
Summoner of Strawhats

Earthling crashes dimensions and gets thrown onto the deck of the straw hats. As he is weak he bets on his future knowledge to survive. He will have a special power, that he will find out later. He will not be totally selfless and a bit manipulative, but no human is perfect in the face of their desires. It started with me sick and bored in bed with only my phone to write on. (I don't own the art. Artist:Amanomoon)

Natsujan · Cómic
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51 Chs

Time for the challenges!

In the end we had a nice conversation with Pagaya and Conis. We even got to try the waver.

Luffy crashes and sinks into the cloud sea.

"Wavers are built very light for the sake of speed. But even a small wave can send them out of control. The operator must understand the sea and anticipate the waves. Forgive me for not warning you!" Pagaya panics.

"is it that difficult to try? I wanted to do it too!" Chopper looks shocked.

"Yea! I want to try as well!" Lux

"I've been practicing since I was a child and only recently learned it." Conis says a bit awkwardly.

"If you practice, you can be ready in about 10 years." Pagaya

"What?! That's a long time!!!" Usopp gawks.

"This is wonderful!" Nami plays next with it flawlessly.

"She is riding it!!" Usopp

Some start to cheer for Nami since she is doing it well, while Luffy is sour about it.

"There is a trick to it and your touch isn't delicate enough, Luffy~"

"Hey Nami! Let others try too!" I yell towards her.

"Nope! You will just crash~" Nami laughs as she drives by.

"You wanna bet?" Lynx

"Hahah, no! Spending so much time around you, I learned not to make bets with you. But here then if you are so confident~" Nami comes back and hands it over.

"Heh, you won't beat me~" I just study the controls before looking at the sea and feeling the air.

"Ok, who wants to go with me?" Lynx

Without a word, Annie is already sticking on my back like Vivi used to and Lux standing behind us hugging me from behind.

'Hm, I kinda missed this feeling~ I will need to summon Vivi again just to stick to my back again~' I chuckle before looking back at the sea.


The three of us speed over the sea effortlessly even faster than Nami. I made a few laps, did a few jumps and seeing a little higher wave I used it to jump and make a barrel roll.

"Wohoooo!!! More!!!" Lux screams.

"Yaaaay!!! Go daddy go!!!" Annie just cheers feeling the adrenaline at the high speed movements and stunts.

I then turn speeding back and skillfully drifting to a stop. Showering Nami in some cloud sea.

"Girl, I have the skillfulness of a dwarf's hands, no weight because of Mikita's fruit, feeling of the sea because of Siren plus the tailwind and feeling about air currents from Janna. None of the things you can match now~ You were smart not making a bet~" I wink at her before jumping off the Waver.

"Show off!" Nami bites at me.

"Well go practice then~ Just don't go away to a place with giant trees." I tell her before walking towards the flabbergasted Pagaya and Conis.

"So, care to show us around?" I looked around seeing that none of my other summons really wanted a ride.

Siren swims normally, Braum is too big for it. Mikita, Robin and Zala seem interested in using it, but not willing to learn it for 10 years, while Sona and Janna can just fly.

"Ah yea! You are welcome to come to our house!" Pagaya brings himself back together and leads us.

He leads us up the stairs, passing the cloud quarry while explaining the principles behind the clouds. Soon we arrive in front of a good looking house.

"This is my house! Please come inside." Pagaya

"This is awesome! Such a great view!" Lola

"I can see Nami from up here~!" Sanji

Inside the house, Conis starts to introduce us to the concept of dials. She explains how they are made, how they work and how they are used. The childish people on the crew start to play with the dials.

"Oh, a wind dial huh?" Janna creates a huge current of wind and shoves it all inside.


The dial explodes from the overload of wind concentrated inside it.

"Y-you! You overloaded the dial that easily?!" Pagaya looks shocked.

"Well she is the wind itself. Don't see why her power would be too much for the small dial." Lynx

"She is the wind? Like a g-g-g-g…" Conis makes a freaked out expression while trying to not say the word goddess, not sure if Enel would take it as heresy.

"More like the spirit of the wind, created from the prayers of people." Janna

"But anyway, you can produce these dials?" Lynx

"W-well not me personally. But father can tinker them into working objects." Conis

"Good, after we take care of the business, we will be glad to employ him~" I smile at her.

"Employ him? Are you planning to take him as well?" Conis makes a confused expression.

"Oh, nono! We aren't taking him with us. We will employ him to create stuff for us from Skypiea." I smile towards her.

"Yea! These are too fun and all of us will want our own wavers!" Lux says cheerfully.

"Yea! The pirate crew I'll lead will all be equipped with wavers!" Annie

"Huh? You plan to be a Captain, Annie?" Mikita looks at her confused.

"NO WAY!!! You are part of my crew Annie!!" Luffy doesn't want her to quit.

She is fun as hell to listen to when she insults people!!

"Oh you are planning to leave your daddy?" Robin smiles.

"No~? Soon daddy will have his own ship and be the second ship of the Straw hat fleet! I will be the third with leading a crew of my all soon to be brothers and sisters!" Annie grins at me and the women inside the room.


Everyone who was drinking anything right now, spit it all out in shock, including me.

"... WHAT?!" Siren looks shocked.

"Oh, you know WHAT!" She grins at the women before skipping over to Conis and siting on her.

"Maybe an angel would be so bad either~" Annie smiles up at Conis, who doesn't know how to react.

"EH?! E- What?! What is she talking about?!" Conis looks at everyone in the room.

The guys just shut up and the girls look away from Conis's gaze. Thank god Sanji was in the kitchen cooking or he would again throw himself in front of me, like I am some kind of beast, shouting 'Leave Conis-chwan alone!'.

'... Well, I am a beast, but not a mindless one. I didn't go after any other women besides the ones I liked… But now that Annie mentions it, I do find Conis cute~ I will see how we will finish this with Enel before deciding.' Lynx

"Ok, enough for now. We need to go to the ship and continue with our operation." Lynx

"Operation?" Everyone looks confused looking at me.

"Oh, you will love it~ Y'all want to fight, right?" I smile at everyone.

Silence comes between us when ¾ of the Straw hats look at me with a grin.

"Really Lynx? You still need to ask?" Zoro

"Fight! Fight! Fight!..." Buggs and Lola keep chanting.

"Oh~ I get to finally blow some steam on some unlucky souls~?" Sona smiles.

"Yay! I get to use another laser!!!" Lux cheers.

"NO!!! Laser is a last resort!!! We want to fight and not only find some corpses!!" Annie

"Well, let's go to the ship then. Conis and Pagaya, would you please come with us just for your safety?" Lynx

"Eh? Why?" Pagaya

"Well we are about to piss someone royally off, and we don't want our hosts to get obliterated for that reason." Lynx

"Huh?... Oh, wait! YOU DON'T MEAN?!!?!" Conis looks frightened of the thought.

"Yup~ Luffy, your turn!" Lynx

"ALRIGHT! Let's get Nami and go fight!!!" Luffy yells.

We all board the Going Merry with the shaking Conis and Pagaya. We soon spot Nami and pick her up as well.

"Huh, where are we going?" Nami looks confused as everyone is eating the lobster Sanji cooked.

"I'll show you~ Come Annie~ You know what to do~" I grin at her while sending some information over mentally.

From confusion, her face slowly transforms into a sadistic grin.

"Ooooh~ I can finally let loose! Let's go!!!" Annie jumps on my back as I pick up Braum's shield and distance myself from the ship.

Everyone looks confused until they see Annie open her mouth.

"Hey Enel you fuckwad!!! Show your ugly face so I can award you a Darwin award to get rid of your retarded genomes out of the genepool. But really, I heard you have long buda like ears. Did you stretch them so you can use them for masturbation, you fucking virgin?! I heard you are a god, but I can only see a circumcised fool playing god because you have a devil fruit. Just resign yourself before daddy develops the next version of the 1000 years of death! You won't be a virgin after that~! Hahahahahaha!" Annie starts hurling insults, knowing he can hear them using the devil fruit.

"Unbreakable! Prismatic barrier! Armament! Eye of the storm! Moonsoon! Fireshield! Aria of perserverence!" I stack all my defense and regen abilities while shielding myself with the shield from above.

*Crack BOOOOOOOM!!!!*

A giant lightning stream fills the view as me and Annie disappear from sight.

"LYNX!!! ANNIE!!!" Everyone on the boat looks panicked seeing us being engulfed by that lightning strike.

The lightning stops, leaving a gaping cloud hole. Everything is quiet in shock since me and Annie aren't anywhere to be seen.

"Did… They die?!" Mikita feels a bit weak in her knees as she has to support herself with the railing from falling to the floor.

Braum, Siren, Lux, Sona and Janna seemed the most shocked, since they knew just how beefy I must be with all these abilities stacked.

"Oh… my… god!!! He wanted us to go fight that?!" Usopp screeches.

"But he must have known how powerful that must have been…" Zoro just keeps watching.

A minute passes with them whispering to each other.

"Ah damn the asshole! It's annoying to fly back up several kilometers again! Even with flying and moonwalk, I couldn't stop the descent much!" The crew hears my complaining as me and Annie fly up from the hole.

We are alright, but our hair is messy from mitigating all that damae.

"Damn pussy! Can't he come fight one on one?!" Annie curses at him.

Landing on the ship I just gaze at the stunned but relieved crewmates.

"Heh, I knew it!" Zoro grins seeing us alright.

"YOU ARE OKAAAAYYY!!!" Mikita and Siren even threw themselves at me crying.

"Are you injured anywhere?!" Lux, Janna, Sona and Chopper rush closer to check up on us.

"Glad you are okay, friend!!!" Next second we are hugged by Braum in a giant bearhug.

"Don't do stuff like that anymore, we were worried." Robin and Zala come closer.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Nami grabs my collar and screeches at me.


"Well, I demonstrated what devil fruit he ate- a lightning logia and tired him out a bit. He can't use such moves repeatedly~" I smile towards the crew.

"And how do you plan on defeating him?" Sanji asks.

"Well, only me and Luffy can fight him for now. I have armament haki, while Luffy is made from rubber~ You can guess why that allows him to fight~" Lynx

"So what do we do now?" Robin

"Let's split! You go take care of his minions while I and Luffy go defeat that bastard. The minions are a challenge at least, since they are strong ones. Sounds good?" Lynx

"Damn, why must it be minions… But fine, I don't possess haki yet, so I can't do anything to the boss." Zoro grumbles.

"Fine, we will take care of them and protect the Merry, Pagaya and Conis-chwan~" Sanji

"Daddy! Bring me with you! I want to beat the bastard!" Annie protests.

"Next time Annie. I can't look after you with that guy being as fast as lightning. But go beat and insult the minions to your heart content~" I pat her head.

"Mou~ Fine! But I'm not responsible if they die~" Annie says.

"Well, let's go Luffy! But so you know! We fight him together or I will do it alone~" I smile at him.

"What?! NO FAIR!!!" Luffy protests.

"Well we just started our fight with that move. So I either finish him alone or you can join." Lynx

"Ah, makes sense! Then I will join you if you allow it!" Luffy

"Then let's go!" I grab him before flying away.

"Huh? What a weird forest." The crew that stayed with the Merry are making their way into the forest.


"Well this is a forest." Zoro


"Well, this is a forest." Zoro

"What does that have to do with it?!" Usopp

"Be careful. There are traps inside this forest… Like that swinging giant blade." Janna points at the trap.

"AH! STEER THE SHIP!!! WE NEED TO DODGE!!!" Nami yells at everyone.


"Song of celerity!" Sona casts her movement speed buff on the ship and for them to row faster.

"Tail wind!" Janna gives them another boost.

Braum paddles with his giant shield while Annie enlarges Tibbers to row.

"Final spark!!!" Lux waited for the right moment before she just ults the blades, destroying them in the process.

"... What?" Everyone just stands there flabbergasted with eyes bulging.

"K-k-k-kami?!" Pagaya and Conis bow in front of Lux, mistaking her ultimate for the divine punishment of Enel.

"So you could have just done that from the start?" Robin asks.

"Wait, your laser can attack things that aren't alive?!" Siren, Sona and Janna stare at her surprised.

"Well… When I last used the final spark in Mock town, I noticed that even the ground in the radius of the laser was burned away without a trace. So I tried my luck, if it will work here. Tehee~?" Lux makes that cute pose knocking her head lightly with her fist while sticking her tongue out.

"Then that means… We are not limited to our Summoner rift abilities and their function?" Janna realizes.

"Of course not! Daddy used my magic to enlarge tibbers on himself! That means, we can also learn other spells and things!" Annie

"You can discuss those things later! Monsters incoming!" Nami

Some giant ass lampreys jump out of the water, trying to attack them. But without the blades swinging around, they can fully focus on beating the shit out of the lampreys.

"Man, these must be definitely called sky lampreys~" Sona just smiles by the unoriginal names.

"Whatever they are, they will be cooked soon!" Sanji kicks a lamprey and prepares a knife to get the meat.

"No time for that, you idiot!!! We need to go clear the minions!" Lola

"Fiiine~ I will do it later." Sanji jumps back on Merry.

"Oh? What are those entrances?! Challenge of ball, challenge of string, challenge of iron and challenge of swamp?" Siren

"Is the kami playing games with us?!" Usopp

"Does that mean we can go through whichever we want?" Lux

"I wanna split up so we can kick their asses faster and not fight over who fights them." Zoro

"Nope! You don't have a ship nor can you drive a waver nor can you find your way, so your ass stays rooted on this deck here!" Nami yells at him.

"Shut it, haven't you screeched enough for today, you banshee?" Zoro looks annoyed at her.

"I wouldn't screech so much if I didn't have Lynx and idiots like you for my crewmates!" Nami screeches again.

"Yuck, what a banshee!" Siren

"Yea, it disgusts me as well as a musician." Sona agrees with Siren.

"... You girls wanna drink together later, I can see we have something to talk about." Zoro looks like he found some friends who share his views to complain about.

"Fuck you guys!!!" Nami

"If you want to do that, daddy is available~" Annie chuckles, throwing her a side glance.

"..." Nami just gave up and sat down onto the floor.

"Let's go with the ball! Doesn't that sound fun?!" Lux

"It's a challenge. It's not supposed to be fun." Sanji

"I like ball too! Sounds the most harmless!" Usopp

"Tibbers say he wants to play with balls too!" Annie

"I want to go iron." Zoro

"Let's go the easiest first and let everyone else come to us. Like birds to the fishing boat" Janna

"*Sigh* Let's just go. But stay alert. We are in the upper yard! Several kilometers high in the sky! Anything can happen!" Nami

"Well, then let's go~" Robin

"Yaaaay!" Annie, Lux, Buggs and Lola.

They enter the tunnel leading to the challenge of the ball. Sailing though the long dark tunnel, they finally arrive on the other side. But to their surprise, the cloud river runs dry as the ship starts descending from high up in the air.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" As they descend with the ship, everyone who doesn't know how to fly has their eyes bulge in fear.


The ship lands on a cloud river again, without any casualties or missing people. They made sure of that with a random rope tied on his leg, courtesy of Robin's devil fruit arms.


"I thought, my heart was gonna give out!" Nami

"Don't worry Nami-chwan! I would do CPR for you~!" Sanji

Conis and Pagaya are lying unconscious on the floor from the fear.

"But where are we, doc?" Buggs looks around.

"Wow! There are so many balls floating around!" Lux looks excited.

They arrived in the forest with the milky road winding through in between the trees. All over are floating balls made out of the island cloud.

"But what is the challenge supposed to be?" Zoro

"Who cares as long as we are safe!" Usopp

"Don't let your guard down and just keep moving!" Sanji

Yea, I split everyone up, so Lynx doesn't do everything and so that some light falls on other characters.


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