

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · Película
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40 Chs

Chapter 16- Hunter becomes hunted


The miserable howl of a wolf echoed; just hearing the voice will fill you with anguish, but one man just stood emotionlessly, like nothing that happens will surprise him; after all, this man planned the massacre.

Overlooking the chaos, he willed the pawns to have their fill, not leaving any living being alive. The dying wolf seemed to run out of energy, slowly getting transformed back into his human form, his body full of bloody scars and bones poking out, but the old man only looked across the land, taking in the sights of dead wolves lying across the land, their heads dismembered and hearts crushed.

All of them were dealt with in the most brutal and quick way; some of them were half human and half wolf, showing they were killed between their transformations. The finesse required to do something like this is extremely high because the transformation barely takes an instant.

A handsome pale-skinned man brought a boy and girl, both seemingly unconscious, and laid them in front of the dying man.

The man, seeing his two children, started going berserk; his body was swelling, and hair started sprouting on his limbs.


A man with an otherworldly visage appeared out of nowhere and stomped on the man's spine. With a sickening crunch, the transformation was undone, along with a shrill cry of pain that sounded animalistic but in fact had many humane emotions hidden.

"Calm down," said an ethereal voice, despite the bloody background. Hearing the voice will give you the illusion of being in heaven. The old man seemingly went into a daze before he snapped.

"Cold one," he screamed, picking up a nearby rock and launching it at Jason.

The rock disintegrated as it came closer, before it disappeared in thin air. Seeing this, the old man closed his eyes in despair.

"Alita, oh, my sweet Alita," the old man murmured the name of his dead wife, his eyes searching for the corpse of his dead wife.

"You won't find her body,Jason replied, seemingly knowing his thoughts.

The old man closed his eyes again, this time tears trickling down his face, falling down and mixing with his blood, the scent of jungle mixed with blood and rain wafting across the battlefield.

"None of this would have happened if you had just cooperated with me." Jason kneeled down in front of the dying pack leader.

"But you wolves are just a chaotic bunch; kill first, think later. With the confidence you had, you probably hunted many vampires, but now it's your reckoning," Jason continued, not caring whether the old man listened or not.

Jason stood up, surrounded by his pawns, numbering only 6, showing many had died on the way. Seeing the unresponsive man, he put his foot on the head of his child.

The man finally showed a reaction, frantically extending his hands towards his children, his hands slowly morphing into claws. Jason, seeing it, frowned.


A pawn blurred before it reappeared on the spot with the old man's hand; the hand could no longer be identified as a human hand.

"Arghhhhhh," the old man wailed in pain, rolling on the ground, before his accelerated healing kicked in, clotting the stump. Whether his arm can grow back or not remains a mystery.

"So will you tell me the location of other packs?" Jason asked nonchalantly.

"Never," the man growled. Jason's face remained expressionless before it morphed into a smirk.

With a slight movement of his leg, the young boy's head was crushed into a bloody mess, his bones and flesh coloring his father's already scarlet body.

Before the old man could make the dramatic scream of despair, his own head was crushed, followed by the skull of his daughter.

"Foolish mutts, you should have just agreed to be my slaves." Jason shook his head with a smile. With the location of several packs inside his head, his mission here is accomplished.

Jason looked in the direction of the nearest pack with an evil smirk etched on his face before he disappeared.