
Star Wars: Chronicles

The archive is discovered and the Chronicles saved. within are the legends of those who came before, Rogue Jedi, disobedient Soldiers, a god among lesser beings and so much more. Now their stories must be restored and their knowledge passed on. These are the resting place of eras long passed. These are the tales of beings shaping the galaxy. These are the Star Wars: Chronicles! Book one: Mantle of the Grey

Frank_Jennings · Película
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4 Chs


BOOK ONE: Mantle of the Grey

"There is no light without the dark.."

Explosions rocked the vessel, the Jedi sent flying in to the wall with a sickening crunch. He struggled and crawled towards the bridge.

"Through passion I gain focus..."

Steadily he proceeded, surrounded by flames and sparks holding on to every bit of strength left. He finally came to the door of the bridge, it lay before him completely shattered.

"Through knowledge I gain power.."

As he approached slowly towards the bridge command, the Comms sputtered to life.

"Flynt -zzttz- read me! Ar -zztz- you there? Please respond!"

"Through serenity I gain strength..."

"I'm here, Asara" Flynt responded, leaning against the console, blood trickling gently down his robe. "You know you don't have to worry, I knew what I was getting into, it is not our way to give in after all!" Flynt laughed spraying flecks of blood against the computer.

"Through victory I gain harmony..."

Ztzzt "-lynt please don't do this! We've come too far to lose you now!" Screamed Asara, the panic in her voice betraying her.

"Huh" Flynt coughed, "you always seem to surprise me Asara, but then that's why I always liked you." He pressed a few buttons, sighed and gently sat down, leaning against a nearby wall.

"Flynt, if you're really going to leave me, I mean, us" Asara hesitated. "You need to know". A long pause followed. "I'm-"

"Don't." He muttered, feeling the last dregs of strength leaving him. "Just promise to keep this going, and know that I will always lo-", an explosion rung out in the distance as the Comms dropped entirely. "Aaah well, I didn't need to say it, you know"

He raised the hilt of his lightsaber up, igniting the blade with a reassuring thrum. The silver blade shined against the steel of the ship hull, a glorious ray of light in the encroaching and inevitable darkness.

"There is only the force"

One final explosion, one final breath...

And then, one with the force.

So just to summarize but Book one is set during the prequels/OG trilogy documenting a number of Jedi through their training during the clone wars...thanks for reading and any feedback is welcome n? apologies for grammar mistakes this is my first story!

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