
Supergirl: Between Two Stars - Book 1

Prepare to be immersed in a showdown between the invincible Supergirl and her most dangerous adversary yet - Maxwell Lord. National City faces imminent doom as Maxwell's sinister schemes threaten to take apart everything Kara Zor-El holds dear. With her strength and courage Supergirl must confront the changes around her to save her beloved city. Love, friendship, and determination are the factors in a battle against a mastermind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As the tension escalates, will Supergirl triumph over Maxwell Lord's malevolence? Join our hero in this defining moment as she stands as the last line of defense in a battle that will decide the fate of National City and the world.

Daoist0wNd4K · Cómic
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22 Chs


Maxwell sat in the backseat of the car, clutching his toy train tightly. His father, Trevor, was driving, and his mother, Judith, was beside him. The windows were open as they drove through the green neighborhood. Trevor and Judith hadn't said a word since they got into the car. They weren't good at giving lectures. Maxwell usually didn't get into trouble at school, but fifth grade had proven to be challenging.

"Son," Trevor said cautiously, breaking the silence, "you know you can't repeat what happened today at school."

"I know, Dad. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Cross my heart," Maxwell replied delicately.

"Max, we'll enroll you in a new school, alright?" His mother turned to face him, instilling confidence in the young man. "We were already planning on moving to another city, anyway," she explained naturally, not wanting to make a fuss. "You'll be starting a new school in a few days. And this time, we"ll find one where you can work on your models," she added, smiling.

"Thanks, Mom, that sounds awesome! Can I join a club too?" Maxwell asked excitedly about his new opportunities.

"We'll see. But I don't see why not. Right, Trevor?" Judith sought confirmation from her husband.

"Of course, but you can't be getting into trouble at school, Max. That was the last time," his father warned him.

"Okay, okay. I'll behave. Which city are we moving to?" Maxwell quickly changed the subject.

"We're moving to National City. It's a big city, and I'm sure we'll find the type of activities you enjoy doing, Max. The government wants us to work in a more modern lab," Trevor said proudly.

His parents were both doctors who held important positions in the government. They often shared stories about how they first met, but to Maxwell, it seemed like a rather ordinary tale. Nevertheless, he didn't want to disappoint them and listened attentively. According to their story, they had encountered each other in the library while both wanted the same book they needed for a paper. To solve the situation, they agreed to share the book, alternating between even and odd days. Over time, they became study buddies and their connection grew beyond academic needs. Eventually, as Maxwell's parents continued sharing their story, he couldn't help but notice the romanticized nature of it. It seemed as if they were recounting scenes from a passionate love story rather than a simple encounter in the library. Their narratives had excessive details, which sometimes raised suspicion in Maxwell's observant mind. He found himself mentally taking notes each time they retold the story, searching for connections or inconsistencies that might reveal deeper truths. He enjoyed doing that and came to the conclusion they loved each other deeply. He started to use this technique on other people to check if they were honest and trustworthy. Unfortunately he discovered that most people lied quite often. 

Although his parents openly shared this personal side of their lives, they rarely spoke about their professional work with Maxwell. However, he was aware that they were engaged in highly significant research, dedicated to helping people. Intrigued by their mysterious activities, he secretly investigated and discovered that they were involved in covert research related to biological warfare.

Maxwell was not an ordinary kid. His inventive mind was always racing, and it was difficult for him to relate to his classmates. His parents didn't mind and knew he was above average. To keep him away from trouble and stimulate his brain, they presented Maxwell to the world of science. They noticed he liked building things and the only thing that could ease his eagerness for knowledge was his model trains. Building them, creating mock-up cities, and purchasing new sets was the only thing that could smooth his behavior.

"Max, we know you're not a bad kid, but you have to stop doing things like that when someone mocks you. They just don't understand how marvelous you are. You were able to send Amanda's parents to jail. It took days for the police to figure out what really happened. You can't use your brain to hurt people. Is that clear?"

"I'm sorry, Mom. I won't do it again," Maxwell held his train tightly. He knew that if his parents were called again, they might get rid of his model trains.

His mother reached out and touched his leg kindly, saying, "I love you, Max."

Maxwell was grateful that his parents were well-educated and understanding, unlike some of his classmates and teachers who didn't seem to appreciate his inventive mind. He loved his parents and would try his best to avoid upsetting them with his mischievous behavior in the future.