
Chapter 37

Clark rejoined Peggy and the two deviated to her office as she needed to pick something up. Clark took a moment and sat down in a chair when Peggy walked over and curled her fingers into his hand. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yes. Yes, I'm fine." Clark assured her.

"Clark, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Especially since it's something you don't really do, your secret being the only exception. What's wrong?" She asked him.

"It's just that this war isn't going at all like I thought it would. I first realized that when we rescued Mussolini and then with Schmidt's new laser weapons. I was worried, believe me I was but this is something else entirely." Clark tapped his Kelex Watch which made the faceplate glow. "Kelex, tell Peggy what you told me."

"Yes, Kal-El. I was able to run an analysis on the meteor radiation and composition while Kal-El was indisposed and have come up with a potential origin and explanation." Kelex then began to form a liquid geo hologram for visual aid. Peggy watched, enraptured by the technology as seeing it truly was a spectacle. The liquid geo hologram showed the Planet Krypton which exploded. Pieces of debris of the planet were then scattered and sent throughout the universe. "After Krypton was destroyed, a tremendous amount of energy was emitted from the planet's core which in turn radiated the remnants of the planet. These remnants of Krypton were then scattered, traveling across the universe and my calculations suggest that it is more than likely that some of it arrived on earth in the past two millennia. It is likely that these fragments of Krypton were exposed to other elements as they made their travels such as cosmic background radiation, white dwarf star energy or any one of a dozens of energies and radiations that exist throughout the universe."

"So, Kryptonite isn't just a fancy name but a purposeful one. Kryptonite was once a piece of the planet Krypton but radiated into what it is now. And it's why it only affect me because I'm Kryptonian." Clark told her.

"This Kryptonite emits a very unique radiation signature that has incredibly powerful exothermic properties, explaining why it is being tested as a power source for weapons, but that very unique structure makes it harmful to a Kryptonian. Given that both originated from the planet Krypton, both possess a similar wavelength of energy, but Kryptonite's harmful radiation is poisonous resulting in severe weakness and loss of power for Kal-El. From my analysis, long enough exposure to Kryptonite can be fatal. I advise extreme caution if you encounter this material again, Kal-El." Kelex warned him.

"Thanks, Kelex." Clark tapped his watch and Kelex returned to his quiet standby mode. Peggy took a moment to absorb all that information. Kryptonite was truly the one weakness in Clark's indestructible armor and was the one thing that could kill him

"Ok. Ok…so you're right to be worried. This just means it's more important for us to find the rest of the Kryptonite that Savage had, and Von List has and destroy it. Now that we know what we're dealing with we can prepare in advance. You said it only started affecting you once you removed the lead cover so perhaps Howard can construct you some lead covering or lining for your suit to help protect you from the radiation. Don't worry, Clark. Next time you'll be ready." She promised but saw the look on his face. "What is it?"

"Growing up, nothing could ever hurt me. When I was in high school, I stuck my hand in the tractor's blade and all it did was cut up my shirt. When I fought that Blockbuster, there was a part of me that was afraid…beyond terrified. I never bled before but there was another part that felt alive. Is that weird?" Clark asked her as she grabbed a chair and sat down next to him.

"No, no it isn't. I've felt that many times. When I went to rescue Dr. Erskine, it was both fear and adrenaline that got me through it, but I was ready to do whatever it took to get him out, even die if I needed to." Peggy said to him.

"But that's the thing. Deep down, even as the Blockbuster monster punched me in the face…there was a part of me that knew I would be ok. And I was. Even when Schmidt hit me with his energy gun…I think deep down that I knew it would hurt but I would be ok. And I was. But lately…with the Kryptonite, Savage had me at gunpoint in his lab. He beat me, kicked me in the ribs, and stabbed his knife through my hand to pin me to the floor but when he had that gun pointed at my face, I really thought I was gonna die there."

"But you didn't." Peggy said, holding his hand with hers.

"I know but, in that moment, it felt like it really was over. But as I tried to get free, to stop him before he could pull the trigger there was only one thing I was thinking of. In that moment…all I could think about was you. You, Margaret Elizabeth Carter…was all I could think about." He held her hands in his hand and gazed at her with looks of love that any woman could only dream of. "I know I've said it before but now I know beyond a doubt that in my heart I believe it. I love you."

Peggy smiled and leaned in to kiss him. They shared a tender kiss before she pulled away. "And I love you."

The two resumed their kiss and it got a bit more passionate. Thankfully, they both had the sense to vacate the premise or else they would have done some very unprofessional things in Peggy's office. Clark ended up taking Howard's offer at the Ritz Hotel and for one night, he and Peggy spent another beautiful night together. Hopefully, they will have more in the future. Tomorrow they would get back to work but they also needed to find time to decompress and enjoy themselves if they were going to make it through the war.

Line Break xxxxx

It was the next morning and Steve walked into the SSR to meet Howard Stark. He had assembled his team much like Clark did, choosing his own men and they ended up being people he already knew. The obvious pick was his best friend Sergeant James Bucky Barnes. The two were thick as thieves and had gone through life together and now they were going to do the same during the war. Some of the other people on the team were members of the 107th like Bucky and the rest were men they met in the Hydra camp. Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier made up the team. Three members of the 107th, another from the 5th Army, one British army soldier and one French Resistance. An odd assortment of men just like Clark's but they were ready to fight. Now Steve was in the SSR to meet with Howard about getting some new gear. The plan was that Steve's team would work with the 107th like Clark's Taskforce Vanguard but they would be given more specialized equipment as they would be a specialized taskforce. They had already come up with a name. The Howling Commandos.

Clark walked through the base to find Steve, going to take him to see Howard as well. There was a smile on his face after the amazing night he had with Peggy. He truly loved that woman and he just wished that last night didn't end. He turned the corner and the smile on his face turned into an amused smirk as he saw Steve Rogers kissing Colonel Phillips's aid, Lorraine.

"Ahem…" Clark cleared his throat causing Steve and Lorraine to pull away. "I was coming to get you, Steve but it's clear that you're busy. I can come back later if you want?"

"No, sorry." Steve wiped his mouth of Lorraine's lipstick and straightened his uniform, following Clark as Lorraine gave him a playful wink. "Kal, that's not that you thought it was."

"Hey, Steve. No judgement here. No doubt your popularity has helped you find someone special. Lorraine is nice if a little flirty. Hope you can handle her." Clark quipped.

"Thanks, but that wasn't something serious. That was more just her being friendly." Steve replied and Clark chuckled.

"Very friendly." Clark remarked as he opened the door to the lab, and they walked in. The scientists and engineers were busy at work but when the two heroes walked by, they smiled or gave them looks of acknowledgement. "Well, don't worry. If Lorraine doesn't work out, then you'll find someone who will. Take it from someone who had his own issues with women growing up, the right one will find you. I didn't find Peggy, she found me."

"You're a lucky man, Kal. Peggy is definitely special." Steve praised.

"Yeah, she is. I'm not entirely sure what's gonna happen in this war but I do know that when it's over I want to be by her side." Clark swore.

"Then it sounds like you've got a lifetime in the military then, Kal. Career soldier? Maybe be a general someday?" Steve suggested and Clark immediately shook his head no.

"As much good I've done here, I only volunteered because of the war. When we win…if we win…I don't think I could see myself staying around. Maybe, get back to a life of peace and quiet after all this is over." Clark hoped as they walked through the lab.

"Sounds nice. What would you do?" Steve wondered.

"Head back home, for sure. Take over my father's farm and do what he did." Clark said as he fondly remembered his father and growing up in Smallville. "I know I've traveled to New York, Washington DC and now Europe but I think I'd be ok with going back to Kansas, taking over the farm and just settling in for peace and quiet. After everything I've done it'll be nice to not have to use my hands for anything war related."

"Sounds like a good plan. And Peggy?" Steve wondered.

"If she'll still have me, I'd like her to come with me but knowing her I'm not sure how the farming life will treat her. She's got a spirit of adventure and I know she's doing great work here at the SSR. She may want to continue doing so after the war, but we'll handle that when it arrives." Clark answered. "What about you? What kind of girl will catch Steve Rogers' heart?"

Steve gave it some thought before he answered. "I'm not sure. After years of girls avoiding me it's hard to know what I'm looking for but…someone not afraid to say what she means and stand up for what she believes in. Someone smart and strong but it doesn't have to be physical strength. A kind of inner strength is most important."

"A good heart. Well, birds of a feather tend to flock together so you if know it, you will. Who knows, maybe she'll find you." Clark told him and Steve nodded. They walked through the lab to find Howard and his various lab assistants working on something. Howard was running some tests on the blue energy weapon cartridge Clark had taken from Hydra's lab using a pair of precision tools to safely conduct his observations while it was inside a secured chamber. Howard was so focused on his tests that he didn't hear Clark and Steve walk up to him. "How's it going?"

"Geez!" Howard jumped and turned to see it was Clark and Steve. "Careful there, Kal. You'll give me a heart attack. Rogers."

"Mr. Stark." Steve greeted him.

"Howard, please. Not one for formalities. Sorry but I've been running tests on the energy cartridge you took from Hydra." Howard replied, as he focused back on the task at hand.

"And?" Clark wondered.

"Well, I'm one of the smartest men on the planet and I have no idea what this stuff is." Howard used the controls to guide one of the precision tools inside the chamber. A pair of pincers removed a tiny blue glowing energy orb about the size as a droplet of rain. "Emission signature is unusual. Alpha and beta ray neutral though the scanners have picked up low-level gamma radiation but nothing too crazy. Seems harmless enough. Hard to see what all the fuss is about."

Howard moved the other precision tool over to it to try and crack it open but the second the electric pincer made contact the energy droplet exploded violently. The chamber contained the explosion, but it blew open the safety glass by the door and the impact sent Howard flying back. Everyone had ducked for cover, but Clark stood there completely fine. The shattered glass glanced off his skin with no problem as he walked over to Howard who had some singe marks in his hair but was fine, just knocked on his butt. "See it now?" Clark wondered.

"Write that down." Howard told his assistant and Clark helped him up back to his feet. Steve and Clark waited in the lab as Howard cleaned himself up a bit. He walked out of the bathroom after washing his face and throwing out his lab coat. "Well, that was definitely something. Good thing we have those other Hydra weapons. I'll need to work on a sturdier testing chamber though."

"Might I suggest you also make sure to avoid have any hazardous chemicals nearby?" Clark said to him.

"Right." Howard nodded as they walked from that lab to the other one where the SSR scientists were working on all the gear and weapons Clark and his team would use and now so would Steve and his team. "I got to say, Steve. We've got some pretty exciting things to show you. It's actually lucky you're coming now. We've managed to get some early testing done on everything here thanks to Kal and his team. Now we've perfected the designs and equipment so we can make sure you and your men do not get killed."

"Glad I could be a lab rat." Clark quipped and Steve chuckled.

"But the best kind. The more you and your team use the equipment in the field the more we're able to learn from any mistakes or adapt to the changes." Howard led them over to a table where engineers were crafting a new kind of fabric material. "Case in point, we've managed to improve our original carbon polymer designs with the addition of intricately woven graphite fiber. The process is a pain in the ass, but it's increased the tensile strength and elasticity by 87%. No way a German Bayonet will get through this and given your enhanced strength and speed we've come up with small, thin steel plates you can wear underneath the armor. It's not a lot but it could help save you from a stray bullet or one of those blasts from a Hydra weapon if this is any indicator. I hear you're kind of attached."

Howard tapped Steve's USO triangle shield which was pretty much bent in half after being hit by two shots from Red Skull's energy pistol. "It's handier than you might think." Steve admitted.

"I took the liberty of coming up with some options." Howard led them over to a table where various kinds of shields were laid out. Some more advanced than others but all could prove useful. "What do you think, Kal? You want a shield?"

"No, I'm ok. It's not really my thing." Clark said.

"Oh well." Howard walked over to one in particular. "This one's fun. She's been fitting with electrical relays that will allow you to…"

"What about this one?" Steve picked up one from underneath the table. It was very basic. Just a round circular shield.

"No, no that's just a prototype." Howard told him and when Steve held it up, he noticed something very unusual about the weight.

"What's it made of?" Steve asked.

"Vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent." Howard told him as Steve slipped it on his left arm. There was something he liked about it.

"How come it's not standard issue?" Steve wondered.

"That's the rarest metal on earth. What you're holding there, that's all we've got." Howard answered. "But that's only half the shield. The other half I can't take credit for as it came from the help of Dr. Myron MacLain, a metallurgist working to develop an impenetrable substance for tank armor. The alloy's still in its testing phase but his goal is to create an incredibly dense material stronger than steel. Now, unfortunately the metal alloy process is far from ideal, and the results aren't better than what we normally get but MacLain sent me a sample. I ran some tests and combined it with the Vibranium. The results of which are what Steve's holding. Its aerodynamic properties are better than the best planes and its resilience is second to none. From all the tests I've run it appears to be virtually indestructible. Penetration, extreme temperatures, and even radiation. Nothing can seem to damage it. I'd wager that this is about as tough as you are, Kal."

"Do you mind?" Clark asked Steve who handed him the shield.

Clark placed it on the ground and stood over it as Steve, Howard, and everyone watched. Clark gave the shield a quick glance with his X-ray vision and then focused more. It was at that moment he discovered a new power or more accurately a subset of an existing power. Microscopic vision. Clark's eyesight was beyond impressive and greater than a human as he could see vast distances away with his telescopic vision and see through everything except for lead with his X-ray vision. By focusing the muscles on his eyes in a manner similar to his telescopic vision, he developed it into microscopic vision which allowed him to focus his sight and zoom it on an object with incredible clarity and precision similar to a microscope but even more precise and greater strength. Given that he inadvertently triggered a new power he wasn't sure on how much he could see but in that one brief moment he saw a metallic structure and cluster of atoms that showed an incredibly dense structure. His quick glance with his microscopic vision lasted about two seconds but it gave a clean enough view to commit going through with this little test. If Howard was right, then this shield could take a lot so it should be able to handle one of his punches. Not at full power but enough.

Clark clenched his fist, brought it back and punched the center of the shield. Everyone heard a loud metallic clang that rang out all throughout the lab and permeated the entire floor. Steve, Howard, and everyone covered their ears as the sound was so intense and powerful that it hurt. The shockwave created shattered nearby glass beakers, shook the ceiling lights and knocked over small equipment and papers. That little display surely put everyone in the base on alert but one of the scientists alerted the MPs who then alerted others, so the entire base wasn't put on lockdown. Steve, Howard, and the others peaked over to see that Clark was fine as he dug his hands into the ground and pulled the shield out. The impact of his attack punched the shield into the ground about an inch but despite his strength the shield was completely fine. Not so much as a scratch or dent.

"That is the same kind of strength I use to punch through the toughest armor of a Tiger Tank. Not so much as a scratch." Clark walked over and handed it to Steve. "I think this will do you just fine."

"Yeah." Steve held the shield and saw there was no mark or damage. Vibranium sure was powerful. "What was the name of the alloy Dr. MacLain was working on?"

"He called it Adamantium, or at least that's what he wants to call it." Howard walked over and checked the shield with his own eyes. No damage. "Maybe adding on a new metal is the key to this stuff. I'll let him know. Take care of that, Rogers. It's the only one we got."

"I will." Steve then reached into his pocket and handed him a small slip of paper. "I had some ideas about the uniform."

Howard looked it over. "I'll get to work on it."

"Where did you get your Vibranium, Howard?" Clark asked him.

"In Wakanda. I was going through Africa on a small tour of the country when Hitler began his invasion of Europe. I met the local chief Azzuri, and he gifted me a small meteor fragment of Vibranium. He said a small meteor crashed onto their land a long time ago, and it was Vibranium. It was their most prized possession. I tried to say no but he said it was a gift and that the piece he gave me was the last of it. I honestly felt bad. They were such a poor country of native tribesmen and herders, but they gifted me a meteor. I left behind some gifts and money as well. Hopefully it helped." Howard replied.

"You're sure you got all the Vibranium?" Clark asked for clarification.

"That's what he told me so imagine my surprise when I saw those papers and analysis on Vibranium that you got from Schmidt's lab. I thought I got the last of it on the planet. Not sure how Schmidt got his hands on enough of it to run some tests." Howard answered as Clark thought back to that day and remembered how Savage used a spear to nearly kill Logan. It produced some kind of powerful sonic shockwave that blasted through a reinforced concrete wall. It was similar to what he just did now. Vibranium was vibration absorbent meaning it absorbs energy, but it doesn't just go away. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another. What just happened was a prime example. The shield took the energy from Clark's hit and converted it into sound waves which rang after the impact and the shockwave of air. Perhaps that spear was made of Vibranium and Savage converted it into a kind of sonic weapon. "What is it, Kal?"

"I think Schmidt and Savage did have a sample of Vibranium. In his lab, Savage used this kind of spear, and it produced a shockwave, similar to what just happened now. Maybe he got his hands on more Vibranium to make that weapon and after running some tests on it he and Schmidt made plans to go find more. Schmidt and Savage had plans on staging a mission down into Africa to go to Wakanda and get more. That kind of metal in their hands would be dangerous." Clark said.

"But that's impossible. I got the last of it." Howard reminded him.

"You got the last of it from that chieftain but who's to say that's all the Vibranium there is. He said it's a meteor, right?" Clark questioned and Howard nodded. "Then there could be more in Wakanda, and he might not know. There could be more in the rest of the country but considering the maps I saw Hydra and Savage were gonna start their search there. And if they do then they won't make a shield."

"Savage and Schmidt wouldn't send an army down to Africa, not with the Allied Forces having secured the northern part of the country." Howard said.

"I wouldn't put it past Schmidt. He managed to get his men into Brooklyn and one of them came as a personal guest of Senator Brandt. Schmidt would have the resources to get them through undetected." Steve suggested and Clark agreed with his assessment.

"From what I saw it wasn't going to be an army. A team of Hydra specialists and a company from Savage's SS detachment. Around 200 men at the most but with the energy weapons we saw then they could steam roll through any force in their way." Clark added.

"Ok, yeah. I'm starting to understand the serious problem. Well, we can't just drop down to Africa now on what Colonel Phillips would assume is a fools errand." Howard pointed out.

"Peggy and the Colonel have Allied bases and assets on alert in the African and Mediterranean region. If Schmidt and Savage were going to get to Wakanda they'd need to get to Africa first so hopefully they'll find something." Clark hoped.

"I have a few contacts in the area. I'll give them a ring and tell them what's going on. Maybe they can find something for us to go on." Howard offered.

"Good. And unfortunately, until we get more intel on the places on the maps and Colonel Phillips says so, we just prepare." Clark said.



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