
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 13

"Qiao Xi, Qiao Xi!" He Haiyu crawled over and grabbed Qiao Xi's arm tightly like a life-saving straw. His anxious voice changed, "Aunt Ma is gone. I just need to go to the toilet. Just five minutes, just five minutes. When I came back, Aunt Ma was gone. She didn't even bring Tiantian with her. I looked for her everywhere."

Liu Yifeng and the three of them went to help, but He Haiyu stayed with Ma Meiying. She was in the infirmary before. If they hadn't forced her out, Ma Meiying would not have left that dangerous room. Therefore, everyone is not at ease and can understand her grief. The saddest thing in the world is for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person a gift.

Qiao Xi's expression changed: "Have you looked for it on the roof?"

Realizing what she meant, He Haiyu's legs went weak: "No. No, no, I'll go find it right now."

Ma Meiying stood on the top floor of the hotel holding her mobile phone. She was completely opposite to the old Lao Dang Yizhuang. Her whole person exuded a lifeless air, as if all the life had left with her granddaughter.

Tiantian has been making noises about going to the beach, but her son and daughter-in-law are too busy. They both work in large companies and earn millions in salary a year. They are not so busy that they don't even have time to take their children out for travel. It happened that the old sister was going to take her grandson on a trip, so she asked her to come with her, and she agreed.

Why should she agree? Why? If she didn't agree, Tiantian wouldn't be dead, just because of heat stroke.

This thief God does not leave a way for people to survive at all. Solar storms, high temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, it has only been a few days, it has only been seven days, so many life-threatening disasters have happened in just seven days.

Maybe Xiao Liu was right, the thief is going crazy and the end of the world is coming. If it were the end of the world, it might be a blessing for Tiantian to leave early, so that he wouldn't have to suffer sporadic sins. As for herself, she had to take care of Tiantian. Tiantian was timid and would be scared by herself. Besides, how could he have the nerve to go back to see his son-in-law? Without her, an old loser, to drag him down, his son-in-law would be more relaxed.

Ma Meiying climbed over the high railing without hesitation and made a leap for life. Her expression was unprecedentedly relaxed and even a little joyful in the past seven days.

The frightened screams gradually sounded out, and Qiao Xi's heart suddenly jumped, and he ran over following the sound. He Haiyu, who was behind him, staggered and stumbled to keep up.

On the grass outside the hotel, a person was lying in a pool of blood with her limbs twisted. It was Ma Meiying.

He Haiyu staggered and fell to the ground, collapsed and cried bitterly.

Qiao Xi stepped forward to take a look and died on the spot.

The crowd gradually gathered around, sighing and sighing. Some people with numb expressions moved their eyes, staring directly at the horrific corpse, with yearning revealed in their eyes.

Is a person who has lost a loved one and survived alone lucky or unlucky?

The body was carried away by rescuers, and Ding Lanyue and others came after hearing the news.

He Haiyu burst into tears. She blamed herself very much. If she hadn't been negligent, Ma Meiying might not have found the opportunity to jump off the building. The emotions she had accumulated over the past few days completely collapsed at this moment, and she cried until her whole body was convulsing.

Ding Lanyue cried so hard that even the two grown men Liu Yifeng and Huang Canming couldn't help but have red eyes.

Qiao Xi didn't cry. She was busy bandaging the wounds. The deceased was already dead, so crying would not help. To say another cool word, it is neither a relative nor a friend. There is definitely sadness, but it is not to the point of being sad. Looking at the past, there are all corpses. If everyone is sad, a heart will be riddled with holes.

After she finished her work and sat down to rest, Liu Yifeng came to her and said, "Aunt Ma has a last message for us on her cell phone. Do you want to listen to it?"

He thought that the person who committed suicide might leave a few words, so he searched in Ma Meiying's duffel bag. His phone was unlocked, and when he opened it, there was a video.

Ma Meiying's face in the video was so calm that she was numb.

"Xiao Qiao, Xiao Ding, Xiao He, Xiao Liu, and Xiao Huang, you are all good children. Auntie and Tiantian are very grateful to you for taking care of them these days. Auntie is so shameless to ask you one thing, please try your best to treat Tiantian Take the ashes back home and give them to her parents. Her father's name is Bai Hongfei, his mobile phone number is 135XXXXXXXX, her mother's... home address is... her parents are in good condition, and they will definitely thank you.

Please, people in our country are all about returning to their roots after falling leaves. If you really can't give it to her parents, please take it home and find a place to bury it. I left a message on my phone for Tiantian's father, and I would like you to take it back with you. I have a gold bracelet and a gold necklace in my bag, more than 40,000 baht. It's not much. It's just a little thought from me. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble. "

Liu Yifeng's eyes were red: "Tell me, why do you think Aunt Ma...at least, at least waited until she returned to China to see her son for the last time."

Qiao Xi's voice was a little soft: "I'm too desperate and too scared."

Some people live for themselves, and some people live for others.

Ma Meiying is the latter. She lives for her granddaughter and her son. It's easy to guess her mentality based on what she said these days. She has always regretted taking Tiantian to travel abroad. She was afraid that she thought she had killed Tiantian. She did not dare to face her son, so she chose to die to escape.

Similar news appears every year, and the current bloody deaths will intensify this despair and make people have the urge to commit suicide.

Later, the hotel management announced that the hotel was severely damaged and could no longer be occupied, so people would be arranged to escort tourists from various countries to the embassy in the evening. Since the roads were damaged by hail and could not be driven, everyone had to walk to their destination.

The second thing the administrator announced was that there were too many dead and the weather was hot and the bodies should not be left for a long time. Therefore, they could not be cremated individually and could only be cremated collectively. The families asked for their understanding.

The family members could not understand, and they cried heartbrokenly around the staff, but no matter how much trouble they made, they could not change this cruel result.

"How could this be like this? How could they do this? If we add more money, can't we just add more money?" He Haiyu cried again. Ma Meiying's suicide broke her last psychological defense line and became her emotional outlet.

In fact, she was not the only one who collapsed. The disasters that followed one after another were overwhelming, and there was no room for breathing. How could someone who grew up in a peaceful era adapt to it?

Liu Yifeng tried to persuade him tiredly: "This is not a question of money, but a serious shortage of manpower and material resources. We must follow the authority when urgent matters arise."

He Haiyu understood the truth. She was just sad and even more scared. She couldn't understand how the world could become like this.

After registering the relevant information, all the bodies will be transported away, and the sealed ashes will be delivered to the family members later.

It was getting dark, and dinner was a box of self-heating hot pot and a coconut. It was richer than ever, and it was more or less meant to relieve shock, but no one had the appetite to taste it.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the heat subsided and the transfer of foreign expatriates began.

There are 137 people in Qiao Xi's team, including men, women, old and young. The team leader is the same staff member who received Qiao Xi before. Seeing her, Qiao Xi was a little happy. It was great that she was still alive.

The street had been briefly cleaned up, but it was still full of devastation. The glass doors and windows of the shops along the street were smashed by hail, billboards, lights and even part of the roof were missing. Street trees and street lights that were blown off by the strong wind were lying in the middle of the road.

Just looking at this street, Qiao Xi deeply felt that the end of the world was really coming, and the efforts of mankind for decades or hundreds of years were so easily destroyed.

"Will our country be like this?" Ding Lanyue looked at Qiao Xi with trembling eyes.

Qiao Xi's voice was steady: "Plane crashing in the city is a small probability event, and thunderstorms are also a small probability event. We are the only ones in this city who are unlucky. The situation in China is definitely better than here."

Ding Lanyue was startled by her determination, and then nodded vigorously: "We are the only ones who are particularly unlucky. The domestic situation is definitely not that bad."

The people nearby who heard me echoed incessantly, saying that whoever has no relatives in the country is not concerned about him, communication is interrupted, and he is unable to contact him. He is simply worried and feels more uncomfortable than being in danger himself.

The road was not easy to walk, and we needed to rest along the way. We also had to take care of the physical strength of the elderly and children in the team. After walking 23 kilometers, we arrived at the gymnasium next to the embassy. It was already past five in the morning.

The embassy could not accommodate tens of thousands of expats, so it borrowed a nearby gymnasium from the local government.

As soon as they saw the embassy staff, everyone quickly asked if they had any domestic news.

It's true that the embassy's satellite phone briefly contacted Beijing and the city, and the last time was at 9pm on the 11th.

Just like here, domestic power communications are also in a state of complete paralysis. Fortunately among misfortunes, up to that point in time, there had been no disaster as big as the local fire in the country. Although there were some minor disasters, they were all under control.

"... Please rest assured that our people's soldiers have been stationed in major cities to maintain law and order... The difficulties are only temporary, and we will definitely send everyone back home safely... The straight-line distance from the nearest point to our border is 918.28 kilometers, so everyone can rest assured..."

Qiao Xi carefully observed the other person's expression and felt that he was not lying to appease people. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

The country is good, Beijing and the city are stable, with a big tree at my back to enjoy the shade, my parents' safety is guaranteed. It was reassuring to be reassured, but I still had to return home as soon as possible. Although the staff said it was easy, in fact, given the current predicament, it is not an easy task to bring tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people back to China.

After more than ten minutes of comforting work, the people who had traveled a long distance were arranged to have breakfast in the restaurant. There was no limit to the white porridge, and the limit was one steamed bun. They had their own choice of vegetable and meat buns, and everyone chose vegetable buns.

Qiao Xi asked the staff who came down from the air: "Hello, do you have the route map of the KM International Highway?"

The eldest sister with a red armband looked at Qiao Xi: "Want to drive back by yourself?"

Qiao Xi smiled.

The eldest sister advised earnestly: "Many people have come and asked, but the superiors have said that you cannot go alone. Today is different from the past. We don't say that the road conditions are bad, but just say that the safety along the way is not guaranteed. After all, we are abroad and not at home." "We are unfamiliar with the place and things can easily go wrong. So don't act without permission. Wait patiently for another two days. The leaders are already making detailed plans for driving back to China. We have been waiting for so many days, so we don't need to wait for these few days."

Qiao Xi secretly thought that it was a mistake. Being too responsible is also a burden, but it is definitely better than an irresponsible country.