
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

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169 Chs

Chapter 89

Abeloth didn't waste anytime and charged at Alexander. Seeing the attack incoming Alexander used this chance to test the limit to his abilities.

So as Abeloth approached he acted like he didn't have time to react and allowed her to hit him while he strengthened his body with the force, he was knocked a few meter's away destroying a few trees in the Process.

After going through a few trees his body was stopped as it had lost it's momentum. His body was inside of the tree so he crawled out of the tree and noticed that his body had no damage on it at all from the hit.

"Alexander I am detecting no damage to your body from that hit from Abeloth, It appears as though your abilities continue to expand" Said Cortana as she constantly scanned his body for damages. 

Normally she would call the ship above for help since Alexander was just hit and sent flying away but as she was an A.I. the possibility that Alexander allowed himself to be hit on purpose was high so she didn't call for help and just helped Alexander test his new found power.

"Cortana, this new found power is so much I can feel a lot of thing's in the Galaxy" Said Alexander as he looked to the sky. His face had turned from his smile into a frown since he could feel the lost of so many Force user's happening all at once.

But before she could answer Abeloth appeared in front of Alexander ready to strike him again, But this time Alexander grabbed her arm blocking her from hitting him.

So she used her other arm which was also grabbed by Alexander. And using his new strength he forced Abeloth on her knees as he was towering over her.

"It's time to end your suffering" Said Alexander as he looked her directly in her eyes.

From Cortana's perspective the two of them was just staring at each other without moving, but from Alexander's perspective he had went into her mind and was faced with the Infinite Darkness that he had faced before.

But this time he was ready for whatever was in here.

A few moment's later as Alexander walked for a little he saw a women chained up, and holding her hands was chain's filled with immense Dark energy.

"This seems to be the source huh" Said Alexander as he approached the women and grabbed the chains that was binding her arms together.

He used the Force and forced the chains off of her arms. After a few moments of struggling he was finally able to free her from the chains as she fell into his arms.

He grabbed her and looked at her face as she rested in his arms still asleep. But what he saw was a soul that was without memories.

She had been consumed by the Dark energy that overwhelmed her making her memories of the past lost to the Dark side.

"I shall give you a new identity and purpose" Said Alexander as he placed his hand on her head.

He used his power to contain the Dark energy in her mind and to allow her to regain control of her body.

And when he opened his eyes back up he was back in reality. He was still holding her arms so he let her go and caught her in his arms as she remained asleep for the time being.

"Cortana call the ship and tell them I need a pick up" Ordered Alexander

Cortana responded with "They are already on the way"

For the next few minutes Alexander waited on the shuttle to come pick up while he continued to hold Abeloth in his arms watching her sleep peacefully. Her once hideous human form was replaced by a new form which made her look more mature and beautiful and like a normal human.

(Image Here)

It didn't take long as two a shuttle had came down and landed next to Alexander. 4 Royal Guards had came down the ramp and formed a perimeter around the landing zone.

Once Alexander was on the ship they tactfully retreated back on board watching their surrounding's.

On the shuttle the officer of the royal guards was looking at the person that Alexander was carrying. 

"Umm, your highness who is that women" Asked the Officer 

"This is one of the most ancient being's in the Galaxy and also my new servant" Said Alexander as he looked down at Abeloth's face.

"Then I can assume that the mission was a success" Asked the Officer

"Yes, I am now immortal and have limitless power and this was the ancient being known as the bringer of chaos but now she is and will be a different person from now on" Explained Alexander

"Then congratulation's your highness on completing your mission" Said the Officer.

"Thank you, it was indeed a tough battle so once I board the ship I will head to my quarter's and rest so I want you to just tell the Captain of the ship to Head back to Lehon" Ordered Alexander

"Aye, Sir it will be done" Responded the Officer as for the rest of the ride he kept quiet so he wouldn't bother Alexander

Once the shuttle landed and the doors opened the Royal guards had saluted to welcome their Emperor back from completing his mission.

Alexander returned the salute and walked back to his room while he handed Abeloth to the Officer to put in a room on the ship.

Once Alexander got to his room he took off his clothes and laid on the bed passing out immediately.

Meanwhile Abeloth was taken to another room while the Officer of the Royal Guard's relayed Alexander's order's to the Captain.

The Captain didn't waste anytime and headed back to Lehon. It would take a day to get through the Maw safely and return to Lehon.


The next morning Alexander was woken up by a knock at his room door.

He was still half asleep so he just yelled "What is it" without leaving his bed.

"Your Highness the Women your brought back is gone, she is nowhere to be found on the ship" Reported the Officer

That woke Alexander up as he sat up but felt something around his waist. Once he looked down he saw the problem.

Abeloth was clinging to him with her arms wrapped around his waist.

"What the hell" Said Alexander as he was surprised since he did not sense her presence at all.

But before he continued he informed the Royal Guard of the situation "I found her, so tell everybody to calm down she is here somehow" Said Alexander.

"Aye, Sir I will inform the Captain" Said the Officer as he left the door.

"Cortana how did she get in here" Asked Alexander

"Even I don't know that, She slipped past all of the sensor's in her room, and your room and from what I have gathered from the cameras on the ship, she didn't even leave her room to get here" Explained Cortana.

'What the hell, How' Thought Alexander. But then he remembered that this used to be the most powerful being in the Galaxy before he tamed her so she must have used one of her abilities to sneak past all the security.

"Well let's ask her" Said Alexander as he shook her awake "Hey Abeloth wake up" 

A few seconds later Abeloth woke up and had started to cling to Alexander while he was sitting up.

"Abeloth how did you get here" Asked Alexander.

Abeloth answered while still clinging to Alexander "I just followed the source of your power Master since It felt so uncomfortable to be alone once again" Said Abeloth as she cling to Alexander even more while saying that.

"Alexander your ability to seduce women has no limit to it" Said Cortana jokingly.

"I didn't seduce anybody" Said Alexander

"I know Alexander, in fact I have a theory about what happened, From what I gathered about your mind battle when you were in her mind is that when you infused your power to contain the Dark energy inside of her it created a sort of bond between you and her, and you also saved her which I am sure she remembers your presence from when you saved her, and now the power inside of her makes her drawn to you.

I have a few more theories and explanation's about it but I will just give you a brief summary of what I think" Explained Cortana

Absorbing all that information that Cortana just explained to him, Alexander could agree that her theory could be right since it was a possibility and probably nothing like this has happened before.

"For now we will just keep it a theory until we have further information, for now let's just return to Lehon" Said Alexander.

"Okay, Also Alexander the Galaxy has changed since you went on your mission" Said Cortana

"Im guessing Order 66 was initiated wasn't it" Said Alexander since he felt the death of so many Jedi when he was fighting Abeloth.

"Yes, you are correct" Responded Cortana

Alexander sighed "Okay I will deal with it once I return, I will start to absorb those planet's that need protection once I return, for now let's just focus on the protection of our conquered Territory" Said Alexander as he laid back down with Abeloth still clinging to him.

He doesn't know why but her presence did make him feel more relaxed for some reason.

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