
The Dragon Slayers' Parade

Chapter 9 

Zarracen's brow is furrowed with irritation. She doesn't want to do it but now that Kayiback's butler Riser has finished with her hair in a surprisingly nice hair curls that fell around her neck she has to. So, she put the suit on with help because there were far too many buttons, and the lapel pin chain was the simplest piece. 

The pants were as modest as one could get. Zarracen couldn't tell the material, but it felt expensive in her hands. It felt like it was both strong and wouldn't tear easily but was incredibly soft to touch. They had red embroidered lines running diagonally from the crotch area down the leg of the pants. The jacket and vest seemed to be similar material. The suit jacket was full of that same embroidery, however Kayiback's taste was...wild. From the lapel to the collar the face of a flaming Grand Lion. Half of the face was on one side, the other on the other. 

This embroidery branched off to the shoulders where Riser needed to assist in the shoulder decorations that fanned out like a lion's mane sticking out the red slowly making way to gold. Down the arms is the lion's forepaw that looks to grip the pants in a way to make the red claw marks. The back of the suit was just as stitched showing the rest of the mane of a grand lion with a tail curled behind at the waist of the coat. 

The vest held the lapel chain on it across her chest with the buttons for the front appearing to be simple black rock shaped buttons. Hidden by the suit jacket is her crest on the right side of the vest. Beneath that was a plain silk shirt. Zarracen has never worn a full suit. At most she would wear half of one. Knight's ceremonies everyone was to wear a standard issue dress uniform. 

"Is Kayiback's this um...gaudy?" Riser sighs. 

"Shall we." He points to the tent's entryway. 

He didn't answer Zarracen but he didn't have to. Zarracen could tell by the purse of his lips and the stiffening of his body. She doesn't bother digging through any weapons to grab any. Instead, she just walks out into the crowd of soldiers and workers bustling. Zarracen is literally blinded when she looks at Kayiback. 

His outfit was similarly embroidered but symbolized his defeat of the mad Phoenix Rivek. The entire outfit was white with a bright orange and gold embroidery upon it. His shoulders jutted out with real feathers. He wore a necklace that highlighted his amber eyes. He was like a beacon in the crowd. 

Zarracen walks forward towards the others who look to be standing to wait to get to their parade floats. She idly looks at everyone else some of them were tame but elegant like Isaac's. He wore pants that seemed to be made out of some shiny material. A dark navy blue suit jacket embroidered with something that appears to be like glittering scales.

Beneath the jacket was a white shirt with like a frilly neck collar thing. His jacket was tied together with a sash around his waist that was similar to the shade of his pants and then faded towards the color of the jacket. Across his shoulder was his trident crest attached to a cape that went down his right arm. 

In comparison to that was Annitta's outfit. She wore weird headgear on her head that looked like a ram's horns. The dress was sleeveless with a tightlacing corset to accentuate her silhoutte. On her arms were sleeves that went up to the elbow with something like a veil on each sleeve. The dress itself was solid black with a tan snake embroidery up the middle of the skirt. The skirt flared out into a light tan at both the sleeves.

Victor was wearing blue green suit that honestly reminded Zarracen of those birds with those extravagant blue green feathers. She can't remember what they're called. He didn't have sigil on instead he had a corset on top of the suit jacket that had a flower tree run up to it like it belonged. The shirt beneath was laden with gold and an ascot at the neck. The cuffs of both his wrists were laden with feathers. 

"My it seems a rat does clean up nicely," Annitta sneers causing a chuckle to be released by Victor. 

"And witch still nags like hag no matter the clothing." Zarracen retorts. Her face reddens with rage as Kayiback smirks. 

"I see my gift looks wonderful." Zarracen glances at Kayiback who attempts to get two to stop focusing on the other. 

"Ah Sir Kayiback you're the one that gave her that outfit. No wonder she looks presentable." 

Kayiback winces slightly when Annitta's attention is turned to him. He plasters on an easy smile and continues the conversation with her. 

"But...how did you know her size?" Annitta questions. Zarracen blinks that...that was a good question. 

"How did you know my clothing size?" 

"Oh would you look at that there ready for us to get on our dragon floats." 

He scurries off away from the questions. 

"Idiot." Isaac snorts but follows. 

"Hmph," Annitta huffs but does the same leaving just Victor and Zarracen there. 

Victor nods his head but moves along to the extravagent floats they prepared. Each one not only long enough but colored in a way that emphasized each mighty beast. Zarracen follows last feeling a bit naked for everyone present had a weapon of some kind strapped to their hip or their backs. She frowns. She really needs to buy sturdier weapons. 

Those weaker weapons is probably why it took her so long to kill the dragon in comparison to her compatriots. Walking beside them she could tell they had gotten stronger since killing their dragons dwarfing their previous selves but her hindsight allwos her to know that they weren't much stronger than her at the time either. 

"Alright, everyone listen up!" Stace's voice is carried by the wind. "The parade will begin the moment we get through the gates. Please make sure to smile a lot of preparation has gone into it! Once the parade is done we'll park outside the castle for our Star's speech before the grand ceremony where you unveil your gifts for him." 

Everyone voices their acknowledgement of this, and the parade floats begin to hover off the ground with magic before moving towards the city at a fast pace. Zarracen takes a seat in the chair nestled above the dragon's head and yawns. She was almost back in the capital. Once all this is done she cannot wait to get in her bed and sleep to wind down. 

They were almost to the city when she feels dots of auras dancing in her vision. She picks up the crowd's cheers before they arrive even at the gate. The gate opens as we arrive the guards staring up in awe. 

The roars of the crowd get louder upon the first person's sighting the dragon at the head of the party. Annita's. Zarracen stands noticing the others doing the same. Her hands wave automatically. The sights of kids shout look. Adults admiring their kills. 

The smell of food from stands wafts into her nostrils reminding her that she did not eat. But, the would reach the castle before it became annoying. 

The type of parade reminded her of her youth. Her bruised and battered skin reflected in a knight's armor as she races to the front of a parade line to take a look at the excitement. Being reminded of her place beneath the masses. 

A grimace almost forms on her lips. Kayiback glances back at her and mouths for her to smile. She rolls her eyes but does so. 

Father's and mother's shouted for her. The commoner amongst the nobles. She turns and grins. Children atop paren's shoulders. Some sitting on top of the roofs decorated with the nations color of purple, gold, pink and black. Above their heads some Avens flew singing an upbeat tune. 

The flags were high. 

And so were spirits. 

It felt good. 

Zarracen's smile slowly becomes a true smile as they round the bend to the front courtyard of the royal palace. 

The palace was a grand and imposing as always. With thick columns around the front ladened with shining black stone. Ornate engravings of a dark purple down each side of the column. Protective runes meant to forge a barrier when it's under attack. A statue of the first emperor rose high in the courtyard past the moat to viewable for even those not allowed past the gates. 

The entrance that they stopped before were sweeping inviting those further into it. Above lied a balcony to which the Emperor would give a speech from. Around the front were the building branching off to long corridors that held round towers around the right left at the edge of the palace. They were linked with a small bridged. Connected and strengthened by long walls made of the same obsidian black material that went into the rest of the stone structure. 

Stained glass windows obscured the innerworkings of the palace from the outside. Just as the great gate before them bright ethrite is closed. The view of Grand Knights is scattered into the sky as a projection for those not allowed into the courtyard. 

"Attention for his Imperial Majesty!" Herald Stace's voice booms across the yard. The people's thrumming noise quiets as trumpets blare to announce him. 

All five knights turn to the balcony as their star appears. There he stands. Bhaltair Sebastian Lomidze Iximdor the Emperor of Ixmtaraza. He gazes upon them. His pink eyes with stars inside them alight with emotion. His white hair braided down his scalp. He was wearing imperial black and a dark pink suit with embroidered silver a part of every piece. 

A long black cape at his back. 

Zarracen could feel power emanating off him as always coating them all. Sweat beads down her face. She places her hand over her heart and kneels low waiting with a bow to her neck. The others doing their own versions of it. 

"Stand my knights!" His voice smooth yet deep echoes into Zarracen's very soul. 

She follows the order and stands. 

"My loyal citizens look upon my Grand Knights! Each from a different class, a different species and yet all work together to protect our lands! They fought victoriously against the vicious beasts that razed our borders and attacked our towns, cities and villages. And now they have brought their kills before me a token to their skill and loyalty!" 

He pauses and the crowd cheers. 

"Tonight we celebrate their won honor for the titles of Dragon Slayer! We praise them for raising their mights again achieving what few men and women could achieve! Today is a day of history for our glorious empire and how stands above all in both military and economic might!" 

Bhaltair turns on his feet then with just a wave and returns back inside. The crowd erupts again but the Grand Knights are hurried inside the palace to the throne room.