
Bad Decisions (TW: Violence)

(New TXT characters unlocked)

(Related to Cass)

Choi Soobin


Black hair

Dark brown slightly double-lid eyes

Tall nose, a bit round at the tip

Smal curled up lips

Deep dimpled cheeks

Pearly white smooth complexion

Slender but a bit toned

Introverted and straightforward

Mbti: ISFJ

Huening Kai


Short platinum blonde tousled hair

Hooded almond-shaped brown eyes

Aquiline nose

Wide lips not necessarily big

Fair skinned

Broad shoulders and fit

Softie boy

Mbti: ENFP

*Cass: Cassandra


Chestnut brown long and wavy hair

Almond black eyes with thick lashes and eyebrows

Defined cheekbones

Small pointy nose

Pouty lips

Caramel skinned

Slim but toned


Soobin's Pov

The same day from the last chapter…

I was washing my hands on the bathroom sink when I heard my little brother yelling from the living room upstairs.

"Soobin! Our men just called and Cass is still nowhere to be found!"

I clicked my tongue in frustration. I wiped my aching knuckles with a white face towel and in the process, some of the blood got smeared on it.

"Tell them to continue looking for her till they find our sister or I'll have their heads on a plate first thing in the morning!" I huffed in extreme anger as I watched myself in the small oval mirror.


I caught a glimpse of the guy sitting on a steel chair at the middle of the basement, groaning softly as he tried to raise his head back into position after I beat the hell out of his face a few minutes ago.

"Have you reflected now?" I began wrapping bandage around my fist, contemplating on where else I'd land another punch on his distorted purplish face.

"Y-yes… bo…ss." He muttered in between his pantings. "Ah… I'm… ter…ribly.. so…sorry… for… hah… leav…ing… her… be… hind…"

"Big brother, I think that's enough. He might be telling the truth." My teen little brother who still haven't fully ingested the atrocities our family do for a living just interrupted my arm from swinging for the eighth time. "Let's forgive him and move on."

"Are you even hearing yourself?!" Just imagining our youngest sibling who just had her debut last March getting imprisoned because we have no means to get her out is making my veins pop open inside my head.

Especially now that our clan is on the losing side after our biggest smuggled weapons deal got screwed up by one traitor we have yet to capture.

"Look, please hear me out." Kai's calm response is even more annoying than I thought. "You know our sister is very stubborn and usually acts on her own most of the time. I won't even be surprised if she ordered him to leave her behind just to find that glasses guy again without you getting on her way."

I paused and watched the guy in his thirties hung his head backwards on the chair as a sign of loss of hope to survive.

He's been serving our family even before our parents died in a car accident five years ago and as much as I don't wanna admit it, Kai has a point.

"We are losing men day after day and it's hard to find trustworthy allies nowadays." He continued and showed me his deadly puppy eyes I somehow could never ignore. I shook my head and withdrew my hand from the target.

"You're lucky you got yourself a good lawyer." I said as I took my phone from my jeans' back pocket to call my right-hand man. "It's me. Tell everyone to prepare the car. I'll find and bring her back myself even if I end up in jail."

"She was last seen around this area." Kai quickly pulled me towards the black leather sofa near the wooden stairs and opened a compact laptop he always carries around in his black backpack to check the map.

I gave it to him as a gift last year on his birthday. It acts as a bulletproof vest to protect him from anyone who'll try to attack him when he's alone.

"Check that forest nearby if there's a possibility she's hiding in there since there's no report of her leaving the town as of yet and get some of our men to wait for her at the apartment just in case."

"I'll come with you."

"No." I turned my head around before leaving and told him to stay in the house.

"It's for your own good. And besides, he's still haven't been cleared from the allegations that he sold out our sister to the cops. Watch him for me."