
Three Mandalorians vs One Wanderer

With her thumb resting on her hilt's guard, the Wanderer glared at the three Mandalorian warriors before her. The woman, wearing green Beskar armor, had a slender frame, being the complete opposite of the two burly Mandalorian men behind her. However, the Wanderer knew better than anyone not to gauge strength based on looks alone.

Mandalorians were warriors from the planet Mandalore, the home of the rare Beskar alloy, which also happened to be one of the only materials capable of deflecting lightsabers. Because of this, the Jedi and the Mandalorians were sworn enemies.

"Hello, Jedi." The female Mandalorian spoke with arrogance, her voice muffled from beneath her Beskar helmet as she pointed her blaster rifle at the Wanderer.

"In case you didn't get the memo, I ain't no Jedi. What do you want?" The Wanderer's reply was chilling, though the three Mandalorians weren't afraid of her in the slightest. The Mandalorians had won many battles against the Jedi, therefore, these three felt confident that they too could accomplish the feat of taking one down.

"You know why we're here. You have a one million credit bounty on your head. You're also carrying cargo worth the same amount as you in that speeder." The female Mandalorian was of course referring to Mari, the future bride that the Wanderer was delivering to the Fletsnows. Word got out fairly quickly, and these Mandalorians weren't the only ones after the two million-dollar ladies.

"So I take it you wanna kill me, then take the girl to where she needs to be?" The Wanderer asked, her hand still holding onto her weapon hidden in her scabbard. Their intentions didn't matter in the end, however, she was curious.

"Killing you may not be necessary if you simply turn yourself over to us. Of course, we have no qualms with killing Jedi as Mandalorians, however, we'd like the full payment for bringing you in warm." The condescending female Mandalorian spoke as if she were doing the Wanderer a favor, which pissed the Grey Ronin off.

"First of all, I already told you I ain't no Jedi. Second of all, I'd rather shovel Bantha waste with my bare hands than surrender to anyone, 'specially you. Lastly, I'm givin' you one chance to forget about the bounty and the girl, 'cause only one of us four is making it out of this forest in one piece." The Wanderer's eyebrows furrowed as she spoke, all the while pushing the hilt of her lightsaber with her thumb. Her blade hummed and hissed as rain droplets struck it, meanwhile its glow illuminated her hand and the right side of her body.

The female Mandalorian chuckled, placing her hand on the trigger of her rifle that remained aimed at the Nameless Wanderer in front of her. "Let's end this quickly. Jel. Grol." the Mandalorian spoke the names of the men behind her before giving them a single order. "You know what to do."

The female Mandalorian's blaster fired, triggering the Wanderer to instantly release the grey lightsaber from its scabbard to block to blaster bolt, a showcase of her precision and reaction speed. However, just as quickly as the Wanderer blocked the speeding bolt fired from the female Mandalorian's blaster rifle, the female Mandalorian disappeared into the fog along with her comrades, leaving the Wanderer standing in the center of the dense forest and the fog.

Grimacing, the Wanderer's lone eye scanned her surroundings, trying to look through the heavy rain and fog for her assaulters. 'Blast it!' she thought to herself. 'I can't see shit in this fog! These karkin' Mandalorians knew what they were doing attackin' us here, they probably followed us.' The Wanderer's eye continued to scan around her as her thoughts proceeded. 'Their helmets likely can see right through the fog. I'm disadvantaged...'

The Wanderer was correct in her assessment. In every facet, she was the underdog in this battle.

She couldn't see a thing, yet they could see her perfectly.

Her attacks would be deflected by their Beskar armor, yet her already war-torn body would be an easy target for them.

She was just a single warrior, yet they were three.

However, despite the disadvantageous situation, the Wanderer knew that she would not be beaten by the likes of them.

The Wanderer shut her eye, holding her lightsaber at the center of her body in traditional fashion as she took a deep breath. Though she lacked the technologically advanced gadgets of Mandalore, the Wanderer was adept in the Force.

The Force is an energy field created by life, an energy that Jedi and Sith use to transcend past that what any normal warrior would be capable of. The Force could be used for trivial things such as lifting or moving objects, however, the limits of what a Force-sensitive warrior was capable of were boundless.

In the Wanderer's case, she was capable of using the Force ability known as Farsight, which is the ability to see the world around oneself without needing one's eyes.

As if the Force pulsed outward, the darkness was soon illuminated in the Wanderer's mind, showing her the entirety of the forest and all life within it inside of her own head in a similar fashion to echolocation.

In a flash, the Wanderer stepped to the right, sprinting into the fog and thick foliage toward a mental image of one of the Mandalorians in her mind.

From beneath his helmet, the Mandalorian in blue's eyes widened as he started firing his blaster at the Wanderer, who was rushing at him at her full speed like an animal.

With her eye still closed, the Wanderer deflected every single shot back at the Mandalorian in blue, hitting his Beskar armor with his own blaster bolts. 'How...' the blue Mandalorian thought to himself, never having seen a Jedi warrior with such skill before.

Seeing that his blaster was useless, the Mandalorian pulled out a blade of his own, one made of Beskar. At the same time, the Wanderer slashed diagonally with her grey lightsaber. With less than a second to spare, the blue Mandalorian blocked her attack, only for her to quickly step behind him.

Once again, the Mandalorian's eyes enlarged beneath his mask as the Grey Ronin disappeared. 'Where did she-' Before he could finish his thought, he could sense her beside him, prompting him to turn his body and block her oncoming attack with his Beskar gauntlet.

With his arm trembling, the Mandalorian stood his ground, blocking the Wanderer's attack as she gave it her all to break his guard with her single hand.

Seeing their brother in danger, another Mandalorian appeared from behind the Wanderer, holding a Beskar axe high above his head as he fell from the sky using his jetpack.

Sensing him through her Farsight, the Wanderer stepped away, causing the burgundy Mandalorian to strike his own brother in the arm, though their Beskar canceled each other out he was unharmed. "I am here for you, Brother!" the burgundy Mandalorian spoke, scanning the area for the Jedi using his visor.

"She's fast! Where did she go!?" the Mandalorian in blue muttered, practically out of breath from trying to keep up with her movements.

The female Mandalorian appeared soon after, landing beside them using her jetpack. Reunited, the three Mandalorian stood back to back, scanning the area for the Wanderer, now being the ones feeling surrounded despite her being only a single person.

"I thought you said she'd be useless in this fog!" the burgundy Mandalorian spoke to their leader, holding his two-handed axe tightly and looking all around him.

"She shouldn't be able to see!" the leader replied, holding both arms outward, ready to fry the Nameless Wanderer with the flamethrowers attached to her gauntlets.

"She can't- Her eye was closed! Is this the Force?" the blue Mandalorian asked. The Mandalorians didn't have the slightest understanding of the Force, in fact, their unwillingness to understand it was why the Jedi and the Mandalorians couldn't get along.

"That's not how it- Wait, did you hear that?" as the female Mandalorian spoke, she could hear rustling in the foliage, prompting her to boost forward with her jetpack and begin unleashing a flurry of flames into the bushes and trees. "You cannot escape me Jedi!" she shouted confidently, however, as the bushed turned into ash, it was evident that the Grey Ronin had already disappeared.

"AH!" the screams of one of the male Mandalorians caused their leader to turn around, only to find that the blue Mandalorian's legs had been sliced clean off with a cut so precise, it cut through the gap in his armor.

As the blue Mandalorian fell to the ground, the Wanderer was seen holding her lightsaber in a reverse grip, stepping with her body low to the ground as she approached the Mandalorian in burgundy. Though he tried to block her oncoming attack with his battle axe, the weapon was far too slow and heavy to keep up.

Aiming for the gap in the armor around his neck, the Wanderer sliced the burgundy Mandalorian's head clean off before 'looking' over at their leader despite her eye being closed.

As her brother's head and body hit the ground, the female Mandalorian could feel a shiver going down her spine, realizing she'd bitten off far more than she could chew. Mandalorians were known for going toe to toe with Jedi, however, just as there were weak and powerful Jedi, the Mandalorian warriors differed in strength as well.

In front of her was an apex predator, not a Jedi or Sith, but far more powerful than the average warrior from either side of the Force. This female Mandalorian, however, was the opposite. She was practically a grunt, one who lived her life as a mercenary and bounty hunter. One who'd never fought a Jedi in her entire life, only having knowledge of a fraction of their power from stories.

She was nothing more than a novice against a master.

"Soo... Run..." the blue Mandalorian, split in half from the waist, spoke to his leader, aiming his blaster at the Wanderer's head. With the last of his strength, he fired a blaster bolt at her, only for her to reflect it back at his neck through the gap in his armor, killing him instantly without even turning to face him.

Still 'looking' at Soo, the remaining Mandalorian, the Wanderer held her blade with a reverse grip, waiting for her to make a move. "Never!" Soo shouted, being a true Mandalorian warrior who would never back down from a fight.

Pulling a Beskar sword of her own from behind her back, Soo boosted forward at the Wanderer, ready to cut her down with a downward slash.


The sound of Beskar and the Wanderer's lightsaber colliding sounded like two stars crashing. Slowly, the Wanderer opened her single eye, looking into Soo's despite them being hidden behind her helmet.

The Wanderer pushed her blade forward, catching Soo off balance before aiming a horizontal slash at the Mandalorian. Using her gauntlet, Soo deflected the attack, pushing the lightsaber away before swinging her sword downward at the Wanderer, though the ronin was quick to dodge the attack by pivoting her body sideways.

In one swift motion, the Wanderer sliced off the Mandalorian's unprotected fingers, causing her to drop her Beskar sword to the ground and stumble backward. "AAAUGH!" Soo bellowed in agony, pointing her other arm at the Wanderer before blasting her with flames.

With one swift jump, the Wanderer flipped over the flames, landing behind the Mandalorian who was still spraying her flames forward. Realizing the ronin was behind her, Soo attempted to turn around, only for her fully exposed Achilles tendon to be sliced off with the Wanderer's blade, forcing her to fall down on one knee.

With one last final effort, Soo tried pointing her arm backward at the Wanderer, only for the one-armed warrior to kick her arm away and slice her helmeted head clean off.

Lifelessly, the Mandalorian's body slumped forward, hitting the wet, muddy ground with a thud that was accompanied by the sound of the Wanderer's lightsaber scrapping the inside her scabbard and clicking into place.

"I told you." the Wanderer spoke to her corpse, walking away from the rainy forest littered with dead Mandalorians as she finished her statement.

"Only one of us is makin' it outta here in one piece. And that's me."

There will be more worthy Mandalorians in the story later on. Perhaps even the one who wields the Dark Saber :D

TheWanderingWritercreators' thoughts