Chapter 8
The tent swings open. He saunters in like he owns the place. A wicked grin on his face. Kayiback has always been like this assertive and almost demanding of Zarracen's time. But, seeing how he acts with others she knew it was just as he was. It certainly isn't a trait she despises so she allows it.
The man was dressed in simple leather pants with a silk short. A short sword made out of Ethrite at his hips.
Everything about him screamed money even when he was dressed as casually as this. In his hands was a huge bottle of Slaibell. A bottle that big must've cost no less than 4,000 Star Vixtra. Most Ixtarzians would beg to make that much money. Even the richest lower ranked commoners would only be able to afford an expensive drink like that on someone else's Toke.
Zarracen herself wouldn't be able to freely buy such a thing. It must be nice to be the son of the Rerrer family. She thinks this to herself but gets up to get two cups before settling down. Kayiback is silent as he pours the drink for the two of them. She takes a sip when he's done and hums to herself as a rush of fruit tinged with salty burst slides over her tongue.
Slaibell could put most people on their ass after a drink, but Zarracen will be fine. She's drunk more than she'd care to admit. She continues to drink while staring at Kayiback. Her lungs and stomach begin to warm in a way an oven slowly heats up.
"You'll not speak first?" Kayiback questions. She stares at him still.
"Why was I rushed back here?" Zarracen questions to get this over with. Why he wanted to talk when all she wanted to do was drop dead in the bed they set up for her.
"Ah, you were taking too long. Everyone had made it to this spot days ago." Kayiback shrugs as if the reminder that she was slow wouldn't tick her off.
"Maybe you all should've savored your kills or at least paraded without me."
"Oh Annitta was lobbying for that."
He pauses to take a sip before continuing.
"But, as the esteemed herald reminded her that it would be a waste to run a victory parade twice."
Zarracen downs the rest of the Slaibell in her cup before pouring herself some more.
"Speaking of Annitta what was that flirting with her for. Last I checked ya couldn't stand er?"
"My parents are dragging me through a sessions after sessions of women they want me engaged to. It's tiring. With me leaving for the dragon fight they've been worse and they'll accept no less than a woman of Annitta's caliber."
"It doesn't help that she's beautiful." He grins rakishly at Zarricen then who groans.
"Oooh you must like her."
"It's called having eyes."
Zarracen grumbles and takes a swig.
"So, what's this parade al bout?" She questions.
"Our star the emperor wants to grace us with the recognition of being Dragon Slayers. By doing his bidding we will all receive a reward equivalent to being one. It could be anything from land to rare material equal similar in cost. For someone like you a real title."
"Hmph," Zarracen lets out a noise of disproval. "Like that'll change anything I'd rather have the land."
"Do not be so full of dubiety with me. Ravemoor isn't even a hereditary title."
"It's still a title equal to that of Margrave who cares if it can't be passed down."
Kayiback's lips turn down in a frown. His eyebrows knitting together in frustration. Zarracen sees this and ignores it. He didn't understand it and never would. He was born in a castle not a day he ever truly wanted. She sees no use of a title but for self-protection. Hereditary titles she did not care for. She didn't even want to think about children.
Power for herself to be able to live as she wanted and to be able to buy what she wants for herself. She's achieved that already. She polishes off her cup of Slaibell as Kayiback looks at her oddly when she goes for another cup. She starts to pour, and he stops her.
"Slow down you'll finish out the bottle by yourself."
"Kai a hereditary title means nothing to me." She dutifully ignores his attempt to get her stop her drinking.
"I just feel like you should want one."
"That'll be up to the Emperor Iximdor or one of the Ducal houses to decide."
Only royalty can grant titles. Of course, one of the Emperor's children could do the same but there are only three out of ten that are of an age to be able to decide such a thing. Zarracen's favor with them is small. The other Ravemoor's which aren't many at this point, did their best to scrub hands with them.
Zarracen on the other hand did her duties. The more she did them the more money that filled her coffers. The fact that Kayiback didn't understand or at least a semblance of understanding why she didn't care irked her. Nobility has done far less for her than she has done for them. They had enough wealth and power to feed the entirety of the slums.
It's like they wanted them to starve. There's not enough work in the world that can bring you outta that mud unless you are just talented enough. Zarracen's talent is killing. And she did it well enough to achieve Grand Knight of Valor. She'll continue to do so if she happens to achieve a 'real' title in the process she did not care. Right now, she just wants to enjoy life.
"Truly though? The parade and the Dragon's heart what does his majesty plan on doing with them. There's four of em. I'd see him giving it to Ducane Norcross and himself for more power but..."
"Consuming all that Videle could be detrimental to them? Annitta thinks the others are for his eldest children."
"His highness Prince Hallow and her highness Princess Isabella?" Zarracen questions those are the only two she could think of that would be even able to take it.
"Isabella?" Kayiback laughs. "No why ever would you think her. I'm thinking Hallow and Celeste. The two of them will likely make more use of it."
Zarracen stares at him in confusion before shrugging and furthering the conversation onward. She asks, "why Celeste?"
"Simple right now she's already doing counsel work. If she can put herself up there in strength, she could likely contest Prince Hallow due to her administrative experience. Not to mention works often with RIM in dealing with noble crimes. Commoners would love to have as a ruler."
"Clearly so would you. Commoners don't choose the rulers." He shrugs.
"She's good at her job. It's all about optics Zari!"
"If we're talkin bout lookin good Prince Hallow has that Divine Videle going for him. The church of Tximuria would back em to heavens."
"Mmm. True. The country was founded on the premise that Tximuria descended from the heavens and had a child with man that child became our first Emperor. The people already think divine blood runs strong through him."
"Well it matters not. Who becomes the ruler will not change anything for me. And I suspect our glorious Emperor has a quite the few more years ahead of him."
"Unless he steps down out of boredom."
The two laugh together at that.
Their conversation flows on to their specific battles with their dragons. Bracchus had upended an entire mountain range in their battle setting everything ablaze in the surroundings. It makes Zarracen's localized battle seem small.
"I'm lucky I had the area evacuated before I began. You know movement spells aren't my forte so it was hard to keep up with him when he kept flying off to escape."
"Most of my blades did no damage against Arcus. I stabbed it through with fifty spears."
"I felt like I was banging my head against a wall when fighting Bracchus. He'd block run away. Shoot fire blast run. Like he was playing a freaking game but I won in the end."
"Cheers to that. Glad you were able to come back."
He smiles brightly at Zarracen.
"Same to you friend." He pulls out a pocketwatch. "It's late we should get to bed. Don't worry bout clothes I got some for you and entourage to wear for tomorrow. They'll be sent to your separate tents."
"You didn't have to."
"Everyone else had a few days to prepare what they were going to wear and I doubt Herald Stace has proper garbs for you."
"And you do?" Zarracen narrows her eyes at him. "Not a dress?"
"Not a dress." He confirms with a smirk.
"No skirt?" He rolls his eyes.
"Of course not. By!" He runs off before Zarracen could ask more questions.
Zarracen stands up and stumbles a bit. She exhales surprised that the Slaibell hit her like that. She stumbles on her way to bed. Why they put a four-poster bed in a tent beyond her, but she doesn't care as long as she has a good night's sleep. She flops down the fluff of the mattress make her want sink into it more.
With the warmth of alcohol thrumming through her body and the light flighty feeling the mattress gave she was off to sleep in a few moments. Her dreams filled eyes. Pink eyes with a galaxy worth of stars within them. In her sleep she smiles and sighs sinking into the comfort of the eyes.
She wakes the next morning not remembering what she dreamed.
However, she as vibrant as she did when she burst into Tier 1 as a Martial Master. She lays there and checks her aura. Her Videle was still bright, but her red gold aura was mixing more to a shining lighter color. The stacks of Vidale in her chest got brighter and brighter within the second. She hums and moves the Aura stack within her to pull in more Videle from the surrounding air.
The air around her slowly becomes thick with Videle but she ignores it continue to add more. And finally she stops feeling near her wall. Her eyes open glowing once more but not to her knowledge. Her Videle increased again but she was still Tier 1 and she has an easier time utilizing nature Videle as well.
She stands up not bothering to look for food. She stares at the table she sat at last night and found that just as he said Kayiback laid out clothing for her. She ignores it and makes her way to the basin. She should try to do something with her hair at least.
She's kept it short for years out of necessity but in recent years she started growing it again. She doses her face and hair with water before beginning to comb it out. The lack of any hair products will make this difficult, but she powers through it to start with. Her hands are used as the comb.
Annoying. She hears the others get ready using their servants idly she thinks about the mercenary girls and wonders if she could ask them for help. Though she's reminded that it's not their job. Well she'll have to play on her natural curls for the day.
The sound of footsteps walking up to her tent pause her frustration.
"Whose there?" She questions.
"Lady Zarracen I am the butler to Master Rerrer. He sent me to assist in getting you ready," a male's voice chimes.
"Come in." He looks at her and visibly sighs.
"Please dress milady and I will assist with your hair."
He holds up a bag which Zarracen assumes has products for her. Hair. Kayiback comes in for the assist again.
"I don't normally travel with an entourage. I'll have to thank Kayiback for his foresight."
"Yes Milady please do." He states as if it was absolute that she should.
She's too relieved to car. She did not want to look like a fool to his majesty. Now the outfit. She stares at the outfit and blinks.
"How much did Kayiback spend on this?"
"No less than a Cedi coin. Milady"
"Oh thank god he didn't spend more than two thousand coins."
"For each piece."
"He...doesn't know restraint huh?"
"No he does not."
An audible groan leaves Zarracen's mouth and she wishes she did not agree last night to this. That must've been what the Slaibell really was for. Slick Asshole! She curses silently to herself. But nonetheless begins to dress carefully in the clothing.
A brief reprieve from the fighting to give some info. I'm thinking about making a glossary for this.