
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · Película
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32 Chs

Chapter 4: Cheers

"The upgrade consumes 1 point of soul power, will it upgrade the skill?"

Looking at the virtual data indicator that appeared in front of him, Morgan selected it.

Pale white light flickered and the soul power column quickly turned to zero.

"Archery LV2..."

The moment the virtual data jumped out in front of him, Morgan could clearly feel a flush of heat being injected into his body.

At the same time, information about archery also appeared in his mind.

It's a ton of information on shooting angles, arrow distances, and things to keep in mind when shooting arrows.

Silently feeling and understanding this memory about archery.

Morgan only felt that his prior knowledge of archery was too simple.

He now has a strong urge to take the bow and arrow and try it out.

But he opened his eyes and saw the darkness around him, and the wizard Gandalf, sleeping peacefully not far away.

Morgan forced the momentum to calm down.

From night to dawn.

Morgan opened his eyes as the horizon dimmed.

After a short wash, Morgan and Gandalf ate the roast bear for breakfast.

The bear carcass was huge, and even if the two of them still ate a lot, there were too many leftovers.

The bear meat was tasty, and Morgan didn't want to give it up.

It's just that the carcass is too big, and the two of them only have two horses in total, so it's impossible to transport the whole body.

Then Morgan started to divide the dead bear and Gandalf came over to help.

It didn't take long to dismantle and divide the bear meat.

When they finished hanging the pieces of meat on the backs of the horses.

The two left.

As said yesterday.

Morgan rode behind Gandalf, and the two traveled quickly.

Gandalf was right.

Before nightfall, the two mounted on their horses, saw from afar that low houses began to appear in the distance.

"It's Hobbiton ahead..."

Seeing that the city was in front of him, Gandalf told them to slow down their horses.

Riding wild all day.

His butt was very sore.

Morgan, I experience this pain personally.

Hearing Gandalf's words, Morgan breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously controlled the horse below him to slow down.

The destination is not far away, so there is no rush.

Gandalf had already taken out his pipe and started taking the cut tobacco out of the bag, rolling it into a small ball and putting it in his pipe.

"Huh, I can finally see a living person..."

Morgan looked into the distance and let out a long breath as the smoke Gandalf had just inhaled entered his lungs and immediately choked on coughing over and over again.

"Cough cough..."

"What does this child mean, I'm not alive?"

Wouldn't it be a bad choice to take this boy to see Thorin?

Gandalf glanced at Morgan, murmuring in his heart.

"Of course, Gandalf, you don't count..."

Seeing Gandalf's strange look, Morgan immediately said, "I'm not saying you're not human, of course you're alive..."

"I mean, Gandalf, you're a wizard..."

Seeing Morgan's explanation grow increasingly chaotic, Gandalf coughed lightly: "Cough..."

"Shut up, I know what you mean..."

"Let's go ahead and remove this bear meat as soon as possible."

"It's been out in the sun for a day, and if you wait longer, the price will drop significantly."

Gandalf was smoking and talking calmly, but he had already decided to tease Morgan a bit.

After last night and chatting all the way today, the relationship between the two is already very familiar.

They somewhat understand their personalities and don't mind joking around a bit.

"you're right..."

"However, I am not familiar with this place, and I will have to trouble you Gandalf to deal with this bear meat..."

Morgan gasped and laughed, then spoke to Gandalf again.

In his memory plot, he learned that Gandalf was upright, funny and talkative, but also a bit boring.

Now that I have come into contact with him, I find Gandalf to be a similar character to the plot.

For these types of characters, being generous and outspoken is the best way to get along and get closer.

Morgan had already decided that after processing the bear meat, he would definitely treat Gandalf to a feast.

Before coming here, he has been practically living a wild life in the desert.

Although you can hunt every day.

But cooking without any other ingredients and spices, except for a small amount of salt, does not taste very good.

Since there are no other utensils, he can only make the most basic barbecue food.

After eating for a long time, he felt like throwing up when he saw the barbecue.

Even bear meat can only taste light.

Gandalf smoked his pipe.

The two of them quickly rode towards the city in front of them.

The sky was covered by the veil of night.

The two came to town on horseback.

Soon, figures began to appear on the road ahead, very short figures.

Morgan knew that he should have come to Hobbiton as Gandalf said,

Those short people are the natives here, the hobbits, also called halflings.

On the lush green slopes, in the hills, there are exquisitely shaped, bunker-like huts, inlaid with round door frames, scattered everywhere.

Low green slopes, small fences, fences, multi-colored flowers, blue stone paths, crystal clear rivers, busy little hobbits, and even smaller hobbits running barefoot on the hillside forest path.

A quiet, leisurely, relaxed and beautiful rural landscape.

Entering this small town, Morgan has a very good feeling, a feeling as if he is in a fairy tale world.

In his previous life, Morgan had personally been to New Zealand, where The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were filmed.

Although the scenery of "Hobbiton" is still beautiful, the artificial air was still very strong as he recalls it.

But here, everything is so peaceful and natural.

"Maybe in the future, it will be a good choice to come here to retire and settle down..."

The sudden thought in his mind made Morgan laugh and shake his head.

Though it's still too early for retirement, it also shows Morgan's longing for the beautiful, idyllic setting of Hobbiton.

"It's nice..."

"I was just like you when I first came."

Seeing Morgan continue to look left and right, Gandalf laughed quietly, exhaling smoke.

"This is Hobbiton?"

"It's really beautiful..."

Morgan watched for a while and said excitedly.

"Of course, the Hobbit's hometown is one of the most beautiful places in all of Middle-earth."

"I love these little workers..."

After taking the last puff of tobacco, Gandalf struck his shoe with his pipe, wiped it clean again, raised his head, and continued:

"Come on, you won't be able to sell the bear meat while you're standing here."

"Come with me..."

Gandalf said, pulling back on the reins, turning his head and walking forward.

Morgan followed quickly.

After an hour.

Hobbiton, in the noisy blackcurrant pub.

Morgan and Gandalf clinked the two tall wooden goblets filled with wine as they sat at the table.

" sheers..."

I'm going to stop for a moment when I have about 10 or 20 chapters ready, I'll upload them at once, so it doesn't get tedious for those who are watching it or following it here because it has happened to me as a reader. So don't worry, if it's because of me I'm not going to stop.

Daoisty62creators' thoughts