
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 053- Rifat's Decision

After getting to know each other, Rifat invited them inside the car as the driver drove back to Rifat's mansion.

"This is my house. If you all don't mind, I have already asked the maids to prepare all of you accomodations here." Rifat said.

As they heard Rifat's words, all of them were shocked. Even though some of them belongs to somewhat rich families, they never resided in a mansion before. So, this is going to be totally new experience for them.

Alexis Leskinen took the lead in replying, "Thank you for your generous accommodation. I hope we don't disturb you during our stay here in your mansion."

"No worries. Think of this as you home and don't be shy in asking the maids if you need anything. Since you all have made a long journey to Japan from America, you all must be tired. Please refresh yourself, the maids will show you your rooms."

"I generally have my dinner around one hour later. If you want, you can join me or ask the maids to deliver it to you room." Rifat explained to them before calling his maids to guide them toward their bedrooms.


After the dinner, Rifat retreated to his room, where he found himself lost in contemplation. In his previous world, Rifat had distributed various sub-systems whenever he encountered individuals deemed worthy. However, his mindset had now changed.

Unless absolutely necessary for the achievement of his goals in a particular world, Rifat had decided not to share the subsystem with anyone else, except for those who would accompany him to the next world.

In this particular world, his sole intention was to bring Makise Kurisu with him. Thus, despite the fact that granting Okabe and the others access to the subsystem would expedite the development of the time machine, Rifat had no plans to do so.

Reflecting on his past experiences, Rifat realized that in the previous world, the distribution of systems to many people was crucial for his survival and the accomplishment of his objectives.

However, for the current world and future worlds, he understood the need for caution in selecting recipients of the system.

He recognized the potential dangers associated with granting individuals access to the system's power. There was no guarantee that they would use it responsibly after or even before he had departed the world.

Although Rifat could exert some control over their actions through missions, there was the possibility that individuals might disregard the consequences entirely.

If the existence of the system or the presence of humans with superpowers became known to the masses, it could pose a significant problem for Rifat.

He was not yet in a position where he could easily dismiss the threat posed by governments wielding advanced weaponry in various worlds.

Therefore, he needed to exercise caution and discretion in determining who should receive the sub system from him.

Rifat contemplated the potential consequences if governments were to initiate a crackdown on individuals with superpowers.

Such actions would not only create significant problems for him but could also impede his progress in achieving his goals within a world. He feared that his situation might parallel that of mutants in the Marvel Universe, facing discrimination and persecution.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Rifat understood the importance of taking precautions to avoid such complications. He acknowledged that his previous mistake of mass-producing numerous sub-systems in the SAO world.

Therefore, he was determined not to repeat that mistake and prioritize safety over the risk of exposing his capabilities to the world.

Rifat deliberated on his plans regarding the distribution of subsystems in this particular world. He resolved to offer Makise Kurisu a subsystem, as her expertise in time machine development would be crucial in creating a superior version compared to the one developed in the canon timeline.

However, Rifat decided to exercise caution and wait for Kurisu to develop feelings for him before providing her with the subsystem. He believed that her love and commitment were essential for a successful partnership and to ensure that she would accompany him to future worlds.

Without her reciprocation, giving her the subsystem would be futile. Rifat decided that he would make a final determination based on Kurisu's choice, ultimately determining whether she would receive the subsystem or if another candidate would be chosen.

Furthermore, Rifat is aware of the potential of the subsystem to enhance anyone's expertise in time machine development, regardless of their initial level of intelligence or aptitude.

So it is very much possible to choose someone other than Makise Kurisu to receive the subsystem.

He resolved himself that if Kurisu didn't develop feelings for him or if circumstances required a different candidate, he could select another individual without compromising.

Sitting in his chair, Rifat found solace in the rhythmic rocking motion while occasionally taking sips of his coffee. He continued to contemplate his plans, weighing the possibilities and considering the best course of action for the successful fulfillment of his goals.


---Next Day---

As Rifat, Kurisu, and the others gathered for breakfast, Rifat initiated a conversation.

"So, did all of you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, we did. Thank you for your exceptional hospitality, Mr. Rifat. I have participated in various exchange programs at different universities, but this is the first time I have received such luxurious treatment, from living in a mansion to enjoying meals prepared by world-class chefs," replied Alexis Leskinen, speaking on behalf of everyone and expressing gratitude to Rifat.

A smile crossed Rifat's face as he listened to the appreciation. He responded, "I'm delighted to hear that. I have also arranged some personal cars for your convenience in exploring the city, commuting between the university and home."

After everyone finished their breakfast, Rifat addressed the group, "Usually, I head to the university after breakfast. If you'd like, you can accompany me or make use of the cars I've arranged for you."

Alexis pondered for a moment before responding, "Makise will join you to familiarize herself with the university and the tasks we'll be undertaking during our stay here."

"As for the rest of us, we need to sort our the project details that we will be going to discuss with you, and it may take some time," Alexis added.

"Understood. Ms. Kurisu, please be prepared within the next half an hour," Rifat said.

"Yes," Makise Kurisu replied.


---In the car---

As they embarked on their drive toward the university, Rifat seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Makise Kurisu. He was genuinely interested in getting to know her better, as their connection in this world held significant importance to him.

"So, Ms. Kurisu, tell me a bit about yourself," Rifat began, glancing at her with a friendly smile. "I've heard of your remarkable achievements in the field of neuroscience and your expertise in time machine research. It's truly impressive."

Makise Kurisu leaned back in her seat, her expression thoughtful. "Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Rifat. I've dedicated a substantial part of my life to scientific research, particularly in the realm of time travel. It's a complex subject that has captivated my curiosity for years."

Rifat nodded, his interest piqued. "Indeed, time travel is a fascinating concept. I've always wondered about the possibilities it holds and the implications it could have on our world. What drove you to delve into this particular area of study?"

A faint smile graced Kurisu's lips as she contemplated the question. "I suppose it stems from a combination of intellectual curiosity and a desire to uncover the mysteries of time itself."

"The notion of altering the past or glimpsing into the future is both exhilarating and unnerving. I believe that understanding time travel could potentially unlock incredible advancements for humanity."

Rifat listened attentively, intrigued by Kurisu's genuine passion for her work. He found her dedication and intellect captivating, fueling his growing desire for her.

As they delved deeper into the conversation, they exchanged ideas, theories, and personal experiences, gradually building a stronger connection.

[A/N: I don't know if it was mentioned in the anime or not but I totally forgot how Makise got interested in time travel or when she started researching about this topic. So, if you find any inconsistencies with the canon, please ignore and think of this as an alternate universe.]

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