

Aliza was born in a period of subtle darkness. The land had been evaded and saved. Humans were no longer in one place but strived to conquer and protect the world they lived in. The Academy was beautiful a castle like structure that held many secrets, it was haven for some, a blessing for others and a curse for evil. Aliza lived her life in this beautiful dungeon comfortably, she needed nothing. Her life revolved round the castle until it came crashing down. Sometimes it did not matter if one was interested in the things people held high. As long as Aliza posed a threat her free lifestyle and simple retreat was like a lurking leopard in their eyes. Waves and tides change and so does nature but humans remain petty and greedy that it clouds the little humanity left.

Sugarland1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 4

They had finally returned to the Academy before Emma and Jake could run off to the headmistress. Aliza made them split the reward of the mission.

Watching them run off, they ran faster than they did when being chased by the colour beast. It made people wonder if who they feared was the headmistress or their excessive disgust of her.

Sometimes Aliza wondered what she was doing at the academy. she had never fit in and the only people she saw as her friends treated her as a slave.

Forcing down the tears that swelled in her eyes. She turned to June.

" Do me a favour, please "

June stupefied by their actions but it was to be expected. She did wonder why they seemed to be in such a hurry.

Her shock made her miss hearing Aliza question but knowing she spoked to her she asked. " Huh.."

" Please, do me a favour" Aliza asked again.

" Hmm.... What do you need. " She asked.

Aliza contemplated whether trusting June was the right choice but she could not wait around so she needed to take the risk.

Taking a deep breath she asked. "Help me keep my share of the mission. If asked say I owe cause you saved me "

Astonished June remained speechless. Not knowing if she heard Aliza right and if she did. Was the girl in her right senses or did the fall badly affect her.

Even she was not sure she could trust the people she had known or those she trusted on a normal day and here Aliza was trusting an ephemeral teammate.

"Do you know what you are asking?. Tell me have you ever heard of greed. How could give up all your reward. " June reprimanded.

Aliza felt a little comfortable with June's reprimanding tone. " I am trusting you because of greed. If it stays with me, it will end up in the hands of someone else. So please help me. "

The words were vague but it made June understand some partiality was taking place and Aliza's teammates seem to be behind it.

" Fine I saved you but from were." she asked

" Berserk lands, No one should know I was actually the one who led you out, it would give me to much stress. "

" Fine " She agreed.

Aliza pulled out the space ring containing the reward and handed it over to June.

As she prepared to leave her hand was caught by June.

" Let's sigh a magical one contract. The reward would go back to you after you have settled whatever is going on. " While speaking to her she drafted a magical one contract.

Her hand waved in the air and slowly magical ink swirled all around her before settling on the paper. With a big blotch of in at the bottom June signed her initials and so did Aliza.

A magical one contract was one of the most common contract whoever broke it would have to suffer a magical backlash mad it was one sided. It was mainly used to take out loans on stones.

Since June drafted it she took on the responsibility of the debtor. Any magical backlash would affect her.

With the contract in place Aliza was even more at peace and comfortable.

Her mind was at rest but not because of the treasures she left with June but the character that was shown. If nothing happened she hoped June and she could be friends but she knew it was a wish that might never be realised.

Aliza wandered into her dorm and laid on the bed. A few hours had passed since they had come back and since she gave her rewards to June.

Since no one had come to look for her, she slowly drifted of to sleep.

Emma and Jake stood on front of who Emma described as their justice force. Everything about them was ignored but not when it came to them reporting Aliza.

These pretentious treatment made her and Jake understand that there was something special about Aliza that they were not told.

Emma was constantly being infuriated it did not matter if the treatment Aliza got was unfair. It was still attention whether it usually affected her badly.

Eager to give their report their report.

Faces bright as sunshine radiating with happiness they waited. .

Waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting.

They began to get impatient.

" Sir, Is the headmistress in" He asked.

Dressed in black with a white mask. The guard looked down at Jake despite him being the height of the guard. Jake felt like he was staring at a giant.

The guard's memory of students was very few as he paid no attention to them but these set were the among the ones allowed to pester the headmistress.

Even though he had little or no contact with the headmistress, he knew she did not really like them. Their irritating behavior made it obvious how undependable they would be in future.

" No " He sharply replied.

The half of his face exposed did nothing but expose his displeasure in communicating with them.

The sharp cold unfeeling eyes made Jake feel like he was walking on knives.

Taking a step back he slowly moved about six feet away. The huge encrypted rune sword that laid silently by his waist resembled a dragon in hibernation.

His fear was due to the obvious displeasure on the guards face. Jake could slowly imagine how it would feel like if such a sword was dead set on eliminating him.

The cold on the blades would probably plunge the attacked into winter with ice seeping through the bones until the person life is ended.

The presence of the sword shone brighter in Jake's mind as he felt his neck grow cold.

Strangely the guard remained still doing his duty. Everything seemed to be his imagination bit somewhere in his subconscious knew a swing of the sword would decapitate him.

And Jake was not someone to take such risk.

Dragging the oblivious Emma, who seemed to have lost her brains. They had waited here for an hour and she still wanted to wait.

Chills creeped up the guards back. As a cold voice slipped into his ears

" Have they gone back "

Transmitting his voice he replied affirmative.

" Good, Call Edriana "

' pmm.....pmmm.....pmmm.....pmm' The simple tapping sound rang through the room.

Edriana froze in place, she was not sure if the headmistress was in a good mood but watching the guard gesture she should enter.

She just had to bite the bullet despite her fear.

"Good day, Headmistress"

" Edriana, sit down. " The dark haired cold beauty tossed her bouncy hair back as she gestured to the light brown chair.

Gulping hard, tiny sweat beads fell of her face.

"Edriana... " A weird smile appeared on her face.

Her cold brown eyes spoke of no feeling.

Fear gripped Edriana's heart, The way the cold eyes watched her gave her the illusion that the chair below her had turn to pins.

Her voice croaked has each pore in her body stung. " Ma'am , wh....wha.....what do yo..you need ? "

" The plan will be moved forward. Tell her to prepare."

The Headmistress waved her to leave.

Acting like she locked and finally seeing the light she scrambled out of her seat and rushed outside.

As her legs reached the door.

" Wait. Aliza will be considered a normal student from now on. Considering the contributions she has made let her retain her post.

" Tell her to remember not to disgrace me and the reason she was born with stupid fantasy. "

" Yes" Edriana silently whispered and fled into the hallways.

The headmistress smiled broadened as she watched the fleeing back of her liege. Being in control was what made her happy and the fear she struck in the hearts of all around.

Always made her day feel worthwhile.

Soon a tanned face with reddish flowing hair and bright chocolate coloured eyes appeared in her mind. The defiant look was ever obvious even when she had no choice but to obey her.

For the two hundred years plus in which she had existed, she had always strived to hold power and she controlled a lot.

Standing on the Pinnacle of her magic level she was disgusted with any look of defiance even if the look reminded her of herself at that age.

Fast asleep Aliza who was being thought of had fallen onto the clouds of her dreams.

Before her was once again deep blue skies forever clear star filled lighting up the dark.

As usual she was so close but far from the stars. And like the memory of the past her hands starched up to touch it before her brain could react.

Weightless and free she ran after the stars. Twinkling brightly it gave off a feeling of playing with the stars.

Soon the dream as usual was coming to an end.

Her body grew heavier and the skies became murkier like coloured in fog the stars slowly disappeared between the layer of dark thick fog.

Her body like seem to gravity was pulled downwards.

Falling freely in that air she looked around to see if there was anything to be held. It was like those clouds avoided her.

Plunging into the ground. Her eyes blurred.

Swaying gently like a boat she moved between consciousness and unconscious state.

Pain and panic flooded her chest as she folded into a fetal form. In hopes it would reduce the pain.

Her eyes slowly opened and what she saw was not the dorm room she was used too.

Fog..... fog.....fog.

Was all she saw around.

Siting up she was on forest grounds.

On what seemed like a forest floor Aliza sat.

Surrounded on all sides by fog there was no idea of time or concept of direction. The fog filled sky was bland blocking out all the light.

The milky grey fog seeped to bring its own light giving the grounds she sat upon an impression of brightness.

Hands slowly pushing her up the ground she slowly got up ignoring the sharp pains in her chest.

The ground was only filled with sands and not a single animal could be seen in sight.

With each step she took she came closer to the fog. Her eyes peered hoping to observe something perhaps hidden.

More steps were taken until she was close enough to touch it.

Her hands stretched out in front of her and paused.

' No ' She thought.

How stupid would it be if she touched a fog whose history was unknown.

The cautious nature had been engrained in her bones since she was young.

Curiosity was on thing, Carefree was another.

Stuck in a place she is neither aware if it was a dream or she had fallen in a magical illusion. It could be a forbidden spell she had come upon.

The longer she hesitated the more questions came to her mind.

If it was a dream then it was hers but where was the monster that gave her the sense of dread.

Like a pet that comes when called the sincere feeling of dread fell upon her.

Turning abruptly she began to search where it was located.

As usual there was sight of it but the plain fog that gave a neutral feeling soon spoke of dreadful danger.

Deep down her curiosity soon grew stronger making it hard to be well buried.

Sized by the helplessness of waiting in one place she rushed towards the fog she had turned away from.

With her heart in her hand she soon disappeared into the fog.

The ground she left was soon covered with fog.

Aliza never noticed that the fog had been closing in slowly soon leaving no space to move. If she had not gone into the fog. It would have gone over to her.

The busted open as a lady panting came in.

Ashley dropped the book in her hand, Dusting off the wrinkles on dress she stood up and poorer tea for the lady.

Watching her toss the tea down her throat. Her brows furrowed she felt annoyed for the art of tea had been disturbed but considering. She seemed in a hurry, Ashley let go of her disgust towards the mannerless act .

The blonde hair beauty with red eyes stared at her guest quietly as she waited for her to catch her breath.

Her easy relaxed aura made it possible for one to unnerve in her presence. She was like a ray of sunshine during winter and morning sun during summer.

Adjusting herself under Ashley's gaze, she was being careful. It made her want to be the best that she could.

" What do I owe to your visit Lady Edriana " .

It was Edriana the headmistress liege.

Ashley was visibly excited as she knew Edriana only came over when the Headmistress had something important to say

" Well the Headmistress would like you to know that. You will be attending the Academy in a week. "

" Your status will be broadcast to allow easy integration among your pairs. Also she would like to advice you to stay away from the other girl to much clashes will affect the greater plan you are made for. ".

Edriana advised.

Though the headmistress never said a lot it was one of the things you learnt while working with her was to properly understand and explain her messages.

If only she knew Ashley was in a hurry to meet the girl who had stolen her identity. She could imagine the drama and she was not ready to back down.