
Starks of Winterfell

Eddard Stark was raised to be honorable and chivalrous by Jon Arryn, breaking thousands of years of Stark ruthlessness and pragmatism. His eldest son and heir, however, is a true Starks of Winterfell. Winter is coming.

Om_4890 · TV
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Author's Note & Info

Hi! My name is Om. I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones Universe. English is not my first language so please try to inform me about corrections wherever necessary. This fan fiction will be about the Stark family and how they made a Strong North, which will diverge in AU.

This novel is inspired by:

1. Stark Truth by ThePotterMaster

2. The Alpha of the North by AzraelKaizer

3. Just Another SI by JustAnotherFan217

4. The Northern Realms by Elderkwon

5. The Logistics of Good Living by Karmic Acumen, etc.

The cover is not mine. Found it on Pinterest. Game of Thrones Silhouette Posters - Created by Jeff Langevin

A. Chain links of Citadel:-

1. Black iron - Ravenry

2. Grey iron - Warcraft & Mapmaking

3. Red gold - Jewelcraft

4. Yellow Gold - Mathematics/ Economics

5. White gold - Alchemy

6. Copper - History

7. Lead - Diplomacy & Law

8. Grey steel - Smithing & Metallurgy

9. Black steel - Architecture/ Engineering

10. Blue Steel - Seamanship & Navigation

11. Valyrian Steel - Magic

12. Tin - Pottery

13. Silver - Healing/ Medicine

14. Brass - Animal Husbandry

15. Bronze - Astronomy

16. Platinum - Natural Science

17. Antimony - Survival in Wilds

18. Pewter - Agriculture, Cooking and Foraging

19. Electrum - Administration & Logistic

20. Zinc - Languages (Foreign & Domestic) & Letters

B. Stark children have been aged up for the story

1. Robb - 280 AC

2. Jon - Stillborn (Rhaegar + Lyanna)

3. Ned's daughter - Stillborn (Ned+Ashara)

4. Sansa - 283 AC - Twin 1

5. Arya - 283 - Twin 2

6. Brandon - 286 AC

7. Rickon - 291 AC

C. Show start - 298 AC

D. Planned White Walkers Invasion - 301 AC

E. Blessed Abilities of Head & Heir of House Stark

1. Improved Mind - Better learning & comprehension speed (Potential to rival Archmaesters) 

2. Improved Physical Qualities - Stronger, Faster, and helps in martial training (Potential to rival Theon 'The Hungry Wolf', Cregan Stark, Ser Arthur Dayne) 

3. Nature Magic - Powerful wargs & rune crafters

F. Monetary System

1 Gold Dragon = 20 Silver Stags

1 Silver Stag = 20 Coppers

G. Secrets of Winterfell

1. The Throne of Winter

2. Journals of past Winter Kings and Lords

3. Book: Rites, Runes of First Men, The Art of Crafting, Of Wargs & Greenseer, Winter's Breath, Ye Blood of Wolf, Weapons of House Stark

4. Weapon: Dusk (Skymetal - Mace), Ice (Valyrian Steel - Greatsword)

H. Map of Winterfell

1. North Gate

2. Broken Tower

3. Glass Gardens

4. Crypts

5. First Keep

6. Godswood

7. Guards Hall

8. East Gate

9. Armory

10. Hunter's Gate

11. Kennels

12. Guest House

13. Bridge between the armory and the Great Keep

14. Great Keep

15. Maester's turret

16. Kitchen

17. Courtyard

18. Bell Tower

19. Library Tower

20. Sept

21. Stables

22. Great Hall

23. Smithy

24. South Gate

I. Winterfell