
You Are No Longer My Match.

'How am I supposed to have a steady income of natural treasures after I leave the galaxy?' Felix grinned.

"You have your wagers." Prince Domino eyed Felix coldly, "Let's fight."

"No rules?" Felix inquired as he covered himself in void suit.

"No rules!"


Just like a starving wolf, prince Domino charged towards Felix at his fastest speed while being completely encased in black flames.

The instant he reached Felix, he used his insane momentum to swing his deadly claws at Felix's neck, hoping to decapitate him.

'So slow...' Felix mumured casually as he eyed the incoming flaming claws in slow motion...Electricity was running through his eyes, implying his use of lighting quick reflexes.

Felix moved his head slightly to the side, evading the claw's strike like it was thrown by a child. Then, he tightened his right fist until his veins were about burst.