
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · Película
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32 Chs

Chapter 5: I really don't want to be handsome


Two tall, thick glasses made of solid wood collided, and the brimming cool drink spilled.

Glu Glu Glu Glu...

The seductive sound of swallowing the drink continued for a while.


An extremely refreshing moan sounded.


Thick wooden wine glasses were placed heavily on the wine table.

Morgan let out a long sigh of relief, "That's great!"

Although the Hobbit's malted beer is much less brewed than the beer in his previous life, and the alcohol content is also much lower.

But because the material is pure wheat grain, and various kinds of fruits are added and fermented, it can be said that it is beer wine or fruit wine.

With a mild taste with a hint of fruity aroma, and after being "ice-cream" (soaked in cold tap water and then served).

He made Morgan, who had lived like a savage for more than half a month, enjoy it very much.

"Not bad, the wine here is tastier than wines elsewhere."

Gandalf wiped the wine stain from his beard around his mouth and laughed.

"Really good..."

Morgan picked up a thick piece of smoked sausage from the plate in front of him and popped it into his mouth, opening his mouth and chewing.

He hasn't had time to taste the wines from other places.

In his memory the original owner had drunk the wine from the Ferro City tavern, and the taste seemed to be horrible.

Hobbit beer, I enjoy it as a fruit wine.

After all, in this world, you can't have too high requirements.

"That's just one of the reasons I like being here."

"As long as you stay here for some time, you'll find that you don't want to leave here at all..."

Gandalf cut the smoked fish on the plate in front of him with a knife and fork, popped it into his mouth, and said with delight.

"I think so too, but before that, I have to take on enough quests and earn enough money."

"After all, I can't grow potatoes like the Hobbits..."

Morgan nodded, agreeing with Gandalf.

But now, he has no intention of living in Hobbiton.

Hearing Morgan mention the quest, Gandalf put the cutlery in Morgan's hand, picked up the wheat beer the bartender had just filled, and took a drink.

He immediately smiled, "Don't worry, this one I'm going to introduce to you will definitely earn you a big commission..."

Knowing this very well, Morgan immediately asked, "Gandalf, I want to ask, who is the employer you are going to introduce me to?"

Gandalf kept moving the knife and fork in his hand, put a piece of smoked sausage in his mouth and said casually, "A bunch of dwarfs."

Morgan knowingly asked, "Midgets?"

Gandalf nodded: "Yes, if you want to get this commission, you must convince the dwarves..."

Speaking of which, Gandalf seemed to feel a bit uneasy, after all, he himself had promised before, so he immediately continued: "But don't worry, with your strength, Morgan, there is absolutely no problem being selected for this mission".

"Also, am I not here?..."

Morgan nodded with a smile and lifted his glass high. "Of course I believe in you, Gandalf, cheers..."

When they left the tavern, it was already dark.

Drinking from afternoon to night, even if the beer brewed by the hobbit was low in alcohol.

The two of them, although they were not drunk, but there was still a lot of alcohol in their bodies.

Morgan looked at Gandalf: "Shall we go now?"

Gandalf knew that the group of Durin's dwarves who had made an appointment with him might have arrived, and perhaps they were now expecting his presence.

But sensing his state, it was obviously inappropriate to see Bilbo Baggins, whom he hadn't seen for many years, or Thorin Oakenshield and his gang.

And today is a little late.

After some consideration, facing Morgan's gaze, Gandalf turned resolutely and re-entered the Blackcurrant Tavern behind him.

Early the next morning.

Morgan finished washing up and stood in front of the simple glass mirror in the tavern room.

It was the first time he had really seen his own body.

Over six feet tall and almost 1.9 meters tall.

Tall and strong, with long black shawl-like hair tied in a ponytail, his face is slim and well defined, with a pair of deep, enchanting blue eyes.

"Such face value, good condition and high-quality appearance."

"No wonder he can get so many lovers in the Iron Town, even the wife of his former boss, the captain of the guard..."

Morgan looked at herself in the mirror and shook his head.

Compared to his previous life, this figure is very different.

He looked ugly in his previous life, and it could even be said that he was vicious.

But as an underground boxer, he's still a bit famous. He is not short of money, and naturally he is never short of women.

So, he doesn't care about his appearance.

Now that he has suddenly become a handsome boy with a good physique and good looks, he feels really uncomfortable.

A bit pretentious, to say the least, if possible, he would rather have the vicious face from his previous life.

In any case, with force, women will not be missing anywhere.

But being handsome is also a new experience in life, and Morgan will work hard to adjust.

Without much thought, Morgan picked up the long-sleeved silk shirt he had just bought yesterday.

Brand new leather cuirass, the armor on his legs began to wear down.

Yesterday's bear meat was sold for a total of three gold coins.

A standard gold coin in this world is roughly equivalent to twenty standard silver coins.

It cost him ten silver to buy Gandalf a drink last night, plus the purchase of clothes, leather armor, arrows, and the room fee.

Morgan now has two silver coins left in his body.

It can be said that money is like flowing water.

Among them, ten silver coins were spent on food and drink, fifteen silver coins were spent on replenishing arrows in the quiver, and three silver coins were spent on buying new clothes and the room fee.

The rest was spent on this new set of leather breastplates, a total of thirty silver coins.

Although the quality of the leather armor seems to be very general.

Morgan knew the dangers of this trip by heart.

He originally wanted to buy a set of steel wire mesh, but he gave up after asking the price.

As for the sword that he wanted to exchange earlier, he didn't even dare to ask.

Everything is simply too expensive.

Long silk sleeves for the upper body and a yellow cuirass.

The lower body is fitted and the legs are also bound with yellow leg armor.

The black hair was tied in a ponytail and the beard was shaved.

Finally, he hangs the long sword on his waist, the short sword on his calf, and the long bow and quiver on his back.

When Morgan finished tidying up and left the room, he was like he was a different person.

Arriving at the tavern room from the second floor, Gandalf looked at Morgan and nodded.

"You finally look like a bounty hunter."

"Come on, we're late, let's not keep them waiting too long.

The two of them walked out of the Blackcurrant Tavern, took the reins, and immediately mounted their horses and hurriedly walked off into the distance.

At this time, the sky is cloudy and a red sun in the east is setting on the horizon.

The two of them quickly rode out of Hobbiton.

After a while, I crossed two clear streams, several low hills, and large expanses of green crops.

A small, dainty, bunker-like hut came into view for the two of them.

Morgan followed Gandalf, trotting forward with clear purpose.

It didn't take him long to see a stocky little hobbit sitting quietly on a bench by the side of the road, smoking a pipe.