
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

military competition

"Yes, Taoist Leader Lin left," the soldier replied with a respectful nod.

General Zhang looked over the gathered soldiers with a stern yet encouraging gaze. "Report the gains from the cultivation training," he commanded.

As the soldiers stood before General Zhang, they eagerly shared the gains they had achieved under Taoist Leader Lin's guidance.

First to step forward was Sergeant Li Wei. With a determined look, he recounted how his Qi Refining realm had soared to the 3th level, breaking through the bottleneck that had previously eluded him. He had also honed his martial techniques, now wielding the Five Thunder Technique with exceptional precision, creating thunderous bursts of energy that left his opponents trembling.

Next was Corporal Zhang Ming, whose talent in elemental spells had blossomed. He demonstrated the Golden Light Curse, a spell of blinding radiance that left spectators dazzled. His control over the talisman arts had also improved, creating protective talisman barriers that withstood even the fiercest machine gun attacks.

Private Wang Jun, a once timid and reserved soldier, spoke of his newfound confidence. Through his training with Lin Fan, he had practiced the Heavenly Eye, allowing him to perceive the subtle energies and luck in his surroundings. His once uncertain steps were now guided by an intuitive awareness, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.

And then there was Lance Corporal Chen Xin, who had achieved a breakthrough in his body's cultivation. His tyrant Body, already 10 times stronger than average human, had further improved under Lin Fan's guidance. He demonstrated his enhanced physical prowess by effortlessly climbing a nearby mountain bare-handed, leaving the audience in awe.

After the reports, General Zhang turned to his second-in-command and said, "Very well. Now, let's select the best talents among the soldiers to showcase their prowess to others. We shall hold a competition with other units, allowing them to witness the difference that proper cultivation training can make."

The soldiers stirred with excitement, knowing that this competition would be an opportunity to prove themselves and represent the Northern Fleet. The general's decision reaffirmed their belief in the significance of cultivating their talents and honing their abilities.

General Zhang stood tall and composed as he entered the grand hall where the higher-ups of the military awaited him. The room was adorned with regal decorations, reflecting the power and authority of those gathered within. As he approached the long, ornate table, he felt a mix of nerves and anticipation, knowing that the outcome of today's competition would be a defining moment for the soldiers under his command.

At the head of the table sat Admiral Wu, a stern and distinguished figure who commanded great respect from the military. On either side were other high-ranking officials, each with their own area of expertise and influence. General Zhang took his place at the table, his eyes meeting those of the other generals with a sense of purpose.

"General Zhang, we are eager to hear your report on the progress of your soldiers under Taoist Leader Lin's guidance," Admiral Wu said, his voice deep and commanding.

General Zhang cleared his throat and began to speak, recounting the impressive gains made by the soldiers during their time with Lin Fan. He detailed Sergeant Li Wei's breakthrough to the 3th realm of Qi Refining, Corporal Zhang Ming's mastery of elemental spells, Private Wang Jun's awakened Heavenly Eye, and Lance Corporal Chen Xin's incredible physical strength.

As he spoke, the other generals listened attentively, their interest piqued by the soldiers' achievements. General Zhou, the head of the Ground Forces, nodded in approval, recognizing the importance of cultivation in enhancing the soldiers' combat abilities.

"I must say, General Zhang, the progress your soldiers have made is remarkable," General Zhou remarked. "It is clear that Taoist Leader Lin's guidance has been invaluable in honing their skills. Such accomplishments bode well for the Northern Fleet."

General Zhang nodded gratefully, acknowledging the impact of Lin Fan's teachings. "Indeed, Taoist Leader Lin's expertise in cultivation has brought about significant improvements in the soldiers' abilities. Their dedication and hard work have been commendable, and it is an honor to witness their growth."

General Wu, the head of the Naval Forces, leaned forward, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Tell us more about Taoist Leader Lin. What manner of cultivator is he, and what is his attitude about the military and the country?"

"Let us observe tomorrow's competition closely," Admiral Wu said, his tone decisive. "If the soldiers' performance meets our expectations, we shall proceed with our plans to make the entire government cultivator."

The other generals nodded in agreement, their anticipation building for the upcoming competition.

As the meeting concluded, General Zhang felt a renewed sense of purpose. The future held immense potential, and he was determined to lead his soldiers to victory in the competition, showcasing the true power of cultivation and its impact on the military.

General Zhang proceeded to describe Lin Fan's background as a talented young cultivator, his unique abilities, and his fateful encounter with the Northern Fleet during his journey. He recounted how Lin Fan's dedication to helping others and his strong sense of justice had led him to become an invaluable asset to the military.

General Li, the head of the Air Forces, raised an eyebrow. "It is rare to find someone of Taoist Lin's caliber willing to lend their talents to the military. I trust you have plans to retain his services?"

The next day, the selected soldiers from the Northern Fleet assembled in the training ground, ready to demonstrate their skills. Lin Fan's teachings had instilled a newfound confidence in them, and they were eager to show the results of their training.

As the competition began, the soldiers showcased their martial techniques, unleashing elemental spells, and demonstrating their improved Qi control. The power and finesse displayed by the Northern Fleet soldiers left the spectators in awe and admiration.

Other units, once skeptical of the significance of cultivation, now witnessed firsthand the immense difference it made in the soldiers' abilities. They marveled at the skill and determination exhibited by the Northern Fleet, and their respect for Taoist Leader Lin's teachings grew.

General Zhang watched with pride as his soldiers excelled in the competition, their capabilities shining brighter than ever before. He knew that this victory was not only a testament to their hard work but also a tribute to Lin Fan's guidance.

The success of the competition solidified the Northern Fleet's reputation, not only as formidable warriors but also as cultivators with great potential. News of their achievements spread throughout the martial world, drawing attention and respect from other sects and organizations.