
Super Dimension Raiders : Batman (Marvel/DC)

Check my New Book Translation : Start by Controlling Batman" This is a Fan Fiction. (Marvel/DC) Author Name : Royal Astonishment. Every Credit Goes to Him. I Like the Story that's why I am Translating it. Changing Su Bai ---> Sam _________________________________ Sam devised a multidimensional strategy to provide growth tactics for the characters in various movies and comics, and these strategies have been witnessed by people from all corners of the globe. Batman exclaimed, "What? The Joker murdered Rachel and turned Harvey into a disfigured man? That damned Joker... I'll make him pay! It appears that I won't compromise my principles, and there are numerous ways to deal with him!" Superman pondered, "General Zod plans to attack Earth? Will the Joker kill Louise? I too fell victim to Doomsday... Is there really a way? I seem to have no weaknesses!" Iron Man cursed, "Damn Thanos. I can defeat Thanos as long as I acquire all the Infinity Stones, but what about the Soul Stone? Is there a means to obtain it?" Professor X contemplated, "Is this the future of mutants? And is this the future of Magneto and myself? It seems there exists an alternative approach to resolving the mutant crisis..." The King of Angels, Keisha, mused, "Karl's ambitions are vast, so he wishes to eliminate me in this manner... Can we counter his strategy in this way?"

Rafi_Mohd · Película
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19 Chs

SDR : Ch 7 : God Loki? What a weak God

This is how Iron Man transformed from being an arms dealer to becoming a crime-fighting superhero.

Although this pivotal moment was significant, it wasn't unfathomable. Everyone couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions as their perception of Iron Man underwent rapid changes.

Initially, Iron Man's adversaries were mere ordinary terrorists and tech-savvy criminals. However, in a sudden twist, his foes shifted to Loki, the God from Asgard.

The shift from a science-fiction backdrop to a fantasy setting left everyone astounded

"The Mischief God Loki? Asgard? Are there truly gods in this world?" Batman exclaimed, utterly astounded for the first time in a century.

Even Superman was taken aback: "Are there Gods among us on Earth?"

Being an extraterrestrial himself, Superman was aware of the vastness of the universe and the existence of other intelligent life forms. Yet, the presence of a God was beyond his comprehension.

Wolverine coughed on the smoke from his cigar, his disbelief evident.

Professor X, in shock, even spat out a sip of wine.

The existence of mutants in this world was already astounding, but now there were Gods too?

Wolverine muttered, "Can it be true? Are there really Gods?"

Having lived for hundreds of years and witnessed countless bizarre phenomena, Wolverine still found it somewhat difficult to accept the notion of Gods existing in the world.

Professor X even pondered if they themselves were mistakenly perceived as Gods by others due to their mutant abilities.

However, the one most shaken by these revelations was Iron Man himself.

My sole purpose is to combat terrorists at most, and my formidable adversary is a power-hungry individual akin to Obadiah Stane.

Now, am I expected to confront Gods?

Have those days come to an end?

The video footage shifts to New York, revealing vast voids hovering above the city. Countless Chitauris pour out from these hollow openings, riding their chariots towards New York. Artillery fills the skies, reducing the entire city to ruins.

In the video, Iron Man takes to the air, wielding his weapons chaotically, shooting down one Chitauri fighter after another. Then, an enormous spaceship resembling a colossal fish emerges from the opening.

This sight sends shivers down everyone's spine. The size of this thing is immense, larger than an airborne aircraft carrier, and its mere shape exudes an overwhelming sense of dread.

Subsequently, a multitude of Chitauri chariots emerges from these enormous fish-shaped spaceships.

A wave of despair washes over everyone.

Iron Man then descends from the sky, accompanied by several unfamiliar individuals.

There's a robust man dressed in blue and white attire, holding a shield.(Captain America)

A seductive and glamorous woman with red hair brandishes a pistol.(Black Widow)

A muscular blond man adorned in armor, wielding a hammer and wearing a red cloak.(Thor)

And there's also a sharp-witted man with short hair, wielding a longbow.(Hawkeye)

Iron Man is utterly astonished: "Are these soldiers from Asgard?"

"Are the Asgardians extraterrestrial beings?"

"Aliens have invaded? My comrades are actually this group of eccentrics... relying on a shield, pistol, bow, and hammer to combat aliens?"

"And this man, dressed as he is, do you think he's the Captain America?"

He couldn't help but feel that these comrades in arms were extremely unreliable, no matter how he looked at it.

Nick Fury expressed his bitterness, saying, "Yes, that's Captain America. We, at S.H.I.E.L.D, just retrieved him from the ice."

"That woman and that man are our S.H.I.E.L.D agents..."

"I don't know the man in the red cape with the hammer..."

He had already wholeheartedly believed that these pictures were genuine, and an indescribable sense of powerlessness filled his heart.

Are we really relying on this group of people to fight the alien invasion?

Our enemies are spaceships, lasers, and all we have are pistols, shields, bows, and hammers?

How can we possibly fight this?

Then, the enormous fish-shaped spaceships descended, and a man who exuded refined and laid-back demeanor stood before Iron Man, wearing a simple and honest expression. He said, "I'll let you in on a secret: I am always Angry."

Suddenly, his body began to swell, growing larger, until he transformed into a green giant. He threw a punch and directly struck the colossal fish-shaped spaceship, reducing it to debris.

Afterward, he roared towards the sky, leapt like a gorilla, and squeezed the Chitauri to death !

Everyone's mouths were wide open in shock.

What on earth was happening?

A single punch could obliterate a massive alien spaceship?

Could this man be the legendary Hercules?

No, Hercules isn't green, nor is he a god from Asgard!

Iron Man felt a faint sense of familiarity with the Hulk, and Nick Fury bitterly remarked, "This is Dr. Banner, also known as the Hulk. I had originally intended to recruit him into the Avengers..."

Iron Man covered his forehead, not wanting to engage in battle alongside these peculiar individuals. He felt a deep sense of embarrassment.

Then, the scene shifted once more.

Iron Man returned to his room and found a man wearing a green cape holding a scepter.

Everyone speculated that this individual was the God Loki. Loki placed the power of the mind stone on Iron Man's chest, seeking to control him.

However, his attempt was completely futile.

Subsequently, Loki confronted the Hulk, and the iconic scene of the Hulk grabbing Loki and smashing him onto the ground like a sack astonished everyone.

"Woah, this Hulk is incredibly powerful," exclaimed Wolverine in amazement.

"Is this supposed to be the Evil God Loki? I can't perceive any significant strength from him. Is he here just to be a joke?" Louise almost burst into laughter but restrained herself, considering the immense destruction caused by this man on Earth.

"Do we need any strategies to deal with such an individual? I think not," remarked Batman.

Superman simply shook his head, recognizing the vulnerability of such a deity in his presence.

Is this truly a god?

How amusing!

The previous feeling of tension dissipated, and the atmosphere grew more relaxed as everyone started to mock Loki.

His actions and his name indeed don't align!

The narration continued: "The Mischief God Loki represents the first formidable enemy that Iron Man and the Avengers face."

"Compared to HYDRA, the future super artificial intelligence Ultron, and the Cosmic Overlord Thanos, Loki is not a particularly formidable opponent."

"It's not that Loki lacks ability. He proclaims himself as the greatest sorcerer in the Nine Realms, possessing potent spells and proficiency in illusions."

"If he were not so foolish, he would present a significant challenge. Yet, he truly is a fool and, in some ways, just as foolish as his second brother, Thor..."

"In this Loki invasion, the greatest danger to Iron Man does not come from Loki himself but from humans..."

Sam's narration once again left everyone astounded for years to come.