakumo. 

Anko sighs "Fine you can just keep her here I will hide and keep her safe until you do what you need to do". Rayon smiles "Thanks can you train her physically to just when we aren't on missions". Anko sighed but nodded as she didn't want to tell Rayon no even though she didn't want to. 

'Oh, and don't mention Kurenai'. Rayon whispered to her, and she already knew why since her and Kurenai were friends, so she didn't bother. 

Rayon kissed her on the cheek thanking her, but Anko pulls him into a kiss instead. 

Yakumo watching this blushes "Ok stop no need to do that Infront of me". Yakumo said blushing hard and looking at Anko in irritation who just smirked at her as she hugged Rayon. 

"I think she has a crush on you". Anko said Rayon shrugged "I know but until she reaches the Genin level of physical prowess then I won't bother with her". Rayon said aloud making Yakumo who heard this smile. 

They all talk some more, and Rayon tells her what she needs to do mostly about her needing to lay low here with Anko and she accepted. 

She wasn't really affected about her clan dying since her Uncle wanted to kill her before anyway, she was just happy that she could now have a chance to be with her savior. 


Root Base:

With Danzo:

Danzo was sitting down as he just got word from one of his subordinates that the 5 members of root, he sent to capture the Yakumo Kurama girl who he saw was now useful to him. 

"Well, that is of no concern to me of them dying find Yakumo Kurama if she is dead confirm and bring her body". Danzo said as he turned away from the masked subordinate who reported on the Kurama clan situation. 

Danzo turned his attention to more pressing matters such as his deal with Orochimaru. 


With Team 11:

Another day went by and right now Rayon, Anko and Naruko were in team 11's training ground talking. 

Yakumo was not with them since Rayon decided to give her a weak to break so right now, he gave her some books on Yin release that he got from the root although she was a bit disappointed, she couldn't come out with them she understood her situation she also kind of wanted to meet Naruko. 

"Hey Rayon, where were you yesterday". Naruko asked as she didn't see Rayon yesterday at all. 

"I saw you training so hard I didn't want to disturb you plus just watching you is good to". Rayon said making her blush. 

"You are just a pervert Rayon, and you still haven't taken me on a date". Rayon said with a slightly annoyed face. 

Anko grinned "You should take her since Naruko is pouting and being so cute". Anko said making Naruko blush. 

"Ok when I have time but since I haven't been a good boyfriend, I will teach you a new jutsu". Rayon told her to which she yelled happily hugging him. 

Anko looked up in the air as she saw a bird swoop down on them looking at it she told Rayon and Naruko that they should hurry to the Hokage's office. 

They hurried on and when they got there they saw the Hokage looking at them with a serious face. 

"You 3 are to head to the village hidden in the waves and help team 7 now". He told them with seriousness as Anko looked at the scroll and left with Rayon and Naruko. 

Team 11 headed straight towards the gate as they were already prepared since they had all of their weapons already. 

"Let's go we got to save them". Naruko said ready to help. Rayon was happy she didn't single out Sasuke which now made him mad since it felt like they were being pulled into team 7 shit. 

'Well, it doesn't matter I had plans for the land of waves'. Rayon thought to himself as the 3 of them without any more wait took off straight there.