
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 054- Amadeus

As Rifat and Kurisu reached the Tokyo Denki University, he began their tour by taking Kurisu to the main building, where he introduced her to some of the faculty members and researchers.

They engaged in lively discussions about their respective fields, exchanging ideas and insights.

Next, Rifat guided Kurisu to the state-of-the-art laboratories, showcasing the cutting-edge research being conducted in various disciplines.

As they walked through the corridors filled with scientific equipment, Rifat explained the significance of each department and the contributions they made to the field of science.

Despite the achievements of Tokyo Denki University paling in comparison to those of the prestigious Victor Chondria University, Makise Kurisu found herself captivated by Rifat's explanations. His voice carried a comforting tone that provided her solace.

As they continued their tour, Rifat led Kurisu to the university library, a vast repository of knowledge. They strolled through the aisles, their fingers gently grazing the spines of countless books.

Rifat shared his stories about his own experiences in academia, drawing Kurisu deeper into the rich flavour of university life.

Feeling a sense of connection, Rifat and Kurisu found themselves engaged in discussions about their shared passion for scientific research.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the exchange of ideas fueling their intellectual curiosity. In those moments, they realized they were kindred spirits, united by their unwavering pursuit of knowledge.

Taking a break from their tour, Rifat and Kurisu found a quiet corner in the university's garden. Surrounded by blooming flowers and the tranquil melody of chirping birds, they shared personal stories, dreams, and aspirations.

After hours of engaging conversation, Rifat proposed that they head to the Chancellor's office to discuss the tasks Makise Kurisu and others would be working on.

Makise Kurisu gladly accepted the invitation, her face adorned with a genuine smile. She couldn't help but think to herself, 'He truly is an intriguing individual. Despite his fame and wealth, he carries himself with utmost humility and lacks any trace of arrogance.'

With a lightness in her step, Kurisu followed Rifat through the corridors of the university. As they walked side by side, she couldn't help but observe his demeanor.

Rifat's confident yet approachable presence made her feel comfortable and at ease. It was as if she had known him for much longer than just a few hours.


---In the Chancellor's Office---

After exchanging polite greetings, the chancellor handed Makise Kurisu a list of seminars and classes they were required to take during the semester.

The chancellor emphasized that they had the freedom to divide the workload among themselves, without any interference from the university.

Additionally, he expressed the hope that Kurisu and her colleagues would share their unique experiences and broaden the horizons of the students of the Tokyo Denki University.

Kurisu nodded attentively, assuring the chancellor that they would fulfill all their obligations. The chancellor seemed satisfied with her response and turned his attention to Rifat, entrusting him again with the responsibility of taking care of Kurisu and her team during their stay.

Rifat nodded respectfully, affirming his commitment to ensuring their well-being. With the formalities concluded, Rifat and Kurisu bid farewell to the chancellor, exiting his office together.

As they walked through the university corridors, Rifat led Kurisu to her temporary office, where she would be conducting her research and preparations for the assigned tasks.

Upon entering the office, Kurisu took a moment to familiarize herself with the space, envisioning the productive hours she would spend there.

Before parting ways temporarily, Rifat and Kurisu exchanged their social media accounts, a gesture that would enable them to stay connected outside of their professional duties. It was a small yet significant step in forging a deeper bond between them.

With a warm smile, Rifat expressed his confidence in Kurisu's abilities and assured her that he would be readily available to assist her whenever needed. Kurisu reciprocated his kind words, expressing her gratitude for his guidance and support.


As the months passed by, the end of the semester approached, marking the culmination of Rifat's collaboration with Kurisu and her colleagues on the groundbreaking project called 'Amadeus.' The project centered around the development of an advanced AI program.

Amadeus was unlike any other AI system ever created. It utilized the intricate data of an individual's memories and personality as its foundation. By digitizing human memories and converting them into data, Amadeus had the capability to generate a fully functional artificial intelligence possessing the capabilities and recollections of the person whose data was utilized.

Working closely with Kurisu and her team on Amadeus, Rifat found himself delving deep into the realm of artificial intelligence.

During this collaboration, Rifat's knowledge and understanding of AI expanded exponentially. He became well-versed in the complexities of AI systems and gained valuable insights into the potential applications of this technology.

Inspired by the progress made on Amadeus, Rifat began envisioning the creation of his very own AI assistant, utilizing the knowledge and experience he had gained throughout the semester.

[A/N: I know Alexis Leskinen has other purposes by creating Amadeus but I am not going to delve deeper into that since Rifat will leaving this world very soon.]


Today Rifat invited Makise Kurisu for a dinner together. After months of working closely on the Amadeus project, their friendship had become very closer.

In preparation for the dinner, Rifat chose a quiet and charming restaurant known for its cozy environment and exquisite cuisine. He wanted the evening to be special, a chance for them to unwind and enjoy each other's company outside the confines of their academic pursuits.

As the appointed time approached, Rifat meticulously dressed in a tailored suit, ensuring he looked his best for the occasion. This dinner would be an opportunity to further strengthen their bond and deepen their connection.

Arriving at the restaurant, Rifat entered and was greeted by the warm glow of soft lighting and the aroma of delectable dishes wafting through the air. He had reserved a private table in a secluded corner, offering them privacy amidst the gentle hum of other diners' conversations.

Moments later, Kurisu arrived, her presence captivating Rifat as she stepped into the restaurant. She wore an elegant dress that highlighted her beauty, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Rifat couldn't help but be captivated by her radiance.

As they exchanged warm smiles and greetings, Rifat pulled out a chair for Kurisu, gesturing for her to take a seat. Once they were both settled, a waiter approached to take their orders, presenting them with a menu featuring an array of tantalizing culinary delights.

As their dinner progressed, Rifat and Makise Kurisu engaged in a lively and effortless conversation. Towards the end of their meal, Rifat broached a topic of the future, asking Kurisu about her plans after the semester's conclusion.

With her project completed and the possibility of obtaining her PhD, Rifat pointed out that there might be little left for her at the university.

Caught off guard by the question, Kurisu hesitated before responding, expressing her uncertainty about what to do next. Curious about Rifat's opinion, she turned the question back to him, seeking his guidance.

Rifat's eyes softened as he replied, "I would be delighted if you returned to Japan after earning your degree. As I mentioned before, I am planning to embark on a project involving time machines, and I would greatly appreciate your company and expertise in this endeavor."

Kurisu took a moment to ponder his proposition before replying, "Since you value my presence, it would be impolite of me to decline as a friend. I promise that after obtaining my PhD, I will come back to Japan to assist you."

A genuine smile adorned Rifat's face as he responded playfully, "Then I eagerly await your return. I was afraid I might lose you forever."

Kurisu shot him a sidelong glance, her tone slightly teasing, "Don't make it sound like we're lovers parting ways."

Their light-hearted banter filled the air, adding a touch of sweetness to their dinner conversation.

[A/N: Sorry for not posting any chapter last week. I had to prepare for 3 quizzes and since I was translating a fanfic as well, the time I had for writing this fic was too little.

Also, I will not be able to post any chapter this week as well. Eid Ul Adha(an islamic festival) is just a few days away. Since I will be in my home village celebrating it, the chances of me writing any new chapter is close to none.

So, see you guys in the next week.]