
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Chapter 14

After breakfast, people who came from afar were arranged to the basketball gym on the second floor, which was packed with people. Conditions were limited, so many people were lying on the ground.

After driving for more than nine hours, we were obviously very tired, but not many people could sleep. The disasters we witnessed during the day kept replaying before our eyes, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Those who lost relatives and friends in the disaster could not help but cry quietly, more like catharsis. There was the first cry, and soon there were the second and the third... Someone was woken up, took a look, and said nothing. In the face of the disaster, no one was still sad.

Qiao Xi felt that being able to cry was a good thing. If Ma Meiying could cry happily, she might not go to extremes. Except for one collapse in the infirmary, Ma Meiying didn't cry or make trouble, which was actually very inconsistent. But her mind was on other things at the time. If she had paid more attention... She shook her head. There was never an if in this world. Gather your mind and focus on the chats of the people around you.

It was almost seven o'clock now, and many people were awake and talking silently. After listening for a long time, during lunch, she finally heard what she needed. A group of self-driving tourists came to the local convoy.

When traveling by car, she downloads electronic maps and also brings paper maps with her to guard against accidents without internet access, especially when traveling to relatively less developed areas.

From China to M city, you have to pass through LW country and most of T country. LW's country is relatively backward in development and has low network coverage. Within country T, City M is undoubtedly an international metropolis, and the surrounding cities are also very prosperous and developed, while other cities are quite backward. According to common sense, self-driving fleets will prepare relevant maps just in case. I wonder if this fleet is prepared?

Seeing that the group had finished eating and picked up the bowls and chopsticks to leave, Qiao Xi also picked up the bowls and chopsticks and stood up. He said to Ding Lanyue and the four people sitting together: "I have to leave beforehand. You guys eat slowly."

The words are still there, but the person has left.

Liu Yifeng wondered: "What are you so anxious about?"

Ding Lanyue swallowed the cabbage with bland soup: "If something happens, something must happen. With her ability, she can't suffer any loss. If we follow her, she might be held back."

Liu Yifeng: "..." Although it is true, but it is said so straightforwardly, is it really okay?

Huang Canming looked at Qiao Xi who was leaving quickly, pursed his lips and said, "The table diagonally across from ours just now seemed to have driven here from China. Qiao Xi should have gone after them, probably following the map. of."

Ding Lanyue suddenly realized that they had discussed it privately, and they all felt that once Qiao Xi was lifted from the ban, he would probably find a way to return to the country without waiting for the embassy's arrangements. What does it mean for a talented person to be bold? This is. As for them, they don't have the guts. The road ahead is unknown and people's hearts are unpredictable. Only by clinging to the lap of the country's father can the helpless losers like them have the greatest chance of survival.

Putting the dishes and chopsticks in the recycling window, Qiao Xi followed the people in front of him and left the dining area, catching up with the group in the corridor with few people.

This group of people is a self-driving tour team in Ningcheng. There are eight cars with 20 people in total. They are all young people in their thirties. The leader is Yang Chaolai.

Yang Chaolai looked at Qiao Xi who was standing in front of him with confusion, and found that she was quite beautiful. People share the same love for beauty. He smiled: "Beauty, what's the matter?"

"Brother, I want to ask you something." Qiao laughed and handed the cigarette box forward. The tip of the man's index finger and middle finger was slightly yellow, which is a characteristic of old smokers. It has been corroded by the chemicals in cigarettes over the years. .

Yang Chaolai's eyes lit up. He had smoked out all the cigarettes he had brought, and there were still a few packs in the car. However, in the chaos, the car was abandoned halfway on the road. Who knows where it is now.

He was not polite and took the cigarette. When Qiao Xi was dispersing the cigarette, everyone else took it regardless of whether they smoked or not. If he didn't smoke, he could give it to his buddy. Even the women who were traveling with him were not polite.

A pack of cigarettes was just finished.

Yang Chaolai's expression became even gentler as he was short-tongued: "What do you want to know about?"

Qiao Xi got straight to the point: "I heard that you drove here from China. Do you have a road map?"

Yang Chaolai was not so surprised that she wanted to ask about the road map. It had been several days since the accident. After the initial panic, some people had come to their senses and planned to return home. We couldn't count on planes and ships, and the embassy didn't move so quickly. Naturally, we thought of driving back by ourselves. Therefore, there were always waves of people asking them about the route back home in the past few days.

"You should have asked the staff. The superiors don't trust us to act alone, so they have also given us a greeting and not allowed us to tell you."

"I understand the good intentions of the superiors, but I really don't trust my family." Qiao Xi didn't believe that they would be so honest. Whatever the superiors said was what they said. It only depends on whether the conditions they gave are enough. "Please do me a favor. I am very grateful." "

Of course Yang Chaolai is not that honest. They have exchanged a lot of money and things based on this road map in the past few days.

In the end, Qiao Xi exchanged two packs of cigarettes and 10,000 Tbaht for the opportunity to take photos of the road map, as well as some of their oral experiences along the way.

After returning home, Ding Lanyue asked a few people casually, and Qiao Xi conveniently shared the route map with them.

Liu Yifeng looked at Qiao Xi: "Now that you have a map, do you plan to return to China as soon as the ban is lifted?"

Qiao Xi nodded.

Ding Lanyue couldn't help but advise: "I think it's better for you to go with the people from the embassy. They have already said that if the flights cannot be resumed, they will arrange for everyone to return home by car."

Qiao Xi: "I can't wait that long."

Ding Lanyue knew that the embassy would not just leave, but she still advised: "Would it be unsafe for you to be alone? Although we all know that you are very powerful, you are still alone."

Knowing that she had good intentions, Qiao Xi smiled and said, "I know it well."

Huang Canming suddenly asked: "Do you have a car?"

"I have a friend in the local area. Her neighborhood was not affected by the disaster. She has a car." Go back and find an underground garage, go in for a walk, and then drive away with the car you took out of the space.

Huang Canming beamed with joy when he heard this: "Then I'll go with you. I'm a man after all, and I'll be more or less useful on the road."

He Haiyu looked at Qiao Xi eagerly: "Me and me! I can pay. My home is in a mountain city, just on the way to Beijing, which is very convenient. After sending me home, my parents will definitely thank you very much. "

Ding Lanyue and Liu Yifeng were stunned. Didn't they say before that they must cling tightly to the lap of the country's father?

Before was before and now is now.

He Haiyu Huang Canming had never encountered a thunderstorm before, but he could still remain calm. After experiencing thunderstorms and witnessing the deaths of tens of thousands of people, especially the deaths of Ma Meiying's grandparents and grandchildren who lived with them day and night, they were frightened and panicked. They just wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. They deeply feel that the feng shui of this place is not good. There are fires and thunderstorms. Who knows if there will be another disaster tomorrow. They can't be so lucky every time and escape unscathed.

Qiao Xi looked as usual: "I'm sorry, my friend's family will most likely have to leave too."

In times of peace, she wouldn't mind being a free ride driver. However, it was the end of the world now, and she didn't know if she would encounter danger on her way home. If she encountered a thunderstorm like yesterday again, she could hide in space if she was alone. But there are other people in the car, how to hide?