

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 20. The Day Of Their Appoinment

Timothy performed an ecstatic dance after Megan ended the call. He was going to his baby's appointment tomorrow, and he wanted to yell it from the roof of his building.

Timothy made arrangements to reschedule all of his morning meetings with his secretary before he left the office. The most important things in his life were Megan and his child everything else could wait.

As he drove to his flat, Timothy was full of smiles. After changing clothes, he had dinner and then called David.

When Timothy saw his best friend's face, he said, "Guess what?"

"You got a new car," David retorted sarcastically. Timothy changed his cars so frequently that to him it didn't matter anymore.

"No, unfortunately."

Then, David cautiously questioned, "What is it?"

"Megan gave me a call this evening."

"Are you serious?"

Timothy nodded in response. His entire face was lit up with smiles.

"Wow, that's incredible."

"I know, I haven't stopped smiling since."

David asked, "So what did she say?"

"She thanked me for all the gifts I sent her, I apologized for all I did, and she invited me to tomorrow's doctor's appointment."

"That's wonderful, I'm so glad for you, dude. You lost her once, and I truly hope you learned your lesson. A woman like Megan is difficult to find so please don't mess it up now that she's given you another chance."

"I swear I won't mess up again, so which suit should I wear tomorrow?"

David laughed incredulously. "You're not going to a splashed business party man, you're going to the doctor's appointment."

"I know, I want to look great for Megan and my baby. If I wasn't going to work tomorrow, I would have gone for a casual outfit," Timothy said as the camera returned to his joyful face.

David grinned and said, "I see....someone is excessively eager for tomorrow."


Last night, Timothy hardly slept at all. He continued going over his chat with Megan in his thoughts, and for some reason, he had the impression that today would mark the beginning of a new chapter for him. He committed to taking extreme care to avoid making any mistakes.

Timothy got up at five in the morning, went through his morning routine, and prepared himself a cup of coffee, which he sipped while working on his MacBook.

He got ready for the day and headed to the hospital once it was about 7:00.

As soon as Timothy parked his car and stepped out, he noticed Megan pulling into the spot next to it. Since they arrived at the same moment, they must be of the same mind.

Even though he was anxious, he moved over to the driver's seat to greet her, but he had to wait as she was on the phone call.

After finishing her conversation with the client, Megan grabbed her handbag from the front passenger seat and got out of the car, only to come face to face with Timothy, who was holding his hands in his pockets. She was unaware that he was waiting for her there, possibly.

Timothy was astonished by the woman in front of him. She appeared more stunning than when he last saw her. She also looked fantastic, which must be related to the pregnancy. Megan was dressed in a work suit, matching heels, and a handbag. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. She was just perfect!

He grinned and greeted her. "Good Morning." He noticed she was wearing the drop-down chain he bought for her and that made him extremely happy.

She replied, "Hello," flashing a little smile.

He said, "You look gorgeous!" which made Megan blush a little.

"Thank you," she said.

He expressed his gratitude for the offer, saying, "I wouldn't exchange being here with you for anything in this world."

"We are grateful to have you here with us. Doctor Taylor must be waiting for us, so let's go," Megan said with a smile.

Megan and Timothy enter the hospital together. They were told to go to the ultrasound room, where Dr. Taylor was waiting for them, after arriving at the reception.

"Good morning." Dr. Taylor greeted Timothy and Megan as soon as they entered the room. She embraced Megan and shook Timothy's hand.

In contrast to how depressed she had been during her previous session, she was delighted to see Megan looking wonderful. She quickly concluded that Timothy was Megan's baby's father. She was glad that he and Megan were present.

Dr. Taylor began to examine Megan about her health while Timothy sat in a chair next to the ultrasound bed. Megan was lying on the bed.

"How are you doing, dear?"

"Good, I suppose."

"Any morning sickness?"

"It's not always the most enjoyable part of my day, but I've been able to manage with it. The vitamins you prescribed help me lessen nausea, although I feel dizzy occasionally."

The doctor nodded. On her chart, she notes something.

"Are there any cravings?"

She looked at Timothy, who instantly became shy, and said, "Spicy food and occasionally Ice Cream, but this man over here has been feeding me with plenty of chocolates." Everyone laughed.

Dr. Taylor questioned, "Any strange changes in your body?"

She said, "Not right now, no."

Megan's blood pressure was checked by Dr. Taylor, and fortunately, it was normal, indicating that she hadn't been under any stress. After she weighed herself on the scale, it was time for the ultrasound.

Timothy gladly accepted Megan's blazer once she took it off and handed it to him. She lay on the bed. Dr. Taylor lifted her Tank top a bit under her boobs.

Megan had a pretty flat stomach when Timothy last saw her, and she still does. He wanted to cry at the sight of her lovely belly carrying their child.

After giving it some thought, he took a risk and clasped his hand with Megan's hand. Megan smiled at him before returning her focus to Dr. Taylor, whose eyes were on the monitor.

She patiently explained everything to Timothy and Megan, who were delighted to see their tiny baby.

"It's so small."

Timothy was astonished and beaming from ear to ear. He didn't look away from the monitor.

"Yes, but it's the ideal size for a baby who is months old."

She said, before pressing a few buttons on the monitor, "In a few moments, you will hear the heartbeat." Soon enough, they were lucky to hear the most wonderful sound in the world.

"God, oh God!"

Megan mumbled as tears of joy streamed down her face. Timothy cleaned them. He gave Megan's hand a gentle squeeze and then kissed the back of her palm while also in tears. He counted himself fortunate to be present when she experienced this.

On the other side, Megan was happy to be able to experience it all. She was aware that having this child would improve her life. Now that they could hear the heartbeat, everything felt genuine. Even though she had little to no prior experience, she vowed to provide her child with the utmost motherly care possible. She hopes that she and her child will share the same connection that she and her mother do.

Dr. Taylor gave the parents some time to admire their baby's heartbeat, While she printed some ultrasound images.

She returned to the room and gave Timothy the images, which were already in an envelope.

When Timothy gave Megan a deep kiss on her lower tummy while disregarding the presence of Dr. Taylor, Megan was nearly knocked out from humiliation. She sat up on the bed after he rolled down her tank top.

Doctor Taylor told them, "Everything is going fine, and your child is growing perfectly." The incoming parents nodded while grinning.

"Remain hydrated at all times, keep eating healthfully, and minimize stress."

"I'm counting on you to take very excellent care of them," Dr. Taylor stated as he turned to face Timothy. " Again, don't just feed her chocolate, give her a variety of food. To make your baby healthier, combine the chocolates with nutritious foods, beverages, and possibly some healthy sex."

"Noted Doc," chuckled Timothy.

Megan's face was nearly as red as a tomato. But Timothy lightly squeezed her hand, implying that she shouldn't be embarrassed by what the Doctor said.

Megan received a diet plan from Dr. Taylor along with recommendations for the vitamins she needs to take.

"I'll see you all at your next visit."

Both of them said, "Thanks, Doc." Megan rose to her feet. Timothy put on her blazer into her. She gave Dr. Taylor a goodbye hug before packing the medication, the envelope, and the meal plan into her handbag.

To purchase Megan's vitamins, Timothy and Megan went to the hospital's pharmacy. Before she could grab for her wallet to pay for the items Timothy beat her to it by presenting one of his credit cards to the cashier.

Megan timidly muttered, "Thanks."

He gave her a smile. "Don't mention it."

They left the hospital after Timothy grabbed his prescriptions and his credit card.

He begged, "Please come eat breakfast with me." He had no idea how she would respond, but he knew it wouldn't hurt to try. He wasn't yet prepared to let her go.

Megan wanted to deny his offer because she had work waiting for her in the office, but after gazing into his pleading eyes, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"All right," she said. With relief, Timothy exhaled.

They made their way down to a fancy restaurant nearby the hospital.