

"Upstairs? There's more?" Aldrich asked the girl.

The Chrysalis nodded with vigor. "Yes. I built using the blocks I had, all the blocks that were a part of this thing you call a 'soul'. So it won't be new to you, but it's better than this place, I promise."

She came by Aldrich's side and looked up at his hand. He was too tall for her to take a hold of his hand, so she settled with just grasping at the fabric of his pant leg. Like a lost child.

"Okay, let's go," said Aldrich. As soon as those words escaped his lips, something happened in the jail cell.

In the thick darkness of the cell where the light of the eye above did not reach, movement flickered. Aldrich tensed up in immediate alarm. He tried to call upon his magical energy, but found that he could not.

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