
Starks of Winterfell

Eddard Stark was raised to be honorable and chivalrous by Jon Arryn, breaking thousands of years of Stark ruthlessness and pragmatism. His eldest son and heir, however, is a true Starks of Winterfell. Winter is coming.

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Info 02

A. Winter's Knowledge Hall - Ranks

Novice -> Apprentice -> Journeyman -> Scholar -> High Scholar -> Grand Scholar.

B. Winter's Knowledge Hall - Oaths

1. Teachers - To impart knowledge without any prejudice or preferences

2. Healers - To treat the sick and keep secrets of their patients if told not to divulge them outside. Do anyone no harm or injustice.

3. Personal Oaths for anyone working under any lord (No oaths of celibacy).

C. Earnings of Great Houses (GD - Gold Dragons) (Figures are according to per month)

1. House Lannister - 150K GD

2. House Tyrell - 140K GD

3. House Baratheon (King's Landing + Stormlands) - 120K GD

4. House Tully/ Martell - 90K GD each

5. House Arryn - 65K GD

6. House Stark - 50K GD

7. House Greyjoy - No data available.

D. Innovations

Paper, Printing Press (Modified Wine Press), Double Entry Book Keeping, Crop-Rotation Method, Blast Furnace, Trip Hammer, Pendulum Clock, Glassmaking, Quartz Glassmaking, Compass, Cement and Concrete (Roman Concrete), Soaps, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Skis, Sleds

Many other innovations are mentioned in Chapter 29.

E. For Whole Library 40K Books (Iron Bank - 5 Million GD)

House Lannister, House Martell, and Free Cities (Braavos, Lorath, Norvos, Qohor, Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh, Lys, and Volantis) each paid 5 Million GD.

F. House Stark's Current Wealth (35 Million GD + 22 Million GD)

1. 2 Million GD - Savings

2. 55 Million GD - Selling Books (22 Million GD deposited at Iron Bank)

G. Tasks from Old Gods

1. Gather knowledge and spread it throughout the North. (Done)

2. Take command of the North. (Done)

3. Save the Children of the Forest, Giants, and Free Folks. (Done)

4. Ritual to claim the lands of the North for House Stark. (Done)

5. Write the history with the help of Three-Eyed Raven.

6. Plant Weirwood Trees. (Done)

H. Tasks from Bloodraven

1. Save Daenerys Targaryen. (Done)

2. Complete the Pact of Ice and Fire. (Old Gods told Robb to go to Valyria with her - Done)

3. Kill Viserys Targaryen. (Done)

I. Population of regions of Westeros

1. 1.5 million for the Crownlands (15,000 Army)

2. 1.5 million for the Iron Islands (15,000 Army)

3. 2.5 million for the Stormlands (25,000 Army)

4. 3 million for Dorne (30,000 Army)

5. 4 million for the Riverlands (40,000 Army)

6. 4 million for the Mountain & the Vale (40,000 Army)

7. 5 million for the Westerland (50,000 Army)

8. 6 million for the North (80,000 Army)

9. 12 million for the Reach. (120,000 Army)

J. Houses that moved to the North

1. House Dayne (Stoney Shore)

2. House Bracken-Blackwood (Sea Dragon Point)

3. House Royce (Skagos)

4. House Seaworth (Midway from Winterfell to White Harbour)

K. Direwolves

Greywind, Ghost, Bite, Lady, Nymeria, Summer & Shaggydog

L. Frost Gryphons

Lilo (Daenerys) & Stitch (Robb)