
Star Wars: Rogue Empire (Dropped)

Moka Kahl wakes up one day and finds that his childhood dream has come true, he reincarnated in the world of Star Wars! But he finds that he has a horrible starting point compared to most other MCs, and worst yet, he lost his precious system immediately! But all is not bad for Moka, as he soon finds that he not only has the force, but was also a Mandalorion prince! Follow Moka as he struggles to his rise to the top in this AU Star Wars adventure! A/N: I have a some pre-written chapters and I'm constantly writing more, so I won't run out of content to upload. The current schedule is a chapter every two days, but if a chapter does really well, I may upload a bonus chapter! I'm writing this for fun and to gain writing experience, so go ahead and pull that giant stick out and enjoy the story! Disclaimer: I don't own the cover or Star Wars! I do own all OCs.

Lord_Bell · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter 13

(WARNING - 18+ AHEAD! But it's semi-important, so don't skip!)

Hearing all of this, Emiry felt her brain was about to explode, but she was trained to handle surprising situations like this and quickly gained her composure. "I can't lie and say I'm not shocked about the series of events, but I am still grateful. You are right, I was once of the a member of the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight, but I was expelled from the Order. I have lost much information about the world in the years I was a slave, but even I have heard whispers of the brave Prince Moka. I'm embarrassed I didn't make the connection sooner. About your offer, I'm not sure how much help I could be, but if you will truly take care of me and Abbela, then I will do whatever I must to make sure she is safe." Emiry said, not bothering to hide the deeper meaning in her words.

Seeing her agree, and realizing he'll finally be able to learn the force, Moka decided it was time to end this painfully awkward moment. "Well, it's still late, so unless you'd like to sleep here, which I really wouldn't mind, it might be best if I walk you back to your room. Coming here in only a cloak is risky, but brave. I like your style!" Moka said jokingly, making Emiry blush from embarrassment.

Emiry didn't know what to decide as this was still an unusual situation for her. Even if he didn't force himself on both her and Abbela, becoming his lover would still have clear benefits, wouldn't it? Seeing Emiry caught in a dilemma, Moka smiled from how cute she looked when she was confused and made the decision for her.

Walking up to Emiry, Moka lightly held her chin, and gave her a small kiss on the lips, making Emiry's face turn a bright red. "That's for being mean and being such a tease. It's too late to be walking around this whole place, especially dressed like this. You sleep on the bed tonight, I'll take the couch. That way you won't have to worry about me taking a bite out of you, right?" Said Moka with a knowing smile.

Emiry tried to deny the offer and say she'd sleep on the couch instead, but she lost her chance to fight after Moka forced her to lay down and tucked her in snuggly. Emiry was restless through the whole night from the unusual situation and a small part of her wished that Moka had his way with her. She be lying if she didn't find him charming and liked how soft and caring he was with her, after she had spent years getting abused as a slave and being regarded as less than trash.

(18+ Starts Now!)

The next morning, Emiry woke up to a soft kiss on the forehead and a gentle nudging. Emiry struggled to wake up until the events from the previous day and night came rushing to her mind. She sat up in a panic and looked around the room, only to see Moka naked from behind as he walked into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open for her to see inside. Emiry blushed as she watched his muscles tense and flex as he moved, or the hint of his generous manhood as he stepped into the open bath. Emiry felt her whole body heat up and found herself getting wet as her legs squirmed together.

Deciding to be the one to take the lead in these situations for once, Emiry walked into the bathroom after him and and quickly entered the large bath with the movements of a predator on the hunt, her large breasts bouncing with each step. Right when Moka was about to say good morning, she pressed her lips against his and began kissing him with a passionate hunger.

As their tongues battled, she reached down and grabbed her prize, giving it a few quick strokes, quickly bringing it to attention. When she felt his dick had gotten rock hard, she hopped on Moka, wrapping herself around him with one arm, while she guided his dick with the other, Slowly pushing herself down on it when it was in position.

The sensation of Moka reaching her deepest depths and bottoming out inside of her, caused Emiry's eyes to roll to the back of her head. Emiry was no virgin due to tragic events, but this felt so amazing, as it was her first time doing it willingly. Wanting to feel more of Moka and being in control, Emiry began grinding on top of him, stirring up her insides.

Moka was also no virgin, but this was the first time he's fucked a girl like this, with so much passion. Moka was normally the dominant one, but decided to let Emiry do what she wanted, as he has never felt more pleasure than he felt right then. He felt himself getting close, but the thought of pulling out never crossed his mind.

The thought of breeding this fallen Jedi goddess only sought to push him over the edge even more. It was before his nuts tightened and he gave his all to fill Emiry up with every last drop of cum he had, as he continued to thrust, pushing herself deeper and deeper with every stroke. As he came inside of her, Moka strangely felt himself connected with her on a level that he couldn't comprehend. He felt their connect in the force, mold into something else, not on an emotional level, but a spiritual one. Not wanting to think about or deal with anything that deep at the moment, Moka refocused on the bliss of being inside if Emiry.

The sensation of feeling herself getting filled pushed Emiry over the edge as she came harder than she ever had before, her walls clenching, milking Moka of every last drop of cum. Needless to say, they both awoke a breeding fetish within themselves that day.

Hours go by, as Emiry became almost ravenous, dragging Moka to nearly every part of the Master suite, having the time of her life, even when she gave up the dominant role to Moka part way through. The once neat, luxurious room now looked as though a small war had taken place, as the bed was broken, the wallpaper was torn and tattered, and the very air was thick with the scent of sex.

(18+ Ends Now - Go grab a tissue and clean yourselves up, you dirty beasts!)

When they both regained their senses, they both looked at each other, and giggled as they both looked a mess, and was sure all of Tatooine heard them. After that, they cleaned each other up, sneaking gropes here and there, then got dressed and left the room. As they walked into the hallway, Moka saw a few service droids and ordered them to go clean the suite. When the service droids entered the room and saw the destruction, they were dumbfounded. "How am I supposed to clean all this?! How did they even get that on the roof?" one of the service droids asked as he started to regret being created.

Walking down to the kitchen, all of Dragon Squad gave Moka and Emiry a knowing smirk, except Jona. They all knew not to open that pandora's box by talking about it, but unfortunately Abbela didn't get the memo. "What were to two doing?! You were so loud and I got scared until the purple armor lady said you two were just playing with each other. What game could make you two play so loud?!" Abbela asked, far more innocent than the rest of them.

Hearing this, everyone burst out laughing, making Abbela's purple cheeks to grow a pink hue to them. "Don't be nosey, you'll find out when you're older." Moka said as he ruffled the tentacles on Abbela's head and started making Emiry and him a plate of food.

After Abbela spent the whole morning complaining that her and Moka were almost the same age, the group made their way to the arena where the pod races would happen. When they arrived, everyone gave them a wide berth, as at that point, everyone had heard who the new ruler of this part of Tatooine was.

When they got close to the stands, Moka finally saw Qui-Gon and his group, making his way to them. When Padmé saw Moka, she nearly ran to him, until her heart deflated as she saw a gorgeous Twi'lek woman clung to his arm, and a beautiful Nautolan girl on his other side. 'Did he ever really care about me, or was he just teasing me like he always did?' Padmé asked herself.

She knew that Moka didn't really love her and that he only said they were engaged as an act, but part of liked the idea of being married to him. Now here he was, standing before her with another woman clung to him when he stole her first kiss just the day before. Padmé wanted to cry and run away, but knew she had to stay and be strong for her people.

Everyone could sense the awkwardness of the love trio, and Jona wanted nothing more than to smack the back of Moka's head and say, 'I told you so!'. Knowing that she couldn't hit him in public, she just decided to whisper it. "I told you that your antics were going to cause trouble one day!" Jona whispered loudly in a know it all attitude.

Tired of the awkwardness, Moka quickly introduced Emiry and Abbela, then turned to look at the little boy who would one day turn the world on its head. Noticing Moka looking at him, Anakin looked back up at him with stars in his eyes as he saw Moka's cool armor and weapons. "Mister, you look so cool! Who are you? I've never seen everyone look scared of someone like this unless it was Jabba the Hutt himself!" Little Anakin asked.

Hearing this, Moka let out a hearty laugh and ruffled Anakin's hair. "That's because I just bought all of the rights to this land, and now I'm the new big boss in a sense. Tell me, what is your name kid?" Moka asked as he crouched down to Anakin's level. When everyone heard this, they were shocked, Padmé and Qui-Gon included.

"My name is Anakin, sir! And this here is my mom!" Little Anakin said as he pointed to a beautiful middle aged woman with dark hair. She was absolutely stunning to Moka, as he found himself staring for far longer than he should. "We belong to Watto and work at his shop for him!" Anakin said, excited to meet such an important person and have a chance to show off his mom. Right when Moka was about to reply, he felt himself getting in trouble.

"What do you mean you own this area now?! I leave you alone for a day and now you become an underworld boss of another planet and come back with two new women like it isn't nothing?!" Padmé said upset, standing in front of Moka and poking the chest of his armor.

The new additions to the group were confused until Qui-Gon decided to enlighten them. "Don't worry, they're engaged. This is just how married couples act." Qui-Gon said, nodding his head in a sagely manner. Needless to say, the new additions were shocked, and all of the women turned to glare at Moka as if he were the worst scum in the world.

Once again feeling the pressure, Moka did his best to keep the conversation moving. After talking a bit, Moka found out they were entering the pod races with Anakin to be able to afford the part they need. Sure, he could easily just buy the part for them, but then he'd never be able to see such a classic scene from the movie!

Sitting in the VIP box, they had the best view of the race. The women were still glaring at Moka, but he ignored them. Knowing Anakin would win, Moka bet some pretty big stakes, which if he won, he'd make out pretty well, new land and assets included. The race happened just as it did in the movie, making Moka just that much richer.

Watto waddled into the VIP Box to complain to Qui-Gon, saying that he cheated, but when he saw Moka, he froze. Needless to say, Watto freed Anakin, and Moka bought his mother Shmee as well, she was going to be an important key to controlling Anakin in the future. When Anakin saw Moka buy his mother and free her, he hugged Moka's leg tightly and thanked him.

Qui-Gon told Anakin he was coming with him to be a Jedi, and Moka said Shmee was coming with him to be his royal assistant, as he now had many assets and projects he needed help to manage. Shmee was happy to be free from the life of a slave, having to do any sick and degrading thing her master commanded just to keep Anakin safe. Now she could truly be proud of herself as a woman and a mother.

Knowing the danger that was coming, Moka sent his crew back to the ship ahead of him and traveled with Qui-Gon and Anakin back to the Nubian. Sure enough, just as they made it to the ship, Moka felt a dark presence behind him, and turned to block an attack with his beskar sword.

Attacking Moka now was one of his favorite characters as a kid, Darth Maul. This was Moka's first fight against someone who used a lightsaber and immediately knew it was time to get one of his own. Moka and Qui-Gon attacked Maul together, but Maul proved to be a tough bastard, so they couldn't get one hit on him, but Moka was a Mandalorian, not a Jedi, so he didn't have to fight like them.

Just as he blocked an attack with his sword in his right hand, Moka quickly pulled out his blaster with his left and sent a shot at Maul, managing to hit him in the gut. When Maul felt the blaster shot, rage filled his body as he gained newfound strength, but both Moka and Qui-Gon had already run away, both hopping on their respective ships as both flew past.

Landing in his ship, Moka was drained. He had never had to fight that hard, and he has had many dangerous battles in the past. Darth Maul was definitely a fan favorite for a reason, and Moka swore to beat him the next time they fought. Jona and the crew rushed to Moka as Jona checked him for any injuries. Luckily there were none, as Moka's unique armor saved him at the cost of a few scratches here and there. When everything died down, Moka retired to his room to rest, only to hear a knock at his door the second his head hit the pillow.

Already knowing who it is, Moka told them to come in without bothering to lift his head from his pillow. Walking in the room, Emiry was both angry and cautious. She was hurt when she heard that Moka was already engaged, but she wasn't sure why. It wasn't like they were exclusive or anything, and just had sex with each other one time, but she still wanted answers.

Sensing the turmoil in Emiry's mind, Moka let out a heavy sigh and spoke first. "If there is something you want to say, please say it. We're way past being shy with each other, are we not?" Moka said, using the last of his energy to be coy.

Knowing he is right, Emiry let out a heavy sigh and continued. "Why didn't you tell me you were engaged? I know we just met and I don't have the right to pry, but you said you'd be honest with me, and we opened ourselves up to each other. I know we both chose not to speak on it, but I know you felt the Force Bond formed between us just like I did. Whether we like it or not, from now on, you and me are one, an unbroken bond that could never be shattered, made from the force connecting you and me. I thought with the force bond in place, we'd be more honest with each other." Emiry said in a sad tone that nearly broke Moka's heart.

He couldn't deny that he definitely felt the link form between them and has been scared of it ever since. Moka was an orphan in his last life and this one. The only person he can say he truly cares for is his aunt Roz, but sometimes when he looks at her, feelings he shouldn't have for her cloud his judgement, so even that connection isn't a pure one. So when the bond between him and Emiry formed, he was scared shitless, and for the first time, didn't have an answer on what to do.

Seeing no point in lying to her, Moka came clean. "You're right, I did feel the link form, and it frightens me. And I didn't lie or keep anything from you. Me and that girl are not truly engaged. It was just a cover story so that her true identity doesn't get compromised." Said Moka, not bothering to move from his spot.

Hearing this, Emiry could feel through their link that Moka was telling the truth and let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Relieved that Moka wasn't engaged and told her the truth, Emiry found herself suddenly tired and moved to lay next to Moka on the bed, snuggling up close to him as he tiredly wrapped his arms around her. Enjoying the silence with each other, they both soon fell asleep together.

Okay, a lot of stuff this chapter! Yes, Moka and Emiry are linked as she is incredibly important to him, but never fear, Moka hates vulnerabilities, so he will pursue a way to fix it. Force Bonds are tricky and complex and mostly depends of the person's ability to form connections.

Given the hints at Moka's innate ability in previous chapters, you can imagine how well he can form connections to others, so expect a lot of interesting developments in the future!

Lord_Bellcreators' thoughts