
Chapter 13

To my lovely wife,

I'm happy to hear from you, so soon since the year begin. I'm doing good, though work at the Ministry is pilling up but all the decoration you wanted arrived and the Manor is ready to be decorated by you. The Abraxan herd is doing good too, even though they are quite old. The little birds you wanted around the Manor will hatch around a month from now, I will tell the Headmaster so you can come to see them. My parents are residing permanently in French now, so you don't need to be worried all the time.

I promised you that the Manor will be the safest place for you and that's how it should be.

Before I answer your question, your sister, Bellatrix, wanted to know how is the Jumper from a Slytherin point of view. If you don't wish to answer her, I can deal with dear Bella if you wish so.

About your question, which I want to say I put lots of effort in searching the answer and I want a reward.

It's true that the Prince Line uses the most Roman names, though there were cases were one was names after a poisonous plant or a one of the Elements. The name 'Athena' though, was never used before, so I digged deeper and found out some truly curious things. They were so deeply hidden that I almost delayed my letter.

When the first Jumper appeared, the same with the Orbs that brough them here, before Britain was Britain, before Hogwarts, before the witch trials even, muggles and wizards alike believed in Gods. Of course no one believed in the same God, for example your family the Blacks at that time believed in Perun. A Slavic God of the sky, lightning, thunder, war and justice. The Black believed that he was the one that blessed them with their similar features, magic powerness and, the fact that they were generally good warriors, mercenary's or even war heroes made them pray at Perun. They believed that the Orbs were bringing them stronger soldiers.

My family as well, believed the Calypso, the Sea Goddess. There weren't too many information about this however, it seems my ancestors burned all that was written and believed it will be said by mouth.

The Prince Line, the one you wanted to know believed in Athena, the Goddess of war strategies, wisdom and handicraft. They even so long ago were know for their potions and cures for the sick. But they were also know of their wins in numerous wars. The Prince's believed that the Orbs were bringing people chosen by Athena to have a second change.

At some point, around the time Hogwarts was made actually, those information were almost erased from history when the mudbloods come with their own Gods. And so to not be assimilated with muggles, the wizards stopped their believe. In the open at last. I'm not sure how many of them still pray to their own Gods but I can try finding out if you need more information's.

I'm not sure about my ancestors but I quite like this Calypso, even if there were not a lot of information of her, I think that ... no I'm sure she helped my line quite a lot in the past, no matter if she was real or not.

Hope this helped you my dear

wanting to see you, Lucius


Dear husband,

Thank you for answering. And I can't wait to meet the chicks, who in case you forget which you did are named quails and a hundred better and smarter than your old giant colored birds. Also thank you for actually getting the Manor decorations, it make me feel better knowing Thank you for getting ride of your

I want to see you as well.

About the Jumper, please tell Bellatrix that they are certainly powerful, both in magic and mind. Their name is, Athena Snape and the motive I actually wanted you to search for the Prince line. Poor Severus, Athena is certainly quite rougher than him in a lot of way. She is beautiful, can attract a lot of followers. Has a horrible talent in potions and already become the strongest in Flitwick Dueling Club. Because of who she is or maybe that just her personality? she become the new target for Potter and his ilk.

Have no worriers, non of them tried anything with myself or Regulus since the year begin. Can't say the same for my other two friends though.

Athena is also a very confident person, almost too confident actually. I'm writing this right beside her and she isn't oblivious more like doesn't care of political power or blackmail at all. Also she has the most unusual eye color, purple.

I don't think she will obey Bellatrix cause or anyone for that matter. For Merlin sake! She had a screaming match with McGonagall not even a week ago.

I'm not surprised that our ancestors hide those fact about Gods. Even now, especially now, if this information leaks there will be quite the revolts. Well, more than they already are.

I never heard of Perun before but if he is the God of Sky than our Star names had an origin at last. Not my Father gore stories with dusted babes and stars lowering for us.

I miss you. Regulus too. Evan doesn't but he doesn't miss anyone that isn't Reg. Severus misses you too but he is too grouchy now to answer like a human being. Athena makes his blood rise up.

Practice naming the quail eggs,




Two sides or just one?

Dear readers, it's like always a pleasure to write to you all once more. And with greater pleasure I bring you the exact things you need in Hogwarts Best Newspaper, The Beetle.

Since Athena Snape, Britain first Jumper in the last hundred of year appeared at our magnificent school, almost two months ago, quite a lot of this changed. Don't you think so? After all when did you ever think that The Marauders, Gryffindor Greatest Prankster's of this Century, would be finally, for the lack of a better word, kicked down a peg.

But before that let's look at the a little less unjuicy news.

#2. Professor McGonagall and Athena Snape screaming match remains steady on their position, still gathering attention left and right. The screaming match incident begin when our Professor wrongly accused Miss Snape of dressing indecently and vulgar. In response our Jumper told her quite calmly that Hogwarts Book Rule for students doesn't stop the students from dressing however they want. According to the Book, we could even dress in our underwear and just our ties or robes being obligatory. Insane but not wrong. In response Professor McGonagall yelled at her for being an 'indecent and without shame or common sense witch'. Her words not mine.

#3. A message from Mister Abbott to our Headmaster : 'Please change your style sir, you can't match purple with yellow moons and red snowflakes. Just...no please stop, if not for your sanity, which I stopped believing it exist. At last for our young innocents minds.'

#4. Professor Slughorn made one of his most embarrassed mistakes in his career. When after a careful planned prank from The Marauders occurred, strangely enough hitting the red table and not the green one. It made all the students sick, a common cold and nothing more but there were so many students that the Pepper Up stock emptied and Professor Slughorn got Mister and Miss Snape help. He never checked which Snape he took the potion from and let's just say the Gryffindor's where going through a Pink Phase. On the bright side they weren't sick anymore.

#5. Narcissa Black gives lesson of self defense against abusing men. There is no rule against age or gender, all is welcome. You just need a vicious strike and a thirst of revenge. Or you can just be scared.