

For as long as anyone can remember, the dragons have always been at the top of the food chain. Humans who once feared the dragons started worshipping them as they gave them protection from demons and other races. Well, that was untill the failure of the ascension of the Dragon Emperor. Because of his failed attempt to Godhood the Dragon Emperor went mad and disrupted the peace. To stop the Dragon Emperor, his younger brother sealed him in the core of Dradevows and is ever since protecting the seal That's where Karl's comes in, chosen by God for being an anomaly which threatened earth he was transported to another world, a world full of magic and a world with the Dragon Emperor sealed in it's core. ========================================= AUTHOR HERE GUYS, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A NOVEL ENGLISH ISN'T EXACTLY MY FIRST LANGUAGE. SO DON'T BE TOO HARSH, IF YOU FIND ANY MISTAKES JUST COMMENT BELOW PLUS I DON'T OWN THE COVER, IT WAS A COOL ART I PICKED UP ON PINTEREST, SO IF ANYONE WANTS ME TO REMOVE IT JUST SAY SO ALTHOUGH ITS AN ISEKAI, THERE WILL MOST LIKELY WON'T BE ANY HAREM AND IF YOU GUYS MIGHT THINK THAT THE MC IS OP THAN WAIT TILL YOU GUYS READ ABOUT THE DRAGONS

Gracelessking1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs


"Wonderful!, As expected from my son",said the man sitting at the end of the table.

Soon cheers turned into applause as everyone on the table joined in,even the servants started clapping as if it was the most wonderful thing in this world.

"Thanks Father,I guess all those late night lessons paid off", Karl said as he handed the violan to the servant who gracefully took it as if it was the most valuable thing he had ever held in his hands.

"Preposterous!, it's because of the Elric blood which flows in your veins. Now come and join us for dinner.",Said John Elric as he raised a glass of champaign towards his son.

<It's always the Elric blood,huh,never my own efforts.>. Karl thought as he clutched his knuckles turning his hand white.

The servants watching this sighed in there hearts. The all knew how the young Karl felt. They were there when no one else was. Watching him struggle day and night just to find his father's approval. Which never came.

<Lord John never cared for his children. He only sees them as a political tool to further his influence.>, Thought the head Butler as a sigh escaped his mouth.

He knew about his Karl's troubles and he also knew that John would never admit his son's efforts Infront of so many people and will always blame it on talent and bloodline to further flaunt his Household.

"No father, perhaps another time. I'm feeling quite under the weather today so if you don't mind may I take my leave?". Karl said as he bowed down to all the applause.

When he looked back up,perhaps it was due to his poor eyesight or perhaps something else. But he could he sworn he saw his father's eyebrows twitch a little.

"Of course my son. You may leave and have a good days rest. I will have the servants take food to your room." John said with the most benevolent smile on his face as of he was the most kind man in the world.

But Karl as well as everyone else in the room knew that it was all a facade,he never cared for his family, after what happened to his disabled sister Victoria, as she was used as a bargaining tool by his father for his powers expansion. His older brother and also the renowned heir to the Elric bloodline fled the country.

Just to escape from his father's crutches and to start a new life from scratch. He knew that if he wanted to find happiness,either he had to do what he did or kill his father in a way that the blame won't come back to him and he becomes the family head. But he was too sacred to get blood on his hands, especially his father's so he chose the former.

As Karl was walking towards his room his brain was spinning it's gears to get out of this household. Now that today was his sixteenth birthday he was now considered an adult. Now he could travel the world and do whatever he wanted. At least that's what he wanted,but he knew the world wasn't as easy as he seemed it to be. He needed money and a place to live. If he ran away from his house he couldn't just depend on his family.

So he had thought up a way to make a living.

Because his family was rich, he decided to turn himself towards a pro gamer. His friends at school introduced him to the game league of gods.

It was your typical MMORPG. Later Karl found out that he was quite at the game. He quite liked the idea that you could just measure your strength through stats and levels. It proved how hard you had worked. After building himself a name in the community he had started his own mytube channel and he had gain over 2 million followers. but he didn't use his real name nor had a face reveal.

After he closed the door to his bedroom and properly locked it. He laid down on the bed.

He felt exhausted. As if he had fought the entire world but it was just his family's presence which annoyed him.

Before going back to sleep. He suddenly got up and took of his shirt and threw it on the floor and started doing push-ups. If anyone else had seen how chiseled and lean his body was they wouldn't even believe their own eyes.

On the outside. Karl looked like a gentle boy which could be broken if someone bumped into him too hard. But he was one of the most powerful beings in the world. As Karl was sheltered his entire life. And never got into a tussle with anyone. He didn't know what the norm of strength was in his world.

After doing the push-ups, he started doing squats and later bench press. After about an hour of working out.



Karl stopped doing the work out as he looked up in the air. Most people would think that he is staring at the blank space. But there was a semi-transparent window floating Infront of his eyes.











"Allocate all SP to strength" Karl said as he sat down on the bed with a towel in his hand.

He always felt refreshed whenever he worked out and got more SP. He didn't remember when during his life it happened but he started seeing this floating window Infront of him. At first he thought that it was some kind of hallucination caused by some sort of illness but after checking with many doctors and psychiatrists. And taking many months of medication it didn't go away.

Then he started to think that it was all I'm his head when he got the first quest.

[Simple Quest:

Do 100 pushups

Do 100 sit-ups

Do 100 squats


At first he dismissed the idea. At the time he didn't know what stat windows were and he was obviously oblivious to this kind of stuff but curiosity got the better of him. After doing the first 100 Pushups, he felt like puking. His body was soar all over and it started cranking and he couldn't move for days. But after the first quest, he felt refreshed. He felt like he was at the top of the world. It was an addictive feeling. So he started doing the quests on a daily basis now his strength was unmatched.

After showering in cold water and drying himself up. He again looked at the status window. <It's about time, only 4 more minutes left>

Ever since he received this system,which Karl named it after reading a certain comic.

A timer appeared at the corner of the semi transparent window. And now it only has 4 minutes left.

Karl was both scared and excited at the same time. Scared because he didn't know what was going to happen and excited because he was expecting something to happen. So he could get rid of his boredom and stress.

<3.... 2...1...>

As soon the timer reached zero, Karl was holding his breath. He was expecting the world to shatter or something magical to happen.

A system which randomly appears out of nowhere and grants a person power by them simply doing mere training. He couldn't fathom what more it could be capable of if just by training he got this strong.

A minute passed, then another minute passed. But nothing happened. Karl was holding his breath and he started feeling lightheaded from all the pressure.

"What!, Where's my power boost that I was going to get. Where's my harem and my other world adventure " Karl thought out loud.

Even though no body promised him any thing or any world adventure. Karl had his expectations.

If he couldn't fight monsters or other worldly beings then how was he supposed to level up?

<Isn't something supposed to happen,like what happens to those manga protagonists>Karl who had invested himself into manga and anime after getting into the gaming community had seen a couple of Isekai anime where when the timer reached zero the main character would be transported into a fantasy world where he will kill the demon lord and bring world peace and will have a harem at the end.

<That's a fools wishful thinking>Karl thought as he got ready to fall asleep in his bed.

{That's some quite imagination you got there. I never expected for someone to be so right and so wrong at the same time. }

As Karl was about to sleep a voice was heard in his head and he quickly got up and readied a fighting pose.

<What!!, I clearly remember locking the door so how could someone get in?>.

{You think a measly door can hold back a GOD.

You crack me up }. The voice said this time snickering.