

Imagine being whisked away into a novel. The world is on the brink of destruction, with terrifying new species emerging. MC, a wealthy young master, is ready to save the world from these creatures. However, he finds himself transmigrated as an illegitimate child, scorned by his family, and penniless. Despite the shock and frustration, MC must navigate this challenging new reality.

BlackSwan_2001 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Starting with a humble bank balance of 40 dollars, Nyx found himself in the original owner's room, surrounded by items of potential value. Among these items were a watch and a laptop, which he decided to pawn. This clever move brought him a few hundred dollars, a small fortune compared to what he had started with. Despite the harsh treatment Noah had endured in that house, it wasn't without its perks. The house was filled with material possessions such as fine clothes and other useful items.

With his newly acquired wealth, Nyx set out to secure his basic needs. He bought instant noodles, biscuits, and dried fruits - enough to last him for two weeks. He also purchased a first aid box and filled it with essential medicines. After a satisfying meal at a roadside stall, he sought out an affordable motel for the night.

After taking a hot bath to wash away the day's fatigue, Nyx settled into the single bed provided by the motel. The room was small but clean and orderly, providing him with a comfortable space to rest.

"Host, what's our next move? We've already procured food and medicine," Jujo asked, breaking the silence.

"Do we have a map of the city?" Nyx inquired.

"Yes, here's the map, host," Jujo responded promptly. A 3D view of the city's map appeared before them as Jujo began explaining the routes.

"According to the novel, the apocalypse will commence at midnight tomorrow. Everyone will enter a coma stage for 12 hours to complete their transformation. We need to capitalize on this opportunity," Nyx planned.

"Find a high-rise building in the city that is safe and has robust security features. Also, check if there are any unoccupied apartments without owners in that building," Nyx instructed.

"OK, host," Jujo acknowledged and initiated search mode.

After some time, Jujo announced, "Search completed. Host, I found a newly constructed 30-floor building in the eastern part of the city. The building is centrally located and surrounded by shopping malls, hospitals, restaurants, and supermarkets within close proximity. The presidential suite of that building is currently unoccupied and without an owner."

"Excellent work, Jujo. Tomorrow night we'll enter the apartment and gather all necessary resources while everyone is in their coma," Nyx praised.

"But wait, if everyone is in a coma, what about me? Will I also be forced into a coma and transform?" Nyx asked with concern.

"No host. As you're not native to this world, you won't undergo the transformation phase. Rest assured," Jujo reassured him.

Relieved by this news, Nyx said "Finally some good news since I arrived in this world. It seems you do have some mercy on me."


The next day saw Nyx preparing for survival. He purchased sharp knives, hammers, axes, thick rope - anything that could potentially save his life in this new world. He familiarized himself with their future residence and its surroundings. Despite having Jujo's assistance for navigation, he still made an effort to plan escape routes for any unforeseen circumstances.

Knowing it would be his last chance to eat heartily without fear of zombie attacks, he indulged in all his favorite foods without worrying about expenses. His stomach seemed like an endless pit; no matter how much he ate, he kept ordering more food. If he grew tired of one restaurant's offerings, he would walk around to digest them before filling his stomach again at another place.

Upon seeing Nyx entering an ice cream shop yet again, Jujo couldn't hold back anymore and exclaimed,

"Are you still going to eat? Isn't your stomach going to burst?"

"Don't jinx it! Of course, ice cream is essential after eating. Besides it's my last day to eat without worrying about zombies biting me," Nyx retorted.

"Just thinking about having to eat only instant noodles and dry food for an extended period makes me want to scream out loud and cry," Nyx added.

"Even after eating all this time, you're still hungry? If you continue eating like this non-stop you'll become as fat as a pig," Jujo teased.

"I understand your pain completely," Nyx replied sarcastically.

"What pain are you talking about?" Jujo retorted.

"Your pain of only being able to watch but not taste these delicious foods," Nyx explained.

"Don't blame your daddy, Jujo. If you had the ability to eat, I would happily feed you with my own hands. But alas, who asked you to be born as a system?" Nyx teased, his voice filled with mock sympathy.

Jujo was left speechless by this shameless man. It was so thoroughly disgusted and annoyed that it wanted nothing more than to strangle him. The audacity of this man was beyond anything it had ever encountered. The system wanted to scold him but found itself at a loss for words. It couldn't find any harsh words that would adequately express its annoyance. Frustrated, Jujo sneered twice and decided to leave him alone for a while. It chose instead to watch movies in an attempt to learn some bad words for future use. Perhaps it could use them in the future to give this shameless man a piece of its mind.

With no response from the system, Nyx happily continued his feast. He ordered ice cream and cakes, savoring each bite as if it was his last. He ate to his heart's content, oblivious to the disapproving gaze of the system. As he indulged in his feast, the sun began its descent in the west, casting long shadows on the ground.

People from all walks of life - office workers returning from a long day at work, parents picking up their children from school, students heading home after a day of classes - returned to their homes. They were all looking forward to a night of rest and relaxation, completely unaware of the nightmare that awaited them.

Unbeknownst to them, tomorrow's sunrise wouldn't bring a bright, hope-filled day but a nightmare. The familiar streets they walked every day, the homes they returned to every night, would be turned into a living hell. Their beloved family and friends might transform into monsters that feast on human blood and flesh.

As Nyx sat there, enjoying his feast under the setting sun, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. The world as they knew it was about to change drastically, and he could only hope that he was prepared for what was to come.