
Supergirl: Between Two Stars - Book 1

Prepare to be immersed in a showdown between the invincible Supergirl and her most dangerous adversary yet - Maxwell Lord. National City faces imminent doom as Maxwell's sinister schemes threaten to take apart everything Kara Zor-El holds dear. With her strength and courage Supergirl must confront the changes around her to save her beloved city. Love, friendship, and determination are the factors in a battle against a mastermind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As the tension escalates, will Supergirl triumph over Maxwell Lord's malevolence? Join our hero in this defining moment as she stands as the last line of defense in a battle that will decide the fate of National City and the world.

Daoist0wNd4K · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 - Autumn Sol

In the heart of National City, the rhythm of life flowed smoothly. After weeks of peacefulness, the city's streets were busy with the ordinary tediousness of daily existence. In this peaceful atmosphere, Kara Danvers found herself at ease. Pedestrians walked casually, lost in their own worlds of everyday concerns, while vehicles navigated the streets steadily. The autumn sun radiated warmth, spreading a golden shade over the urban landscape. Towering skyscrapers, often victims to the usual destruction, now stood tall and proud, reflecting the newfound serenity.

For Kara, the break was a welcome change. The pressure of imminent threats and the constant fear of disaster had momentarily paused. CatCo Worldwide Media, where Kara started as a junior reporter, was usually a hive of activity. Yet, today it was in a state of organized chaos. The departure of Cat Grant, the striking force behind the company, had sent ripples of change. With a sabbatical declared, the management of the empire was handed over to James Olsen, who was recently appointed CEO.

As Kara walked through the streets, she felt the energy of the city all around her. National City, which had faced many challenges in the past, was now peaceful. Its diverse population created a melting pot of people enjoying their regular lives. The city combined modern skyscrapers with charming coffee shops, mixing new and old in a unique way.

As she arrived at CatCo, Kara Danvers was ready to welcome her role as a novice reporter. She was even happier that Cat Grant had forgotten about her for a couple of days. Cat's usual sarcastic comments were concentrated on James and the executive staff. She would walk around and glance at James with a smirk. James would understand her body language and nod shyly knowing that Kara was getting the kicks with this situation.

"I bet five bucks James will quit his position before the day is over," said Winn Schott Jr, Kara's best friend and creator of the Supergirl uniform.

"Don't be so mean, Winn," Kara smiled.

"Uh uh," he said, holding back his laugh. "Cat is going to drive him crazy even before he gets to be the big boss." Winn said.

"Okay, you're on." Kara shook Winn's hand. "James isn't going to give up. He can take the heat."

"Talking about the weather… What is up with the sun? It's really hot for this time of the year. Even the air conditioners can't work well enough," James approached his friends. James usually loomed over Winn and Kara. The 6'2" man seemed shorter today, probably because he was leaning over, tired and underslept. The last few days weren't easy on him.

"Hey, James. How ya feeling?" Winn was having a blast. The two men once disputed Kara's heart and had some quarrels.

"To tell the truth, I'm exhausted. I think I will quit after lunch." James said tired.

"There is no shame in quitting, you know. It is only human. And Cat Grant is not human. No offense, Kara," said Winn, tapping Kara's head gently.

"You guys are betting, aren't you?" James asked happily, heightened annoyance evident.

"Noo, noo," both friends denied the bet, but not convincingly.

"How much?" James asked.

"Ahhh, five bucks." Both Kara and Winn replied. 

"Five dollars?!" cried James. "I thought you would at least have the dignity of betting higher. Who's betting against me?"

"Kara is," Winn pointed at her as fast as a speeding bullet. Kara was appalled and protested.

"I would never, never bet against you, James. Ever!" Kara said.

"Yeah, but you did, for a mere five-dollar bill. Shame on you, Kara."

Kara was about to advance on Winn when their jolly chat was sharply interrupted by the sensational media mogul Cat Grant.

"Keera, James, IT guy Winnie. Let's go, in my office. Not a minute to waste." Cat said.

"At least she didn't call me Loney this time," Winn whispered in fear.

The trio entered the spacious office, TV screens flashing the news, some focusing on the city's weather, some others displaying people at Rio's beaches. It has been a dull week. Cat Grant took a long look at the future of her empire. The soon to be CEO, James Olsen was a tall and fit African American man, with an attractive physique. He often wore stylish and well-fitted shirts that accentuate his muscular build, making him look elegant. In the middle there was Kara Danvers, a striking figure, with bright blue eyes that shimmered like the ocean on a sunny day. Kara had high cheekbones and full lips, she represented the epitome of natural beauty, radiating a warmth and kindness that drew people to her like a magnet. Deep down Cat knew Kara was in for greatness. And finally, Winn, he was a lean young man with an impish grin and a mop of short hair that seemed to defy gravity. Despite his lanky frame, he moved with a quickness and agility that contradicted his modest appearance. All in all, Winn was a charming and endearing person, with a heart of gold and a knack for trouble.

"Sooo, looks like you three will be running things here pretty soon." Cat gave them a dreadful look.

"Miss Grant, I…" Kara tried to say something, but Cat raised her hand quickly and the message was taken. Kara made a quick grimace and stood still.

"Do you know what's wrong with this picture? I see the three of you, doing nothing. And why is that? Let me tell you right away, my dears. Nothing is happening, absolutely nothing. The news is showing people on Brazil's beaches. For God's sake! Why aren't you dinging up a story, any story?" Cat asked.

Kara and Winn nervously jerked, trying to get out of the office. James smiled and promised to get a story before she left CatCo Worldwide Media.

"Kera, just wait, young lady. We need to talk." Cat warned Kara.

Kara held onto Winn's arm, but he quickly disentangled himself from her. She was surprised to see that Winn could be as strong as her when he needed to.

"Kera, how are you doing, sweetheart?" Cat interrupted her.

Kara was about to reply, but she was interrupted by her boss again.

"You have a new responsibility. You'll be the new voice of the free press. You're playing in the big leagues now."

"Yes, Miss Grant. I know. I'll do my best." Kara said, tensing up.

"No Kera, your best is not enough. You'll have to do better than that. And you have to deal with Snapper Carr's short-fused temper. If I may give you some final advice…"

"Sure thing." Kara was expecting a long speech about journalistic ethics, or how dumb she was, or even threaten her to go back to her former job in the company.

Cat came closer, holding the young woman's hands.

"I have faith in you, my love," she said, looking straight into Kara's eyes. Her voice had an endearing tone, such as a mother talking to a little girl who still needed to understand her own potential.

Kara felt a rush of blood going up her face. She could feel her cheeks warming up. She wouldn't cry, not in front of her boss.

"Kera, when you are finished blushing, go out there and bring me a story that isn't about sunny weather." Cat said, and they weren't holding hands anymore.

Kara nodded and Cat left the room leaving the novice reporter lingering in her thoughts.

Kara let out a deep sigh as she adjusted her square glasses, the weight of the moment settling on her shoulders. With Cat Grant gone, she was on her own. No more hand-holding or backup plans to bail her out of tough situations. It was a sink or swim moment, and for the first time in her life, she felt like a true adult, ready to take on the challenges of the world.