
Back at it again with the red assassination...?

When all was said and done the group departed from the Mojave Outpost the day after the convoy arrived and left. They headed directly east towards the ruins of Nipton, the town that'd been destroyed by the Legion months ago.

They walk through the now void of life salt-lake and spot the destroyed town... Afton thought that people might have started migrating to settle there now that the roads were cleared, but apparently not. It was still as empty and desolate as when the Legionaries first arrived.

The group passes through uneventfully and eventually reach Camp Searchlight. The green fog that used to pervade the place had thinned out slightly, this is most likely due to Afton and Karl closing the container of radioactive waste when they first arrived.

They continued to walk towards the camp and eventually spotted Sgt Astor. The man seemed surprised to see them, but happy nonetheless, even if the bags under his eyes gave him a tired and miserable look.

Afton and Karl greet the man, and he warmly reciprocates. The Smalltalk lasts for a couple minutes until the Sgt gets to the crux of the issue...

"Yeah... To be honest, I don't know if you guys stopping the source of the radiation is a good thing or not..." Astor admits, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Afton raises a brow at this, wondering why clearing radiation would ever be a bad thing. "What do you mean?"

Astor sighs and leads the group inside a military tent, gesturing at the map of the local area. It had many dark coloured pebbles stationed around a pencil-drawn circle which indicated the irradiated zone of Camp Searchlight. "Each of these pebbles signals a squad of legionaries... We've received reports that they're getting more aggressive north of here, and might be looking to pass through nearby us."

"And you think once they realise the radiation is fading, they'll send a full force before the NCR can send reinforcements?" Karl asks.

Astor gives a grim nod, "That's exactly the situation we're looking at. I'm sure you guys know how thin our forces are already spread, the only reason me and my men have survived this long near their main encampment west of the Colorado is because of the radiation. Once they notice the fog is clearing, I don't think there'll be anything we can do to stop them." he explains.

Karl nods, "If they breakthrough here, they'd be able to attack the Mojave Outpost and flank the other positions North of here... It'd be a massacre, I reckon the NCR would have to give up the Dam and converge in Camp McCarren to hold onto the Mojave..."

"Isn't there something we can do?" Josie asks, not looking happy with the situation at all.

Boone shrugs and looks to Astor, "You hear about what me and Afton did in Nelson a few months ago?"

Astor thinks for a moment before chuckling slightly, "That was you? Good on ya'."

Boone nods noncomittally and continues, "Well, I don't see why we can't do the same here." he says, prodding a finger at the Legion positions.

Karl grunts, "I don't know if that's a good idea... You know better than most just how many Legionaries are down in Cottonwood Cove. I don't know if we are ready to take on numbers like that yet, though, I'd be willing to try..." he looks to Afton, "In the end, it's up to you kid... You haven't led us wrong yet."

Afton frowns in thought and leans against the desk, thinking what they should do... If they did this, he'd have to assassinate his target not long after, otherwise once the Legion learned of his actions they'd 'cut him loose'.

The actual task itself wouldn't be all that difficult, they had the equipment for it, the opportunity of surprise, and the skills to make use of it. Though, even if they got rid of the squads, the Legion would eventually send more... Doing this would only delay the conflict slightly, and that's only ignoring the many other strategies the Legion could potentially use.

"I think we might be able to do it... Under one condition." he eventually says, looking to Astor who straightens up as if he was being addressed by his superior.


"I want you to claim responsibility for clearing the squads away... I don't want our names to be attached to it, it'd make our lives significantly more difficult that it has to be. Can you do that for me?" Afton asks, sending a hard look at Astor to show just how serious he was.

Astor quickly nods after processing the information, "That's fine... I'll make sure my men are aware of this as well, no mention of your name will leave our lips, you have my word."

Afton shakes his head, nothing could be hidden forever, especially a secret as big as this that's known by so many people. Someone is bound to slip up... But hopefully he'd be ready for it when it's brought to light. "Alright. We'll do it." he says, turning around and looking at his companions, "Me, Boone, Anja, and ED-E will go deal with the squads. Karl, Josie, and Dog-meat will scout around the area to make sure we won't miss anyone. That good with you guys?"

They all nod in affirmation, and he continues, "I'll just say this outright, take no prisoners and let no one escape. People cannot know we were here... I'll leave what to do with any hostages or slaves to your discretion..." he says meaningfully, though, Josie is the only one who seems a little put off by his last order.

She was the newest member of the group (aside from ED-E but he didn't count), so she'd not experienced just how brutal the jobs could sometimes be... She honestly wasn't sure if she could make herself execute an innocent person like Afton was not so subtly suggesting...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Niggrosscreators' thoughts