
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 20 – New Jedi Order Founding Act

"Wake up sleepyhead!"

Layan was nudging Lyn cheeks with his finger, but she didn't wake up. She was still sleeping like a log. While looking at her so soundly even though the sun had already risen, he couldn't help but smile while thinking of her training.

(This is the last time you will wake up after sunrise. Your training will start tomorrow morning with a bucket of water thrown at your face.)

"Hey wake up or you won't get a lightsaber."

He barely uttered these words that she raised from her bed, her mind still foggy and a stupid expression plastered on her face.

"Master did I dreamt, or you said I would get a lightsaber?"

"Yes, you dreamt."

After he said that he left hurriedly the tent. This is how 13 years old girl ran after him, still wearing the few clothes she was wearing to bear with the cold nights of Ossus.

"Wait, master! I'm sure I wasn't dreaming!"

She put on her jacket and the boots she was carrying with her hand when she left racing out of the tent.

"Your training will start tomorrow. Today we will start to establish a plan to restore Ossus to his former appearance. Even with Master Ood ability to take in the planet force, it should take years to bring back nature to Ossus and make it able to grow by itself, without our use of the force and intervention."

"I thought we would stay on Ossus just for the duration of my training?"

She was a bit surprised as the plan seemed to have changed during the night, and to her mind, this world wasn't worth the effort. Except for the Jedi relics, there was nothing worthy of interest in this world.

"Think it as a base of operation or home. Once you will be ready to come with me to accomplish some tasks, you will be happy to have a place to consider as a home."

They were walking toward the Jedi tree as he had a surprise for everyone and an announcement to do. Layan already knew what it was. He said it to him last night. As for the announcement, it was a big step forward that will bring together all the Ysanna tribes and the funding act of the New Jedi Order on Ossus.

When they reached the location of master Ood, they saw almost 200 Ysannas waiting all around the tree.

(Almost 200 force-sensitive individuals. This world is a treasure stove.)

Finally, he walked near the tree with Lyn in toe. Once they reached him, Ood Bnar started his announcement.

"Listen to me, Childs. I am the Jedi Master Ood Bnar, I lived with your ancestors more than three thousand years ago. Due to my physiology and ability in the force, I was able to survive the catastrophe that impacted this world. I announce from now on that I will train you in the ways of the force.

After he said these words, a rumble was heard coming from the ground. The ground opened under the sheer strength of Ood roots, exposing a big chest. When Ood opened it with his roots, everyone was stunned, Layan too. It was one thing to know about hundreds of lightsabers, but it was something else to see it with your own eyes.

"Due to the aftereffects of my long slumber, I am currently unable to move my roots out of the land. So, Layan the man who woke me from my slumber will be in charge of your training the lightsaber art during this time. On my hand, I will train you in the force and give you advice on what I know about lightsaber-wielding.

All of you will become part of a new order, created to correct the mistakes made in the last thousand years and help the galaxy in the time of need that will come in a near future."


The clamor coming from the crowd was impressive. From now on, the Ysannas will be unified once again and reclaim their legacy as descendants of Jedis.

"Master, why would you want to create a new Jedi Order?"

"I will teach it to you during your training. Now, go pick a lightsaber, I'll then modify it to make of it a training lightsaber. They may not be all-new or first hand, but who would refuse a free lightsaber?"

Lyn walked forward, toward the crate, she had the privilege to be the first one to pick up a lightsaber. The one she picked up was a straight hilt, had an elegant metallic alloyed hilt of golden color of a beautiful metallic glow. The middle of the hit was carved and depicted several beautiful flowers.

When she pressed the activation lever, the blade appeared with a beautiful humming sound. The lightsaber blade was of a beautiful orange color, Lyn swing it left and right before lifting high up over her head to show it to everyone.

The crowd roared with happiness, then Lyn stepped down and the Ysanna started to come up to the crate filled with lightsabers by groups of three.

Lyn came beside Layan with a big smile on her face. She gave him her lightsaber to have his opinion on it.

"A good lightsaber, just need a few adjustments to correct the defects the time had on it. Remember what I said? While training with me, we'll use only good old wood sticks during our matches. You will be allowed to use it only while training the movements or sparring against the others from the New Order."

"Said bluntly, you want me to suffer."

Lyn looked at him, as he was repeating what he already said before, he wanted to hurt her to supposedly help her train her force-healing skills.

"You're so cynic. Let's continue to watch, it's a grand event after all. I'm sure will talk of it in history books in the near future."

They watch for half an hour as everyone picks up a lightsaber. Maybe inspired by Lyn they all posed with their lightsabers once they got it in their hands, so every few minutes the crowd was roaring and Layan started to have a headache.

After it, Ood resumes his declarations.

"Ossus and our Order has to stay hidden, for the time being, we'll step out of the shadows only when you will be ready or if the situation outside became critical. In the months to come, we'll have several big projects to accomplish.

First, restore Ossus at least in the few surroundings kilometers. Second, restore the library if possible or build a new one is needed. Third, build a temple for a New Order. Fourth, create new lodgments for all of you. You can't continue to be nomadic anymore. Fifth, create farm fields to feed our peoples, your population is limited because of your food needs. And lastly, create a defense system to guarantee our protection and anonymity."

The crowd steered once again when they heard that their bleak world would become a luxurious world with their efforts.

Layan would have to step in to help in each step, as their number was limited, their knowledge too, and finally, he will be only one to leave Ossus for the time being. It would be his job to bring back the tools necessary to achieve it and the droids that may prove to be helpful.

After this, all the Ysanna united their encampments, forming a huge campsite and organized a feast to celebrate the birth of their new order and the discovery of their past legacy.

Meanwhile, Layan stayed to talk with Ood Bnar with Lyn still by his side.

"When all of them will be ready and understand the Force better. Using Plant Surge may prove to be a good training method and will help us to restore Ossus environment faster, at least in a small sector."

Layan suggested this while thinking to the future, there was much to do, but he still had to take care of Lyn's training and train the Ysanna in lightsaber's wielding. To that, his own agenda needs to be taken into consideration, but the most important things to take care of will begin with the start of the Clone Wars at the Battle of Geonosis.

Among them was something, in particular, he had to retrieve, something he likes to call his 'Last Resort', to use if he failed. Something powerful enough to bring the republic and the Empire to their knees.

"I agree with you, but the rainfalls are few on Ossus, the water source and oceans almost all disappeared, what is left of it are just a few big lakes across the planet. As none of them are near here, we will need to either create pumping stations or wells. As for the fields and for the vegetation to grow, we'll have to remake the streams flow. At the north of here was a beautiful stream coming from inside a mountain. I can feel that rocks have crumbled and blocked the streams, it can be a beginning."

Master Ood was thinking of the past while devising plans for the future. The two of them were searching for the best way to attain their goals in the fastest way possible.

"Yes, it may be the first step to restore Ossus, but the radiations are still present, even if the levels are low, they prevent the nature to flourish once again, only a patch of herbs is growing."

"I am able to draw in the energy deep below the surface of the planet if I send it in the ground, and water, it will surely accelerate the cleansing of the radiations and improve the life force of this world thus helping the fauna and flora of the planet. We will also need tools and materials to rebuild."

"Don't worry about it, I'll bring a few maintenance droids to repairs the old droids laying everywhere on this planet and several dozens class five droids to help you build the futures lodgments and repair the library's structure."

"Good, now time to get to work."

Ood's voice started to be joyful and was ready to work as he started to focus on the force of the planet.

Just a few details

The Mc know few things about dark side abilities, only what he experienced, and historical lessons. He will learn dark side skills later.

As for the MC, he will be strong, around Starkiller or Cade and Luke Skywalker (legends) level in force abilities. Not stronger because luke in legends is OP'ness itself, like the black hole push

Faylancreators' thoughts