
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Cómic
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82 Chs

Chapter 21 – First steps toward Ossus Restoration

Layan could feel it, Ood was drawing a massive amount of energy from underground and bringing it to the surface of the planet to cleanse the radiations, boost the flora growth and thus helping the fauna and Ysanna's living conditions.

But the amount was colossal. Ood was unable to bring everything and was only able to deliver a small amount out on the surface of the planet.

"It will take a long time."

Lyn said as she felt too the vast amount of force brought to the surface.

"Restore a world that suffered from a supernova isn't an easy feat, but for the time being only master Ood and myself can help to improve the planet environment. When you and the Ysannas will have learned Plant Surge and when the streams will flow once again, it will be faster. I'll also bring several types of seeds and young plants to help green up the planet."

Layan was thinking to it. He would soon have to find a large second-hand droid market and bought several types of droids, maintenance, heavy-lifting, and environmental droids.

Layan still had more than 300,000 credits after all his shopping on Corellia and Tatooine, so he had enough resources to buy it, but not in the long run, that's why he will buy maintenance droids. They will help him repair all the droids laying on this planet, which will add to the workforce.

"Our plans for the planet are ready, but do you have an idea to give us a defense system, or a way to stay anonymous to the galaxy?"

Master was a bit worried when the Clone Wars will begin, a short conflict will take place on Ossus according to Layan memories. The Republic wanted to occupy the worlds of the Perlemian Hyperroute, on the other hand, the separatist wanted to build a droid assembly factory on Ossus, which will then be sent toward the battlefields, but their factory, still in construction would be destroyed by a surprise raid.

During this time, they could hide like the Ysannas always did during the times when Jedis or archeologists came to the planet, but the signs of constructions would be seen, and the improvement of the planet ecosystem would be discovered as well.

"I have an idea about it but it will be problematic. My idea is to find a large shield generator to englobe our settlement and then add to it a cloaking device. I know where to find good shield generators, but cloaking devices became exceedingly rare since the mines of Aeten II dried up. I heard nothing about it except Maul scimitar, Jango Fett slave I, the ship Skywalker piloted to destroy a blockade and the fleet used by a CIS admiral."

It was the major problem in the actual plan for the years to come, everything else was ready and doable at any moment with the necessary resources and time.

"I see indeed, it will be a problem for us. If we can't find one, we'll have to build underground. Or…"

"No, give me some time, I will find one."

"You didn't' let me finish. If you have the skills or know someone trustworthy, we could build one. This world has a cave of Adegan crystals, and it had time to replenish has it was untouched for thousands of years."

Layan looked at the old tree strangely with slight hope.

"Adegan crystals? The crystals used in cloaking devices are stygium crystals. I never heard of any ship or technology using Adegan crystals to create a cloaking device."

"You're right, it is just a personal hypothesis on my part, but it is worth the try as a backup plan if you're unable to find one."

Layan started to become an enthusiast he may be able to create a new type of cloaking device if he succeeded.

"Now that this issue is settled, Let's began the cleaning and inventory of the library. I have a lot of empty crates inside the ship. It will protect these treasures better than letting them in the dust."

After this, the feast ended and all the Ysanna headed toward the library to begin the cleaning and inventory. It was safer to stock all these relics of the past in safe crates rather than inside in a building that could crumble at any moment, and the library had to be emptied to be renovated.

It was still impressive, the Great Jedi Library. This place of legend was so damaged that it blended with the desolate world. The towers were crumbled, and the facade was extremely deteriorated. A once-majestic building looks today like nothing more than a pile of rubble.

Everyone soon gets to work. Books were classified as per their state of conservation into different crates. The same thing was done to the different artifacts, this time he didn't forbid them to touch it as Exar Kun took most of it and the few lefts should now be under one of the crumbled towers.

What they couldn't stocks in the crates like the statues were put aside in the hall. Only two of the library rooms could be visited as the ceiling of the next floor had collapsed in most places. Anyway, once those two rooms emptied, all the crates were full.

"Let's bring it to Ood, he must have a place to stock them for the time being."

Layan thought he would have to explain everything during their work at the library, but they were handling the items really carefully as these are the relics of their past and what will shape their future as Jedis.

"Climb the mountain a few kilometers to the north. This is where the Adegan crystals cave is located, this cave protected the Ysannas ancestors from the supernova. It will protect our knowledge without fail."

They boarded the Phoenix with a small group of Ysannas and neared the cavern and saw that the only path to access it had crumbled. No one can reach the cave without flying through the air.

They landed the ship at the entrance of the cave and unloaded the crates using the cargo lift. These crates were hovering slightly above ground, making it easy to transport inside the old Jedi cave.

"Whoa! It's beautiful!"


"Sacred crystals!"

The crowd was surprised, Lyn and Layan, too. Particularly Layan, the tunnel on Velmore, where he found his two small Velmorite crystal was nothing in comparison. The cave glittering with blue-green crystals, these crystals were huge, you could cut several dozens in a natural crystal. They were everywhere, on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling.

The Empire, after its rise, destroyed all the known locations where to find abundant crystals, only a few sparse could be found. This was the specialty of the Empire, destroy everything related to the jedis, the first time the Empire did it was on Valkin, as a world where the Empire had much to do to destroy their pro-Jedi tradition.

"A Pontite crystal! This one is a Mephite crystal, the most used by Jedis, but they get them on Illum."

All types of Adegan crystals were here, from the weakest used in training sabers, to the Pontite crystals, the one said to be the strongest crystal used to build a lightsaber.

They put the crates inside the cave and left. They didn't go further into the cave as Layan could feel the force becoming stronger the farther he went. This must be where the Padawan's were undergoing their trials in the past.

The two settings suns on the horizon were giving a beautiful glow to the desolated planet.

"Tomorrow, your training will start as well as theirs."

They were back at the encampment, eating around a fire with the Ysannas. Lyn waited for almost three weeks to start her training. Previously, Layan taught her some things, but it was far from a true training regime.

"Yes, I'm ready for it."

"All of them, are a member of the New Jedi Order, as for you, I'll let you make your own choices later as to whether to be a Jedi or follow my footsteps. The planning will be simple, you'll have several lessons: lightsaber-wielding, Force knowledge, history, and technology."

Lyn nodded continue to listen to him.

"Your lessons will be shared with the others during the first month, the time needed for Master Ood to recover and being able to move out of the ground. I'll teach you everything I know, so I'm waiting for you to be attentive and hardworking. Otherwise, I'll kick you out."

"Don't worry. I'll do everything I can."

Lyn nodded with a serious face. She knew he wasn't joking. Layan always had this air of seriousness around him, making people feel like he was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"After a short trip, I should be back with everything we need. Then I'll build a droid to help in your training. This droid will be able to copy the appearance and fighting style of everyone he had data."