
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs


[Powerful enemies detected]

[Instant level up for each enemy defeated]

The notifications popped up immediately after Liam had shot his massive fireball at Rokene. The notifications made him become even more excited. "If this is my reward, then things are about to get more exciting!"

The group realized that the demon had disappeared right before the fire could hit him, so they all began to ready their spells for the imminent clash. Massive fireballs and water snakes could be seen forming in front of the group. A couple large boulders could also be seen forming to protect the group from any oncoming attack. The thing that made them worry slightly was the speed that the girl could produce with her lightning magic.

Jupiter saw the spells from the group starting to form and knew that the only way that she could really do anything would be to hit them from different directions as fast as possible, so they couldn't block them quickly. She activated her movement spell while also charging a few of the rocks that she had just picked up in her hands. She proceeded to disappear from her spot to appear directly behind the group to launch a couple rocks at the larger lady with the earth magic.

"If I can take her out, then they won't have their shield to protect them. If I can't take her out, I can at least distract her while Rokene picks them off."

The small charged rocks flew at a blinding speed and hit Veronica in the back of the head. Veronica fell forward while letting out a loud grunt, having no idea what just happened. She jumped back up as fast as she could while holding her right hand to the back of her head. Once she got back to her feet, she checked her hand and was able to see that it was covered in blood.

"Direct hit! I can do this!" Jupiter thought to herself while jumping with excitement.

This pissed Veronica off, knowing that she took her eye off the less dangerous opponent. Her face scrunched up in anger as she began to make the boulders grow in size to cover the group from all sides to keep that from happening again. The only spots the boulders didn't cover were directly above them, and below. The surprise hit made her forget about the fact that the demon could pop up above their heads.

Rokene was standing back while watching Jupiter do her thing. Pride began to swell up within him towards the girl who was so weak when they first met, land a solid blow against experienced hunters.

He was doing more than just watching though. He also had to dodge the incoming fire balls and water snakes that were being launched in his direction.

When the boulders began to cover the group from almost every angle, he wondered how they planned on attacking while having a constant shield in place. He was amazed when he saw that small parts of the boulders opened up so that the hunters in the front could launch their attacks, only to close back up as soon as they were launched.

"They must be sensing my presence through my power to know exactly where to send their spells."

Rokene decided not to go on the offensive just yet, so he could keep an eye on Jupiter to see how she was doing. When he was able to see an opening in their defense, then he would strike. Until then, he just continued to drop into his shadow and move to another spot a distance away to avoid the spells directed at him.

"hopefully they will use up too much of their mana here soon. That way, this fight will get exponentially easier, and Jupiter and I can take our sweet time taking them out one by one."

Jupiter continued running around at top speed, trying to find an opening in the defensive wall, but was only able to find one when it would open up to release one of the spells cast by the offensive hunters inside. The timing to get something through that barrier was tight, but it wasn't impossible to exploit. She began to run near Rokene so that she would be able to take advantage of the spells being aimed at him. After watching several rounds of attacks launched and the barrier closing, she finally began to adjust to the small window that the opening allowed.

"After the next round of attacks, I'll make my move." She thought to herself.

She continued to move around as fast as she could so that she would not get caught up in the volley of attacks that were being launched. Finally, after the next round of attacks began, she was able to see a small opening in multiple spots of the boulder. She had already been charging up a few rocks with her lightning so that she would be prepared for this very moment. Before the small fist sized openings had the chance to close, small rocks shot through to disrupt everything going on inside that little fortress.

Jupiter was overjoyed to see that she had actually accomplished that difficult feat. She was even more thrilled when she heard grunts and screams coming from inside the boulder. "That was awesome! Of course, now they will probably try to target me." She thought while moving away to create some distance.

The rocks that made it inside the openings, managed to cause a good bit of chaos. One struck Liam straight in the hand, which caused his middle and index fingers on his right hand to be blown off completely. Another one snuck past Liam and Vincent to strike Veronica on the jaw. Her jaw didn't fall apart like Liam's fingers, but it did manage to break it. That was just enough to cause her to drop the defensive structure surrounding them. One rock flew straight towards Callan, but only managed to graze his cheek. A large gash opened up on the left side of his cheek, but that wasn't enough to stop him.

As soon as the defensive wall fell, Rokene knew that it was his turn to play. The evil grin that he was wearing when this all started, returned to his face as he allowed his power to flow freely. Large balls of different elements began to form around him as he prepared to test his new strength out fully.

Hey guys, I know this is coming out really late and I don't have much of an excuse other than just being burnt out. I believe I will just slow down my releases to a few chapters a week for now on. Hopefully that will make things a little easier for me moving forward and will still allow for the story to progress.

mel0ncreators' thoughts