
Stuck at Level 1: l will do it other way

This world is too hard to level up!!! Too hard to decode??? After a conflict with system, Riz looses the ability to level up, he is stuck at level one... Challenges becomes clearly pain and suffering, but he endures it by recklessly using his magic to numb the pain, he feels this will make things better if he didn't feel pain physically... But it never stops untill it becomes a nightmare for him being hurt, he felt that world find it easy to manipulate him, what he will do raises question as he can't level up... To find the cure to Nightmare he travels all the way around world to meet his friend hoping he will know, but it's only him who don't know what awaits... ------------------------------------------ This is my first Novel on Net, please forgive my English, I am focusing on story so any mistakes in environment sorry...

Sanjib_Mahalik_2370 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 6 - shadow of west

Western region of Nilvile was under the shadow of corruption, Arnold Zola, The fort guardian who is a faker worked with bandit groups after no more economical support from his family, in west however he found his little brother being the fortress guardian, he was of a nobel family but not with the expected talent. His brother accepted him and he would happily follow him unquestioned, or so it seems. When heroes arrived they were sent to different places to get stronger, one of them hero Harverd showed interest in crafting and buit a weapon that can shoot far without magic, with magic it becomes a weapon of mass genocide. All fort were sent many guns also to hear in west, to this city, when used Arnold felt that his magic has some meaning other then Just marking peope, He seized all and shot his brother near head, he didn't killed him, just enough so capital knows that he is alive, then turned this fortress into a prison for all, killed, looted, built all to his heart.

He was afraid that someone will assult him or betrayal is just looking for him, thus decked himself in all the enchantments, he stayed away from all, had peope to test his food, sleep inside vault, all that so he can stay alive. There is no day he was not afraid, he didn't lived those ten years or so but died all those time.

"What a lousy man was that, I am feeling like it's a bad luck he died on my sight" Riz was near a Doctor who is treating his wounds, he is using gold threads to tie up the bullet damge, that created holes in palm and elbow.

The doctor is giving him a lecture how not to use power " freezing your senses in body to endure pain is a bad idea, without pain you will not know how terrible the wound is, beside you lived just because of caster vest blocking your bleeding, nor the you will be hear and this hand."

"Is that's why the caster vest is used..."Riz began his point of view but doctor mocked"

"This is a terrible idea you must be aware this gun wounds are easy subject of infection and some even poison those..."

Riz looked at him as he began placing back his equipments "I know- I know, After all it's a disaster from our world, I know it more then any of you"

Doctor who has big glasses on removed it and black dress he wore put it aside, he was looking tense and kind of nervous "..Even so you do that, if other heroes are like you then there is a chance that,.. no what am I saying it is sure that Nightmare will be gone"

He smiled then he told him to do various muscles movements and told him "Now you can relese that pain suppression of your..."

"Absolutely not !!!!"


"It will hurt like hell"

"Then why did you do that if you know it will hurt"

"You have no options when things go like boom boom boom"

"Then please don't do that kind of dengerous thing again, mark my words "

Doctor then wrapped up his entire hand in bandage, then casted a magic spell that created a mark on bandage with circle and words.

Riz walked out of there, he was hurt but it's just he has numbed his senses, he remembered doctors advice, a little curious he let the pain flow into him, it felt like, like hell, like he remembers back then when he used to work at mine.

Those days workers are seen as livestocks, their death is not that anyone cared but he knew that even it he cared, he can't turn back time or give him back his life, in both case he is powerless. He used his power to numb the pain and would encourage them to live, always giving them hope, dreams all he can. He used his ice powers to cool down the heat underground, he was exhausted each and everyday, but he never felt so because he has numbed his senses. But he then can't forgot that after he came the death that counted everyday around five or six become rare in months. It worked, it was his achievement but right now as he is, pain is a foreign experience that he can't handle. His eyes become teary in pain, he was on his knees trying to get in control, trying that he won't scream.

The effect returned back but looking at his right hand, he can't tolerate. Taking a deep breath, stand up looked around then moved straight for the palace, he was invited there for some big announcement.

When reached inside he saw the real fortress guardian grund zola, his left eye is patched, because his brother shot him there. His condition is raged by harsh prison treatment. Near him many people in black clad were tied tightly on ground with guards pointing Spears at them. They looked afraid, grund then orders with his left hand raising up. One solder placed spear on ground, removed their mask. To terror they are not humans but humanoid monsters.

"You need an explanation I think so..."said grund continued his explanation "young hero the western part of Nilvile kingdom is under the regime of Nightmare."

That explained less but raised more questions to answer, ".... approximately four to five year ago when solders began moving away from west as this region is loosing economical value, Nightmares used the Negligence and attacked hear, not how you think. We lost so bad that the news never reached hear. They captivated me inside prison, played a mindgame with my brother casting fake memories, turned this fortress into a prison that no one knew is just a shadow of west that used to be, I am sure even the kingdom itself don't know this and they never will untill we stop sending tax"

He paused to take break, he was exhausted "...hah this sounds unreal but it's true, can you even imagine from this how powerful the Nightmare is... Riz shine you are a good hero you defeated Forces of Nightmare with sheer Nightmare, but be aware that your enemies are one of you..."

"Who is that..." Riz asked

"Hero Harverd, he handed his strength to Nightmare, there is no hope afterall we are on loosing side, it's just a rational descision he made considering who can wil..."

Riz closed eyes and said to stop he understands Grund then request him one thing "then atleast hear these last words, he said this to me that all of this so you, when return will die hating humans and maybe in next life you will carry this feeling. He made all this so that you can hate this world, but he will know that what a hero means. The kingdom as we learnt from this monster have no idea, for Nightmare this is your end, now your existence is that of a ghost. Use it carefully, may the light shine your path"

Riz walked out with grund to a big stage where a priest prayed for him, asked for blessings, praised him, people shouted, rooted for the hero, all were happy but Riz looked tensed and empty. People back began making up things that this must be because of blood loss.

"He had like five to six holes on hand man he needs rest...."gossiping was spreading wide then it changed" if that much is his limit then no way he can go against that monster of a force..." This continues till it becomes all against him.

After that he just silently walked away, on his way that girl joined him looking at him with glowing eyes, Riz smiled at him said "you need something to hold on, do you want a sword..."

"No, that is hard, I am good at distance "


Then they got into the weaponsmiths shop, told that blad Blacksmith to give her a bow. He got back and brought a bow that was old but looked good, he then placed five Arrow next to it said

"This is enchanted with wind will change direction with wind, the bow is special too you have to discover it's potential"

Riz asked the price "um well how much does it cost.. "

"Free.. "he replied said "it is not mine but a belonging to her, it's her heritage her father's bow"

She looked up at him asked if he knew about his father, but something she felt then said herself

"He is not anymore is he..." The Blacksmith nodes his hed down then told "he is a hero who came hear but vanished leaving you behind all like an instant, i don't dared telling but hear you are for a bow "

He gave her a speed based armour and that to for free, he gave his good wishes to her path and told Riz to make sure she does what she wishes.

Nilvile kingdom is streching along blue emerald river flowing west to east, in horse ride it would take two weeks, but in water just four to five in a boat and one in wind shell cruse. As told by grund she belongs to a Nobel family of worrier sent hear before Invasion by Nightmare

, "he was Ashter si-len a strong knight, he shoots like that of gun in fight he was better than those, Harverd surrounded him by many armed man with gun but it happened that that he killed gracefully, it was a win but it started with my own brother holding one gun then turning around he shoot him in back, he had used marking to make sure not miss and in point black it was not possible, he died by betrayal, rest is him shooting my eyes to sold himself to them, rest is all you know."

Her name is Sarah si-len, if he hands her over to royal family then they will take care of her growing up rest of life, it's their responsibility but Riz can't be sure if they will accept her or not, in any case trying is best option, he will have to move to capital with her, grund gave him his issue of free use of wind shell cruse, he wanted to stay there rest his life making it better that has worsen all thse years. Using it Riz can travel using wind shell cruse for free anytime. That Night they all Riz, Sarah, Alto, kal got on board wind shell cruse, it was a big ship with mages using wind to speed it up, water to make it Swift, it can make it way through any storm.

Due to issue, a paper scroll that was crafted using magic Riz got a luxury room, it was not for slaves so they were sent to their place, a big room to stay, Sarah stayed with Riz in his room, it was comfy with its luxury, she remembered all of that from a time long past, she on the sight of bed jumped on then tooling round smelling the smell of pillow she screamed "you know what I used to change my pillow evey few day so to feel it's softness, I can tell this pillow has been used for years, it's fibres she says are loose, he sat on bed picked up one pillow, pressed his face against, it felt so good he wants to sleep forever now. He then looked at her thought "just how much did your dad used to spoil his money on you, you can sniff out luxury like a dog, this is the softest thing I remember from old wizards house, wonder if he is doing it fine"

Things are happening faster beyond his comprehension of time and space, he didn't know if people he is saving are really saved or getting dark, he can concern but nothing to confirm, Harverd turned to Nightmare, don't know about other's but he believed that Aether would never do the same. "No time to worry Riz by tomorrow evening you will be at capital, and you don't know a damn thing, I need information like hell, feels bad being unaware of world, there are other important personel at this ship, I can get something out of them, probably"

He told her to stay closed in the room, getting out of his room walked unto the deck, he feels like some fresh air would heal him, he was on way, suddenly stopped hid behind a corner, he saw someone, he recognised him, he weared black grey dress with bood and cape, he was Harverd, it was a good opportunity for him, grund told that they used magic so he can't tell but he has such control over his power he was exploding wind in fixed intervals to talk, it was a childhood tric that no one knew, even him that it will be this useful.

He walked straight for Harverd, following him from behind, he used cold feet that releases no heat out of him, no monster or human can detect him using sheer instinct. On his way a beautiful red haired girl wearing evening gown, one shadow worrier in black skin suit, A knight in blue and a cat looking human girl a demihuman. The red haired girl came closer and hugged him hard, he also showed her love, she saw Riz looking at them, she felt irritating shouted "how dare you..." Harverd hearing her suprised turned back

Riz in a straight face Said in a low voice

"Booh...guss who is back"

The knight in blue asked "who is that man you know"

Riz smiled at them told "oh, you don't know I am Riz shine one of summoned heroes, I came to this ship just to meet him, by the way where are you going to..."

Knight told to capital, he screamingly told "then I will land there"

Knight told but that will cost a lot, he smiled and then told " oh don't worry I got an issue"

That red haired girl looking angry scold him saying "The one so fool to naked eyes, how come you had an issue, it must be that you stole it."

That black skin suited guy said "you are to week, to have an issue in hand"

"That's right" said blue knight.

Riz smiled at them walking closer to Harverd "weakness has it's own set of advantage... You accept it or not but fortress guardian of west handed me over this, he can't speak due to a curse casted on him, I am going to capital to find cure for him, it would be disturbing enough if it becomes public, what do you say Harverd"

He placed his hand around his neck "you came hear to watch on him, you are at the gathering, then that bar last night and that boy, where is he, I can't see him..."

Out from wall that boy walked out, "how come you know"

"You are suprised mean Harverd you didn't know?..that I am following you all the way hear"

Riz back when worked in mine, workers have not much cloth on them, in due time he began recognising small details to differentiate between them, he can look at wide variety of things and still can capture every difference there was. He was used to it for long time.

<Please stop making this nonsense>

He used telepathy link on him, to it he spoke

<Let it be, I have to tell you that west is a shadow of Nightmare, I have cleared it for now as you know already, you report this to king up at capital, I know you can, tell king and make sure be careful there are shadows among us of Nightmare>

Blue knight asked out in curiosity "it seems true as I saw suprise in eyes of him upon discovering you, how can you avoid god sight his and his servants, as I experienced they together they can find a spy out of entire city, how come they don't discovered you following you"

He with a smirk on face "well, well, well it's because people in this world have their very emotions attached to magic, But sice I did the idiotic thing to deny voice of world, my magic it's not attached to my depth, I can manipulate the magic around me, then using my linage cold feet I disappear from very vision of God, it's not that they can't detect me it's is that it doesn't even consider me as being of this world, far from human, no scans can detect the threat out of me, so I don't have to worry about anyone untill they know me personally"

"That red haired girl gave a disgusting look hearing him, she doesn't stayed sailent "but you must not forget, you lack strength to fight"

He said "There are many fighting out there, so I need not to worry about fighting part, you can do that better don't you..."

Blue knight got impressed by his faith and belives, he is not the one to hide himself, it is disgraceful for knight to hide his feelings

"I am now sure that you are a hero, I am Arthur Skyrim head of all swords in Nilvile Kingdom, I found it jealous that you have more faith in humanity then I do, You have my words I will be the sword strength if necessary. We are having a jam tonight, come and join us "

Harverd removed his hand from his neck said to him "I am suprised I accept the truth, If so then you can do a thing, let's talk about it at jam"

Riz agreed, for he need trust, Arthur's word mean a lot, he can tell him, when time comes first he needs proof.