
Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

No Harem! Adrian Hawke died on Earth. He is given the chance to reincarnate into Star Wars, but as a Non-Force User. Now he seeks to unite Mandalore and the Galaxy once and for all, under his rule whilst having to deal with Force Gods, Jedi, Sith and outer Galaxy threats and more. Will he endure and survive or will he fail and die and become one with the Cosmic Force... My discord is https://discord.gg/KcX9JCkn

Knight_Riku · Película
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114 Chs

Adrian Hawke Gear (Version 0)

There is ALOT MORE EDITING that needs to be done to this list. Many things are still missing out if his Armour and weapons and many things still need to be removed. For example, I have "Warworld" from DC in his "Droids and Superweapons" list, but I am not actually going to have Adrian make the Warworld nor obtain it ever. It is just there as reference that I am adding and deleting. Do not take some things here to be his true gear list. I still need to make a list of what his Vibroblade can do and is made of. Things like that is what is missing. There ate some spoilers and some that may not even happen. Do take this with a grain of salt. I know I am missing much more stuff like Proto Adamantium, Arctic Vibranium, Hulk Syrum, Platinum Kryptonite and so on. Just please wait since I am still editing this. I had to shorten more then 2400 items to this 300 items list. I know I have a lot of Dark Souls stuff here. That is just for reference or what MC was able to replicate with his Alchemy Knowledge and stuff, they'll be removed later when I updtqe this. Now then, Do tell if you want anything included that I may have missed or accidentally removed since I wanted to show you all this so you know what he has as if now and the near future.



• facilitates vocal mimicry

• breathing apparatus

• diagnostics

• audio/visual recording systems

• red targeting laser used in conjunction with a Plasmacaster.

• Vision Modes:

• thermal vision

• Vision modes in electromagnetic spectra

• night vision

• Ultraviolet

• vibration scanning

• adjustable binocular vision.

• Language Translator: The Language Translator is a program installed in some Predators' bio-helmets that allows a Hunter to understand other species' communication(s)/language(s).

• Vocal Mimicry: Vocal mimicry requires a bio-helmet to be utilized, and should not be confused with a Yautja's natural ability to copy human speech.

Wrist gauntlet

• Energy Flechette: A short-range energy projector weapon, a simpler and less powerful version of the Plasmacaster, built into the Yautja's wrist wauntlet.

• Wristblades

• Assassin's Creed Hidden Blade

• Power Punch Glove

• hologram and touch-pad technology to control a Predator's bio-helmet

• Cloaking Device

• Self-Destruct Device

• a Kujhad to remotely pilot Predator vessels.

• Cloak: Light-bending adaptive camouflage

• Charge Emitter: It emits a surge of ultrahigh electric frequencies from the Predator's wrist gauntlet, which would disable electrical devices.

• Gauntlet Cuffs: Gauntlet Cuffs are a Yautja technology used to bind two individuals together by way of the wrist gauntlets.

• Sat-Com: The Sat-Com is a Yautja holographic map projector which shows a complete 3D scan of an area and is part of a Yautja's wrist gauntlet.

• Self-Destruct Device: The Self-Destruct Device is a powerful Yautja explosive device built into a Predator's wrist gauntlet.

• Kujhad: A small device that can detach from the rest of the bracer and acts somewhat like a portable mini-computer.

• Grappling Hook

• Mandalorian Shurikans

• Darts - Poison, Sleeping, Stun, etc.

Chest (Upper Torso):

• Plasmacaster: A ranged weapon capable of directing bolts of high-energy plasma at distant targets that is worn on the shoulder. Generally aimed through the Predator's bio-helmet.

• Blazer: The blazer is a shoulder-mounted energy projector used by military caste Yautja that fires a sweeping inferno beam.

• Besker Mandalorian Armour

• LOTR Mithril Mail Armour

• Back Net Function - Fires an Electrical net from the back

• Flight Boosters (Anthem Javlin flight Boosters on the back)


• Mass Effect Omni-Tool

• Reinforced to use fir blocking or fighting in Unarmed Combat

• Energy Shield

• Has an Variety of minor functions.


• Carries many bombs and items

• Has an Variety of minor functions.


• Reinforced to use fir blocking or fighting in Unarmed Combat

• Has an attachment that opens up on the side of the Thigh and Calf that can release stored items.

• Has an Variety of minor functions.


• Hover Boots (Ratchet & Clank varient)

• Has a Vibroknife in the boots

• Has minor Bombs at the base of the Soles of the Boots, can be placed by pressing harder or through thought, will detach from Bottom of Boots and onto the ground.

• Magnetic

• Boosters


• Medicomp:

• field medical equipment

• solvents

• various serums

• medical devices

• Health Shard: The Health Shard is a Yautja device that works similar to the Medicomp.

• Cleaner Case:

• Tracking Syringe

• Dissolving Liquid

• Self-Destruct Device.

• White Cat

• Witcher Universe Potions

• Radioactive Spider

• Perfect T-Virus (Has not made yet)

Mutagens/Bloodline: (Possible Choices)

• Witcher Mutations (No Negative Effects)

• The Leviathan DNA

• Kryponian bloodline

• Martian bloodline

• Indominous Rex

• Indoraptor

• All Dinosaur DNA

• Green Mutagen

• Blue Mutagen

• Red Mutagen

• Unseen Elder Vampire

• Royal Griffin

• Gold Dragon

• Black Dragon

• Werewolves

• Chort

• Leshen

• Katakhan

• Elder Blood bloodline (Confirmed Choice)

• Hound of the Wild Hunt

• Hym

• Wyvern

• Snow Elf

• High Elf

• Wood Elf

• Orc

• Breton

• Argonian

• Khajiit

• Imperial

• Dwemer

• Dark Elf

• Nord

• ISU bloodline (Already has as a Passive)

• Midichlorians

• The Son

• The Daughter

• The Father

• Abeloth

• Aswang Mutagen (Confirmed Choice)


• Falcon: The Falcon was a bird-like spying device

• Tag: The tag is a small circular tracking device that is used on prey

• Beacon: Beacons are Yautja technology that helps a Hunter navigate in a large and confusing hunting ground.

Power source

• Energy Sift: The Energy Sift is a piece of Yautja technology used to recharge the user's gear.

• Arc Reactor - New Element

• Death Star Kyber Crystal

• Kyber Crystal

• Black Soul Gem

• Rand Soul Gem

• Greater Soul Gem

• Common Soul Gem

• Lesser Soul Gem

• Petty Soul Gem

• Transposing Kiln

• Transposing Kiln Reactor

• Mother Box Engine

• Father Box Engine


• Bee Shield

• 94% Sham Shield

Rings (Add/Edit Rings of DC and Marvel)

• Havel's Ring

• Ring of Favour and Protection

• Chloranthy Ring

• Ring of Steel Protection

• Speckled Stoneplate Ring

• Bloodbite Ring

• Poisonbite Ring

• Cursebite Ring

• Rusted Iron Ring

Makluan Rings (Add new Rings (Time Ring)) - do math for production rate of one ring, estimated 1.4 years for 1 ring (math equation on Paper in 1st draw)

Purple Ring: Allows Mandarin to teleport anywhere, and manipulate various forms of electromagnetic energies for many effects. This ring is the most favored of all.

• Teleportation: The Mandarin can teleport himself and others anywhere he wants. His range of teleportation increases with the more rings he holds, even across dimensions.

• Energy Manipulation: By itself, this ring can be used to unleash energy force waves. When enhanced by more rings, he can levitate, direct its energy to project lightning, stronger blasts, and other electromagnetic energies at his opponents. He can even shape the energy into force fields to protect himself and project a crushing field of gravity around a person.

Green Ring: It allows him to emit impact beams. This is his second most used ring.

• Enhanced Energy Projection: This lets Mandarin project green energy beams and fiery orange blasts that are mostly seen when enhanced by one or more rings.

Blue Ring: Has the power to generate and manipulate water.

• Water Manipulation: This ring allows the Mandarin to manipulate water in several ways, such as creating a barrier-field of water around a target to restrain it. The Mandarin can control this field; to whatever extent he wants either to crush the target or peel off any covering it has.

• Sonic Blasts: The Mandarin has used this ring to produce wave-like blasts of noise that can knock out opponents or send them flying.

Red Ring: This ring gives the Mandarin the ability to control fire in any way he wishes.

• Fire Manipulation: The ring allows the Mandarin to manipulate fire.

Yellow Ring: This ring can control manipulate ice.

• Ice Projection: This ring can generate blasts of ice to freeze his enemies.

Orange Ring: Has the ability to alter matter.

• Acid Cloud: It can produce an acid cloud that is capable of eating through any material. This includes the Iron Man Armor.

Crimson Ring: This grants the Mandarin enhanced mental power.

• Mind Control: It can control the minds of others and cloud their memories.

• Clairvoyance: This ring can access any hidden knowledge of this reality through its use. It allows him to find any hidden locations like the Armory and grant advanced awareness of his surroundings.

• Mental Projection: It can replay memories in another person's mind.

White Ring: Grants the power of the vortex to the Mandarin.

• Wind Manipulation: Can start and stop strong winds and vortexes at any time.

• Super Speed: Allows the Mandarin to move as fast as the wind.

Black Ring: Can control darkforce power. This ring is the strongest of all the ten rings.

• Darkforce Manipulation: It can unleash devastating energy waves and erect barriers of darkforce. It also has the power to open portals to other worlds and dimensions. Its latent power is great enough to open wormholes and unleash chaos throughout the entire world.

Pink Ring: This is the final ring, when put together with the nine rings, it gives the Mandarin the ultimate power (see Full Powers).

• Life Manipulation: Grants the power of creation of life to an unknown extent. It was most likely used to create the various Makluan Guardians.

Mêlée weapons

Short Bladed

• Light Dagger

• Dark Dagger

• Vibroknife

Long Bladed

• Sword (Vibroblade)

• Aerondight

• Godric Griffindor's Sword

• Dark Saber

Blunt Weapon

• Blacksmith Hammer

• Blacksmith Great Hammer

• Hammer of Vammos

• Celebrimbor's Hammer

• Forge of Solas Prime - Used to shape Blue and Dark Energon

Pole arms

• Combistick: A retractable spear

• Plasma Glaive

Flexible bladed

• Noose: When used in the dark, the wire-thin Noose is almost impossible to see. The material is slim but strong, able to hold the weight of an adult human as it yanks them up.

Ranged weapons


• Electroshock Bolas: Electroshock bolas carry a powerful electrical current, which instantly kills victims on impact.

• Smart Disc: A thrown, self-guiding, chakram-like bladed weapon

• Poli Nanovibronic Disc: The Poli Nanovibronic Disc was a thrown Yautja disc weapon similar to the Smart Disc

• Yautjia Shuriken - a Fan Shaped throwing Shuriken

Guns (Add more from list on paper from charger draw)

• Whisperer of the Worlds

• Ace of Spades

• Gjallahorn

• Hawkmoon

• The Last Word

• Outbreak Prime

• Eridian Weapons

• Unkempt Harold

• Conference Call

• Tsunami

• T.K.s Wave

• Normfleet

• Sand Hawk

• The Monarch

• Skullsmasher

• Cobra

• Pimpernel

• Volcano

• Jackhammer

• The Hive

• Hellfire

• Shredifier

• Maggie

• Scorpion

• Interfacer

• Lyuda/White Death

• Grog Nozzle

• The Butcher

• The Flood

• Veruc

• Infinity Pistol

• Gatling Gun

• Sledge's Shotgun


• Netgun: A handheld device capable of firing a wire net with enough force to pin a target to a wall. The net also features an automatic tightening mechanism designed to cause grievous wounds to the enclosed target.

• Electroshock Missile Battery: Used by the military Hydra, this is a back mounted missile device that fires up to three powerful armor penetrating electroshock plasma missiles capable of targeting up to nine different targets.

Directed energy weapons

• Plasma Pistol: A hand-held version of the Plasmacaster.

• Burner: Burners shoot streams of hot plasma, they resemble and function much like a Human assault rifle.

• Killscreen Generator: This weapon uses dark plasma streams guided by a tracking device that neutralises any incoming projectiles up to and including rockets.



• Plasma Mines

• Prisim Stone

• Storm Front


• Fire bombs: The fire bomb is a highly explosive Yautja grenade type device.

• Plasma Grenade: The Plasma Grenade is a Yautja hand grenade that creates a large explosion when detonated and is powerful enough to destroy an M113 armored personnel carrier.

• Remote Bomb: The Remote Bomb is somewhat similar in function to Predator Mines, but is remotely detonated from a wrist gauntlet by the Yautja instead of proximity activated.

• Blizzard

• Grapeshot

• Dancing Star

• Witcher Bombs

• Fireball

• Alluring Skull

• Gravity Pulse Grenade - Massively increases the gravity of the effected area, thereby rendering the target mostly incapable of moving. Targets only Organic Being's and not the surroundings.

Mobile sentry guns

• Pred-Gun: It has a huge inbuilt Plasmacaster and moves using anti-gravity plates underneath it and can only fire when deployed.

• Fireliner: The Mobile Shrine is equipped with a fireliner, a multibeam heat weapon related to the Blazer.


- Sparrow:

Made of:

• Truecalidium (A)

• Truellium (A)

• Ducalidium (A)

• Vicarllium (A)

• Truellium Cores

• Protomatter

• Technomatter

• Sentio Metallico

• Birth Metal

• Cyber-Matter

• Sparked Metal

• Elemental Metal

• Transformium

• Arc Reactor

• Besker Metal

• Adamantium Ram (at the front of he Sparrow to Ram like Pirate ships into other things)

• Vibranium

Functions and others:

• Self-Repair

• Self-Maintenance

• Cloaking Device

• Stealth Bposters

• Shield Generator (ISU, 'The Shard' of Eden Artifact upgraded)

• Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainers

• Tracking Systems

• Orpheleon A.I. (Ratchet & Clank)


• Sleeper Simulent weaponry (Destiny gun)

• Plasmacaster (Yautjia)

• Turbolasers

• Weapon Targeting Systems

• Seeker Swarm (Mass Effect)


- Drop pod/Scout Ship hybrid (part of Starship)

Starships (interstellar spacecraft)

- Ship:

• Destiny "Home Away" ship (main)

• Destiny "Glad Tidings" Ship (Main transforms into this)

Made of:

• Eridian Vault Dimensional Space (makes it so that the inside is like Larger space. Basically imagine the Harry Potter Extention charm that Newt uses to have his animals. Or like Hermione's Wormskin pouch (the ship is the size of a TIE STRIKER but the inside is as large as an CR90 Corvette))

• Truecalidium (A)

• Truellium (A)

• Ducalidium (A)

• Vicarllium (A)

• Truellium Cores

• Orokin Reactor

• Bio-Cartridges

• Progenitor Cells (3)

• Derivative cells

• Nerocyte Progenitor Cells

• Exocyte Progenitor Cells

• Hemocyte Progenitor Cells

• Cephalid

• Protomatter

• Technomatter

• Sentio Metallico

• Birth Metal

• Cyber-Matter

• Sparked Metal

• Elemental Metal

• Transformium

• Transposing Kiln Reactor (Makes Souls or Force energy into energy. Also acts like a Soul Forge)

• Father Box Engine

• Mother Box Engine

• Arc Reactor

• Besker Metal

• Adamantium Ram (at the front of he ship to Ram like Pirate ships into other things)

• Vibranium

Functions and others:

• Self-Repair

• Self-Maintenance

• Cloaking Device

• Phantom Drive

• Stealth Drive

• Shield Generator (ISU, 'The Shard' of Eden Artifact upgraded)

• Ion Engines

• ISU-Miniture-Mass-Relay Hyperdrive Engines (Assassin's Creed ISU, Mass Effect, Star Wars)

• Tractor-Beam Projector

• Deflector Shields

• Miniture Gravity Well Projector

• Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainers

• Tracking Systems


• Drop Pod/Scout Ship hybrid (Yautjia)

• Cockpit

• Trophy Room

• Bedrooms

• Kitchen

• Laboratory

• Pool

• Common Room

• Dining Room

• Gym

• Gun Range

• Launching Bay

• Spa

• Arcade

• Library

• Armory

• Garage

• Bar

• Sat-Com (Yautjia)

• Animus Room

• ISU Forge - Lage Ember, Very Large Ember, Crystal Ember, Divine Ember, Large Divine Ember, Dark Ember, Large Magic Ember, Enchanted Ember, Large Flame Ember, Chaos Flame Ember

• Foundry

• Transposing Kiln Wellspring

• Orpheleon A.I. (Ratchet & Clank)


• Sleeper Simulent weaponry (Destiny gun)

• Ion Pulses

• Plasmacaster (Yautjia)

• Turbolasers

• Concussion-Missle Launchers

• Weapon Targeting Systems

• Ion Cannons

• Seeker Swarm (Mass Effect)

• Turrets


• Medical Droids

• Utility Droids

• Mouse Droids

• R1-7S (aka. Rits)

• Protocol Droids

• [More Un-mentioned Droids as of now]

Artificial Intelligence

• Kara

• Orpheleon

• Iris super Computer

• The Catalyst

Droids and Superweapons

• HK-47

• The Fixer

• Eridian Guardians

• The Watcher

• The Warrior

• Siva Bots

• PredaKing

• Predacon

• Geth

• Harbinger

• Sovereign

• Medical Droids

• Utility Droids

• Mouse Droids

• R1-7S (aka. Rits) - Astromech Droid

• Protocol Droids

• [More Un-mentioned Droids as of now]

• Keening

• Sundur

• Wraithguard

• Omega Beam

• Anti-Life Equation

• War World

• Oryx's Dreadnought

• Death Star

• Mass Relays

• The Crucible• Starforge to create unlimited spaceships for free with only Dark Side Force energy and the power of The Sun - made by Rakata people

• Space Slugs captured and controlled at one point by Mandalorians

Ingredients and Potions (Add DC and Marvel stuff)

• Omega Syrum - Captain America Super Soilder Syrum, Yautja Super Syrum, Heart-Shaped Herbs (Black Panther)

• Xenomorph Royal Queen Jelly

• Horn of Plenty

• Liquid Vim

• Phoenix Tears

• Felix Felisis

• Veretaserum

• Hipokta Herbs

• Jarin Root

• Sleeping Tree Sap

• Hist Tree Sap

• Schooma

• Ultimate Potion of Health

• Ultimate Potion of Stamina

• Ultimate Potion of Magika

• White Phial

• Green Blossom

• Elizabeth Mushroom

• Blooded Moss Clump

• Lifegems

• Brightbug

• Estus Flask

• Ashen Estus

• Hidden Blessing

• Divine Blessing

• Siegbrâu

Materials (More Marvel and DC stuff)

- Materials and similar:

• Dark Energon

• Blue Energon

• Protomatter

• Technomatter

• Sentio Metallico

• Birth Metal

• Cyber-Matter

• Sparked Metal

• Elemental Metal

• Transformium

• Element 115

• Nichirin Ore

• Truecalidium (A)

• Truellium (A)

• Ducalidium (A)

• Vicarllium (A)

• Truellium Cores

• Orokin Reactor

• Bio-Cartridges

• Progenitor Cells (3)

• Derivative cells

• Nerocyte Progenitor Cells

• Exocyte Progenitor Cells

• Hemocyte Progenitor Cells

• Cephalid

• Dimeritheon Ore

• Meteoric Ore

• Unicorn materials

• Archumantula Silk

• Goblin-Wrought Iron/Steel

• Magisteel Ore

• Valerian Steel

• Besker Ingot

• Adamantium

• Vibranium

• Eru Metal

• Amazonian Metal

• Sthalrim

• Titanite Shard

• Large Titanite Shard

• Titanite Chunk

• Titanite Slab

• Blue Titanite Shard

• Blue Titanite Chunk

• Blue Titanite Slab

• White Titanite Shard

• White Titanite Chunk

• White Titanite Slab

• Green Titanite Shard

• Green Titanite Chunk

• Red Titanite Chunk

• Red Titanite Slab

• Twinkling Titanite

• Demon Titanite

• Blue Lyrium

• Red Lyrium

• Pym Particles

• Oryx Sword Crystal

• Basilisk Venom

• Aletreon Horn

• The Archenstone

Mass Effect Augmentations

• L4 implants give a 10-15% increase in power over L3 Implanted subjects - Rather than getting an Implant into his brain he had just recreated it and made it into an infusion into his body like the Halo Augmentations.

• Biotic Charge

• Biotic Slash

• Smash - This one you practically generate enough power in your body and then deliver a powerful blow onto the ground via jumping and slaming onto the intended point of impact.

• Stasis - Similar to Foce Stasis but uses the mental power of the person's mind and the Midichlorians within to replicate Force Stasis but much weaker.

Halo Augmentations

• Catalytic Thyroid Implant - Platinum pellet containing human growth hormone catalyst is implanted in the thyroid to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues.

• Occipital Capillary Reversal - Submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase.

• Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites - Alteration of bioelectrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.

• Carbide Ceramic Ossification - Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable.

• Muscular Enhancement Lining - Compound applied to the exterior surface of all muscles, allowing them work harder without tearing the Spartan's skeleton apart. Protein complex is injected intramuscularly to increase tissue density and decrease lactase recovery time.

• Pulmonary Polymer Lining - Greatly increases oxygen intake and retention, helps process toxins from the air and allows SPARTANs to breathe certain non-oxygen atmospheres for up to an hour.

• Corneal Implants - Boosted perception and massively increased night vision.

• Cardiac Implants - Strengthens cardio-vascular tissue and increases maximum heartrate to safely allow massive adrenaline flow without the risk of stroke or heart attack. These implants supposedly are able to allow an unarmored SPARTAN-IV to run at a maximum speed of almost 40 miles (64 km) per hour.

• Artificial Pancreas Implant - Allows the SPARTAN's body to extract the maximum amount of nutrients and carbohydrates from food with minimal waste.

• Artificial Platelet Injections - Enhances the body's ability to slow bleeding and clot wounds.

• Other known Enhancements - Nerve cells were super-myelinated to speed up reflexes, bones were lengthened and joints were reinforced. Many organs were modified or otherwise replaced.

Knowledge (Main Wishes Reference)

• full Knowledge and Technology and Weapons and Armours and so on. (This wish is limited but mostly granted:


• Borderlands

• Yautjia/Predator

• Anthem Javlin

• Earth (All books of the Liabrary of Congrass (And Earth Knowledge))

• Star Wars

• Destiny

• Mass Effect (Example, all Prothian Technology, The Citidel Technology and Archives)

• Marvel

• DC

• Halo

• Warframe

• Witcher

• Half Blood Prince Potion Book (Obtained this via Creation Ability)

Other (Main Wishes Reference)

• 7499 Midichlorian Count

• Personal and Loyal A.I. with PhaseShift - Kara

• Anything that he has will return to him if lost, no matter what

• Strong Regeneration factor

• Psychic Blood Bending

• Water Bending

• Storage Space ability

• Creation Ability (Heavily limited)

• Infinite Bullets

• Enhanced Ammunition and Weaponry

• Occulmency and Legimancy (change to what it was replaced by ROB with, screenshot is on phone)

• Horadric Cube (Upgraded)

• Skelton Key

• Spiderman power and abilities - Enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, endurance, healing, "Spider-Sense"

Version 0 in the title means this is the first version of his ststs. when i edit this it will become Version 1, Version 2 and so on so keep n eye out for it from time to time.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts