
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Película
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32 Chs

Chapter 23

2325 year..

Another Firs-Contact happened, new race.

This race is relatively advanced and primitive at same time..

They do not have starships fleets to battle in space but only transport ships to move colonists, they do not have FTL unfortunately...

They fight for the "Greater Good"...

Greater Good is their philosophy , to them it means : That everyone should put aside their differences, thrive to became advanced. To share peace and prosperity across everyone they came across in future. They could be called Asari in Warhammer 40k. they are quite diplomatic race, which will try to improve and advance further... (In this fanfic they won't be going around and giving one choice about their philosophy and won't be slave masters)

Population of this race is barely 12x Billions...

They have 3x systems in their control ...

They were T'au Empire...

(I didn't play any Warhammer 40k game, all my info is coming from fanfics, site, reddit , quora and wiki.)

A race, a very naive race.


They have advanced armor of orange to white color (classic T'au armor) used by their soldiers called Fire Warriors.

They do not have any other means to fight other than their version of fighters and bombers for now.

(They still are not advanced as T'au from Warhammer 40k, it would be pain for me to write all ships and their technology, so i would create their new technology by making them less advanced and have Humanity and Sangheili as allies and further trading of technologies ..)

First contact was made in North West Sector from Human side, directly at the end of borders with Sangheili, thus making T'au Empire bordering bot Human Empire and Sangheili Empire.

First-Contact was dealt peacefully like last one, they proved to be a civil race.

(I will refer to T'au as Tau in some paragraphs )

4x months has passed when Humanity made First-Contact with Tau. In these 4x months T'au has advanced further with the help from Human Empire and Sangheili Empire..

How? Simply Humans helped them build ships for transport and space battles. Sangheili gave them Slipstream/Slipspace drive/ftl..

Human engineers were transported to T'au homeworld to construct ships along with Sangheilis..

In return, T'au gave their weapons to both race's, such as their Fire Warrior's armors and Guns..

Their guns , are similar to E-Pulse 44 Rifle, cause they use electromagnetic pulse, similar to them. But their version can be used as snipers. Making it very valuable weapon for HE..

(I will also referrer to Human Empire as HE , Sangheili Empire as SE, T'au Empire as TE in future..)

By now every of their current starships has been upgraded with Slipspace FTL, And 10x Ships for battle have been constructed by HE on T'au homeworld..

10x Frigate-Class ships have been constructed, they do not look to similar to HE ships, they appears more blocky and their length are to 500x meters..

Between borders of HE,SE and TE is a mixed colony of all three races. To symbolize the friendship between all three races. This colony is named Brala..

On this colony, today would be a very important meeting. Between Emperors of all three race's. To discuss potential alliance an further action..

5x hours later.. On Brala.

All three leaders are in the meeting room, in palace... Before T'au Empress stood up from her metalic chair and spoke.. She's very beautiful T'au and has golden robe, and crown on her head to represent her status as Empress.. Behind her are two Fire Warrior who acts as guards.. T'au Empress's name is Lyiria..

Arbiter is speaking English with A help from armor, same with other Sangheili, while T'au are speaking with help from microphones, which would translate their words..

"I would like to thank you, if it wasn't without you, both HE and SE, my race wouldn't discover FTL way of travel for decades if not hundreds of years , with Slipspace and Human blueprints of ship we wouldn't be able to colonize other systems in decades. We managed to colonize two more, with much needed resources." Spoke T'au Empress as she smiled at the end of her speech before sitting up again..

Before Arbiter spoke, behind him are two Sangheili Guard

"We were able to help your race, there is no need to thank me, at least." Spoke Arbiter as he looked at T'au Empress before looking at Human Emperor, or more specifically at his Guards.. The Adeptus Custodes..

"I'll agree with Arbiter here, but now we shall start this meeting .." Spoke John..

John is wearing a green armor, a Power Suit but upgraded specifically for his use, and on his head is a crown, a golden Roman crown...

"Ah yes, the alliance, i do not actually anything against this, but it depends on what alliance are trying to create, a defensive or attacking one." Pointed out Arbiter..

"My Empire was also thinking back two months ago to propose alliance, but defensive alliance, what alliance would you create? Human Emperor?" Asked T'au Empress

"A defensive alliance, if someone attacks any three of our race's we all would respond and crush them. It would speed up our trade-lines and we could further create a mixed colonies.." Stated John, raising his hands in air for emphazis..

"We should point all prons and cons of creating alliance before anything else." Commented Arbiter .

"I have already researched all points of this alliance, and how it could benefit for all of us.." Stated John before picking two chips from his armored pockets.. And giving them to both leaders.

"Universe is vast, who knows what race lies beyond our borders, we must try to advance even further from where we are now." Commented Tau Empress.. As she took her chip from John's hand..

"I agree with T'au Empress, but we should add many rules to alliance if we do create it.." Spoke Arbiter.. "How much technology would actually be shared?"

"A complete medicine trade, food, and weapons." Reaffirmed John before adding. " From current research, we have found that T'au Empire wanted to created robots for decades now, we could trade our basic T-600 , T-800 for your research, and if you successfully create new robots, we would like to get blueprints for the,"

And so, new power was created. Called United Race's Alliance, or short URA..


Chapter word count 1019