
Star Wars: Astra Eternum

A soul is chosen to serve a purpose. A man from the realm of creation to change a universe that the imagination of millions has made into a reality. In the reality, he must find a way to sustain it without interrupting the laws that keep it in check, he must save a galaxy that a thought failed to correct.

AnAmericanBoy · Película
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24 Chs


A/N, What do you all think of this format for the longer period chapters? There will likely be a few here and there.

Entry 1

The first network contact reached out today, it was an information network among various weapons manufacturers. The web is spreading. René has found her gift, force Dynakinesis.

Entry 2

I decided to train René in normal saber combat, rather than against my phalanx. Her style wasn't compatible with my own. She was getting better at using her ability, quickly.

We're en route to Tython at the moment. We'll stop at Kuat on the way to acquire a second vessel.

Entry 3

I've gotten comfortable with a saber 'pyke', a staff with a blade at the end, using it in the capacity of a flat head spear. René can now hold a concentrated ball of electrical energy in her palm, about the size of a fist. She seems much happier than when we began her training.

Entry 4

We arrived at Kuat today, acquiring an outsourced and refitted Kendosii type dreadnought from Mandel Motors. It's a bit large for my purposes, but It will serve its purpose. I named the ship 'Pride of the Fallen'.

I've begun the process of making an improved Holocron.

Entry 5

The Kendosii is doing well, along with its new crew. I spent an inordinate amount of money in stocks for various mining worlds such as Kessel and Hast. Bane contacted me about the 'Care package' I had sent him via the underground. He gave his thanks and mentioned 'Keeping in contact' in the future.

René's been doing better in her studies, breaking into the more ancient sith and Jedi texts in my collection.

Entry 6

We encountered our first major issue today, only René and I can pilot the ships into the deep core worlds like Tython. I sent René over to the Pride, and we slowly made it through. I am home now.

Tython existed in republic records apparently, it was just forgotten. I managed to requisition a construction company to build us a port.

I also officially started two companies, Starsearcher Investments and Acquisitions Incorporated. Starsearcher's purpose is obvious, but AQ is used to find various art and artifacts from across the galaxy. The underground contacts exploded as well. I ended up hiring an ex logistics officer for the brotherhood to manage it.

René built her own lightsaber a few days ago as well. A beautiful silver and grey piece that looked closer to art.

Entry 7

The art trade was infinitely more lucrative than I thought it would be. René and I will likely never have to worry about money again from the business alone.

René is having the time of her life in the temple, as we both spend almost all our time within its walls. She is getting very good with her power, able to make various plants grow faster or kill others. She was much more kind-hearted, outside of the academy, she would not have survived as a sith. I know she's lonely and I plan to do something about that soon.

The port is under construction as well.

Entry 8

Through very careful means, I managed to gain an 'in' with the Muuns, René and I will be headed to Coruscant in a few days to discuss a deal with the representative.

René's not thrilled, but this is necessary.

Entry 9

My first interview with the banking clan went well. I would be responsible for handling the various art and artifact investments the bank possessed. In turn, I got a shareholder position in the Clan.

While on Coruscant, I bought a high-end suite, for the both of us by the senate. I also officially adopted René after discovering she had no republic records.

The place was sickeningly nice.

Entry 10

Apparently, the Jedi caught wind of my arrival and sent a representative to 'welcome' me. The representative ended up being a kindly Duro named Inesh. He had been entirely pleasant but was clearly on edge around two 'rogue' force users. He kept up a pleasant conversation with René, who I had brutally drilled social skills into on the trip here. In the end, they just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to cause undue problems.

I liked the man and took an opportunity to make a deal.

Entry 11

I got back from the senate today, I now had territorial rights over Tython, Dromund Kas, Yavin four, Dagobah, and Malachor. (Please remember that literally all of these planets were outside of the Republic's records.)

It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little bit of record removal and bribery.

Entry 12

I held a meeting with Fae Coven, the Grandmaster of the Jedi order. Conversation as follows.

"Grandmaster, I do thank you for your time this evening."

"Yes...I have to say I was surprised when this meeting was proposed to me. I was told the nature of this meeting involved an 'exchange'?"

"More of an agreement between myself and the order."

"What would this agreement entail?"


"You are in possession of Jedi Artifacts?"

"Oh, many, those are a different matter. No, I would like access to the artifacts involving one 'Shan' family. In return, I offer authorization for Jedi outreach centers on various force worlds I have rights to."

"force worlds....what do you mean."

"There are ancient planets in this Galaxy, some that are better left forgotten. I have official rights over 5 force worlds and know of several more. Specifically, I would grant free access to the Jedi homeworld of Tython, along with access to certain areas of a moon by the name of Yavin Four, an exoplanet named Dagobah, and very selective access to Malachor."

"These names mean nothing to me, I know of no Jedi homeworld."

"Then send a representative to come with me, to scout the locations. Lord knows I could use the company of another force user I'm not a legal guardian to."

"I could do so. Why would you restrict our access?"

Note: The woman was very respectful, treating me as an equal, and making no demands.

"Some of these worlds have very strong roots in the dark side. While I respect your teaching methods, your younger members aren't the best at dealing with their emotions with efficient success, and I'd rather not make another sith empire."

"You know a great deal about us for someone who never had a place in our ranks. And yes, the restrictions seem reasonable. I ask that the council be given unrestricted access."

"There isn't much I could do if you truly wanted to see the world, this is my way of being proactive and gaining something from it."

"Then I ask, why do you need these artifacts from the former Grandmaster's line?"

"Because Satele Shan was the granddaughter of one Master Revan and Bastilla Shan. Their entire line was an anomaly in the force, and I wish to study it."

"I must talk to the council, but this deal seems reasonable, we will have to see these worlds first."

"How fair the children?"

"They're all very difficult, but I have high hopes for them. They are clearly close with each other and don't take well to separation."

"If any of them become too much of a problem, you may contact me."

End conversation.

The meeting went much, much better than I had originally expected. I looked forward to further interactions with the Grandmaster.

Entry 13

René's power is progressing very well. She can revitalize large trees now and can send energy out in a blast similar to force lightning, just more concentrated. I started working on force healing, along with battle meditation and dynakinesis. I can currently move the Kendosii with the force alone, provided I'm in a vacuum. My battle meditation is at the level of synchronizing the minds and bodies of everyone aboard both of our ships.

The representative they sent to review the force worlds was a very new, and breathtakingly gorgeous, Jedi Knight. I hosted a dinner aboard the Starsearcher to welcome her aboard and am now being relentlessly mocked by a certain teen for having "A crush on the new lady."

I got her back by making her go through a week-long fast in a meditation chamber. She stopped making fun of me, at least to my face, after those seven days.

Oriana Cartis came with a republic Hammerhead-class cruiser, The Endeavor, bringing with her Revan, Bastilla, and Satele's artifacts in bio-locked containers made of Cortosis. The knight herself is a Human-Pantoran hybrid with hip-length, dark-purple hair and a diamond face. She has an air of regality about her, yet there is also a feeling of barely restrained violence. She didn't wear robes, but a loose dress made with white silk. René hadn't been entirely wrong, I have a crush on the new girl.

Entry 14

Oriana has not settled in well. After the first dinner, which wasn't remarkable, she had asked to see her quarters. For the first couple of days, she only came out for meals. Deciding to go about our business as usual, René and I picked up our training again. While I was meditating, the door burst open, a blue flash coming through with inhuman speed. When I had opened my eyes, a blue blade was leveled at me. Conversation as follows.

"What artifact did you open!"

"I have not opened one, Ms. Cartis."

"You're lying! I felt the presence in my quarters! I can still feel it!"

"That would be me."

"What! No way, not even the council members have such a presence."

"The council members, who have all mastered the art of staying as unthreatening as possible, in a temple saturated with the force with hundreds of Jedi. I wonder why they might not have such a presence."

"I....where's the girl!"

I gently reached out to René through the force, something we practice regularly. We can't communicate more than basic emotion, though.

"Currently coming down the hall towards us."

"Yes, Maleki-oh what the force are you doing."

It took both me and René talking her down for close to 15 minutes before she disengaged her blade. Since then, she had been wary of us. The faults of the Jedi shine through.