

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 19. The Beginning Of Their Reconciliation

A few weeks later.

Early in the morning, David visited McKenzie Sans & Co. to discuss the protection of the new products his business had developed recently, he met with Mr. Dan, a senior associate of the company. The meeting went well and David thanked Mr. Dan and other associates who helped out before walking out of the conference room. He is expecting that Megan was going to be part of the lawyers that would be participating in the meeting. He casually asked for her and was told she was occupied with another case.

David walked out of the glass-walled conference room and immediately ran into Lucia, Timothy's sister.

"David, what are you doing here why are you here?" Lucia asked cheerily as she pulled him into a tight hug.

David laughed a bit, "I came to see Mr. Dan. We had a meeting earlier with some of the associates. And you, where are you going?" He questioned her.

"Oh, we've been very busy since morning, doing some research for this new case Megan is working on. I am on my way to get something to drink."

"This firm has the top lawyers in the country, make sure you learn well so that you'll be like them."

"Sure, that's what I aim for," she asserted with pride.

"Oh no, that's Megan, I need to go," Lucia said. Before vanishing in the opposite direction from where Megan was coming from, she gave David a quick hug.

David grinned at the idea that Lucia might not be aware that Megan is carrying her brother's child. He pondered whether Megan knew Lucia was Timothy's sister.

'Beautiful.' Would be an understatement for David to describe how stunning Megan was. He didn't move from where he stood as he observed her halting to speak with someone.

Megan was looking incredibly gorgeous and professional in her dress which stopped exactly above her knees. She had matching heels on and kept her hair down.

If she wasn't captivated by Timothy, he would have tried his luck to ask her out but that could never happen simply because he was in love with his girlfriend now. He began to wonder what possessed Timothy to treat such an amazing woman with disrespect.

David kept his composure as she approached him. While he also approached her and made an effort to catch her attention.

"Good afternoon."

"Hello," Megan smiled at him. "How may I assist you?" She said gently.

"You're Megan, right?" He asked. She nodded.

"I'm David, Timothy's best friend." He introduced.

Megan spoke a gentle "Oh." So everything now made sense when she saw Lucia having a chat with him.

"It's great to finally meet you." David grinned. "I've heard a lot about you from Timothy," he added.

"I hope he told you some good things about me?" Megan said. David nodded.

"On the day he denied being the father of your child, we got into an argument. Thank you for teaching him a lesson, he realized his mistake and came back asking for an apology and my forgiveness."

"I know I shouldn't be getting involved in you guys' business, but I want to make a plea for Timothy. He's sincerely sorry about everything and he desires to be in your life and the baby's life. Please allow him to make it up to the two of you."

Megan nodded after a moment.

"Thank you for listening to me. I'm hoping we'll meet again very soon."

Megan smiled, "Hopefully, have a good day!"


For the last few days, Timothy has been the sweetest to Megan. He either sent her flowers, sweets, or any random gifts, dinner, or lunch every day, he sent her a direct message constantly, asking how she was doing. Megan read every message, but despite wanting to make amends with him, she never responded to any of them.

She is unsure of what prevented her from doing so—her Ego or her reluctance to include him in the next phase of her life. She doesn't want a situation in which she would be too bonded to him and then he'll break her heart.

As soon as David got to his car, he reached for his phone and immediately dialed Timothy. He put his phone on the loudspeaker and started driving the car.

"Guess who I just saw, dude?"

"How do you expect me to guess." Timothy groaned from the other side.

"I just met and chatted with Megan."

"Are you for real? Where did you two meet?" Timothy inquired.

"I went to meet the senior associate of the firm. Just as I was about to leave McKenzie Sans & Co., I meet Lucia and just in time, Megan walked by, allowing me to chat with her."

"What a true friend you are! You had an appointment in that firm and you did not invite me"

David laughed, "But you said you were going to be busy today."

"I'm not busy whenever it tends to come to anything that has to do with Megan," Timothy replied.

David grinned and said, "Okay, sorry dude I will tell you next time." Timothy rolled his eyes from the other side.

"You haven't informed me she was this sexy and Beautiful..." David remarked.

"She's mine, dude, stick to your woman," Timothy said possessively.

David smiled, "Damn, She undoubtedly has you wrapped around her palm."

"Then what have you guys talked about?" Timothy inquired, fascinated.

"I introduced myself as your best friend, apologized on your behalf, and reassured her that you've changed. I noticed the eagerness in her eyes about wanting to give you a chance."

Timothy sighed and said, "I certainly hope so."

"So I guess Lucia doesn't have any idea about Megan and the baby."

"She doesn't have any idea as of now only my parents. I have to get back to work we can continue to chat later."

"Okay, dude." David ended the call.


To finish his work for the day, Timothy stayed back at the office for an additional hour. He completed all of his tasks at a little after 7 o'clock.

When his phone rang, Timothy was sorting the documents on his desk to determine which ones he would take home to finish working on and which ones he would leave in the office.

He groaned inwardly because he knew it was Lucia who called him again. He had said that he would call her in 30 minutes. Not even 15 minutes had passed when his younger sister called once more.

Without looking at the caller ID, he decided to pick up the call.

"Lucia, I told you I was going to call you back in thirty minutes. It's just ten minutes since you last called."

"It's not Lucia, it's me, Megan. I'm sorry I'll call you back if you're busy." That pleasant, familiar voice said.

Timothy's heartbeat quickened, finding it difficult to believe he was on the phone with Megan. He had been waiting for this moment to come.

"No, no... You can, Sorry I mean, I assumed it was Lucia, my sister that was calling me," he clarified.

"Please don't cut the call Megan I'm all ears." Timothy rose to his feet and anxiously scratched the back of his head. He silently exhaled a sigh of relief, after all, Megan had called, so that must be good.

"Sorry I didn't reach out to you earlier, I wanted to be certain that you were a different person. I received all your gifts and I read every message you sent. Thank you."

"No need to mention. You deserve more than that and I apologized for the way I reacted, what I said to you and how I treated you starting from that day."

Timothy said wholeheartedly, hoping Megan would feel that he sincerely wanted to be in their life and that he desired to participate in everything regarding the pregnancy. He wanted to be physically present for her and their child.

He said, "How are you doing?"

"Good." She replied.

"And the baby?" he timidly asked.

"The baby is doing well, too. I know this is a last-minute request, but I wanted to know if you are available tomorrow."

Timothy responded right away "Sure, Of course. I do!" He didn't seem to care that he had meetings tomorrow. There will be two meetings in the morning and three in the afternoon.

"You are welcome to come if you wish to. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 8:00."

The brightest smile ever appeared on Timothy's face. "Sure, I would love to, and I'll be there," he said, trying hard to conceal his delight. He seemed ecstatic that she invited him, and Megan could tell.

Before she ended the conversation, he said, "Megan! You have no idea how much I've looked forward to this day, so thank you. I swear to make it up to you and our child."

Megan grinned, "We shall be hoping on that. Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."

Timothy responded, "Good night, and have a beautiful dream."

Tammy grinned, "See, it wasn't quite bad."

She was listening to what they were saying. She couldn't hear from Timothy's perspective, but she paid close attention to everything Megan said, and by the smile on her face, she could tell that everything went well perfectly.

Megan tucked her few hairs behind her ear. "He'll be at the appointment tomorrow. My little pumpkin and I will have a shoulder to rely on."

Tammy clasped Megan's hands with hers. "I'm delighted that arrogant cousin of mine has met his equal," Tammy added, which made Megan blush, "Be open to Timothy, and as he had asked you, give him the chance to repay for all that he had done. Perhaps you two are meant to be together because how everything happened is just so insane."

"So we are now Sisters. Not only by words, but also by blood. Even though I was hopeful it was going to be you and Jacob, but that brother of mine is just so odd," she said.

Megan chuckled heartily. "You know I'm just his sister to Jacob, nothing more,"

"Yeah, and I don't think he's ready to quit being a womanizer, but he met a girl on Uncle Charles's birthday and they've been dating for a while now, which is a wonderful thing. Hopefully, their relationship will survive."

"As you always say, life is too short, therefore I hope so too. Everyone deserves to be happy." Megan said.

Tammy's phone rang abruptly, alerting her to an incoming call. She jumped up from Megan's bed, "Finally, the call I have been longing for."

Tammy grinned as Megan added, "Send my regards to him. Let him know I miss him more than you do."

She gave Megan a blown kiss as she left the room to take her boyfriend's call.

Tammy's boyfriend Damon was a doctor. He's been gone for approximately ten weeks at this point. He was in Australia for a three-month assignment.