
Star Mahou Effect

Tanya finally winds up in mass effect after having dealt with Being X. Starkiller's spn too ends up in mass effect after his own sacrifice to stop the empire.This is something like that. I have no idea what I am going to write.

phantompain · Derivados de juegos
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18 Chs


(Tanya Degurechaff POV)

"Finally, Finally. It is all over." Tanya began to laugh. She had finally done what she had set out to achieve.

Five long decades of war. For five long decades, she had fought, she had killed, she had destroyed, and she had conquered.

And now, she had finally achieved what she had set out to do.

Initially, she had just wished to live and secure her future, but the meddling of being X had convinced her of one thing. If she ever wants to live a happy life. No, it was already too late for that. If she wants to live free. She had to get rid of being X.

It claimed to be a higher being. But what higher being would care what ants think about it.

No, this was not God. This was something else. And so she had named it Being X. A simple mystery to solve.

However, for her, over the years, the mystery had evolved. It had stopped being about what it was, but how could she end it. Over the years of hearing its mocking voice. Making fun of her, telling her that she would still serve a purpose. The war made many people turn towards it. Asking it for salvation.

She could read the trend. The Empire was supposed to be stopped. A stalemate that would have resulted in the eventual destruction of the Empire. But she changed things. She turned the tides in the Empire's favor. Breaking stalemates, conquering lands. As her legend grew, so did the fear associated with her legend.

Under her command, the lands of the Empire grew. Whenever it seemed that one fight was over. Other nations declared war out of fear.

And so, as the devastation grew from the war, which consumed the entire world. Being X grew even more content. More and more people were calling its name.

Whenever Tanya was about to lose, Being X would lend her a helping hand. Making Tanya chant praise to his name. Her voice echoed out on the battlefield. The resulting explosion drowned out any other sound.

Tanya's hatred grew, as did her own determination. 

'A quick victory.' She had mocked herself afterward. There was no quick victory. Only eternal war, followed by more and more enemies. The Empire stood alone, as it turned out, even more and more war machines. Each one deadlier than the last.

And so, Tanya found there was only one thing that she could do.

She began to understand what Being X was. A being that wanted to hear its name be praised. So, she calmed herself whenever it appeared before her. Observed it and the surroundings. Looking for any hint of its weakness.

The hint was the Type 95 operation orb. Whenever she used it, she was mentally corrupted. She had no idea how she had chosen her squad. And, so, she had begun to understand it. A device used to affect reality by converting a person's mana. Her type 95 was capable of performing miracles. It is the only one that can be used by a human.

Being X had mocked her, but still, she had persisted. Finally, she had started to corrupt it. Bathing it in the blood of war. She slowly corrupted it. It had become like a virus in time that she could set off against being X.

Today would be the final battle, one way or another. This was something that Tanya had decided. It was amusing. Even when five decades had passed, she was still a young girl. She had not aged at all. Another curse from Being X.

She looked up. Today, the Empire would confront the entire world in a single battle. A single battle to decide it all.

"General, your orders."

Tanya opened her eyes. "I am taking the field myself. Is the weapon prepared?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good." Her pupils contracted. A maniac smile graced her face. "Let's show these dogs what happens when you mess with the Empire."


Tanya was present, flying at the back of the line. Her orders were already given to her subordinates to carry out. 

And so it began, and two armies clashed. The Empire was outnumbered five to one, yet most of its forces were veterans.

Tanya took command of her own forces as she flew out. Both of the airborne divisions clashed. Due to her modified type 95, Tanya was far faster than her opponents. Her Bayonet started to shine as she started her dance of death in the air. It was important to conserve ammunition, after all.

She charged into the enemy airborne infantry. Blood blooming around her as she had cut off one of the soldier's heads. She charged another as her Bayonet went through another one. Raising her gun, she fired a spell. Doing a complex computation spell, the shot split as it chased many enemies. An explosion enveloped the field as the bodies around her started to fall.

"Men, with me." She called out as her men started to follow her. She took aim at one of the artillery placements. A large magic circle appeared in front of her.

"Take Aim." The magic circle would amplify the power of the spell of her men by a few times. "Fire."

Death and destruction rained down from high and above as the enemy artillery positions were destroyed.

"Charge, show them hell." Her voice had echoed out due to the effect of a voice amplification spell. "Show them the consequences of going against the Empire."

Men of the Empire stepped out of the trenches, charging the enemy line. While Tanya provided support from above, They had achieved air superiority, so the infantry charged the enemy trenches with supporting fire from above.

It had been a complete victory.

Tanya smiled. "Let's hope these dogs enjoy the present from the Empire."

It took them some time, but everything was almost done. And so Tanya prepared for the enemy's counterattack.

The sentry had raised the Alarm.

And so Tanya had led her airborne mage division once more.

Tanya had looked out and seen the enemies approaching their trenches. They would have to hold out for a little longer before they could safely retreat. She looked down. They were outnumbered nearly twenty to one. To make matters worse, the veterans had joined the enemies.

And so the war continued. Tanya could not provide ground support simply due to the overwhelming number of enemy mage combatants. It seemed as if no matter how many of the enemy airborne mages she killed, even more replaced them. By the end of the day, she had killed maybe about a thousand of them. Corpses littered the ground.

"Which idiotic general orders his men to charge in such a condition." Tanya looked down at the battle field in derision. "They are walking, not even properly charging."

Seeing that the enemy forces were now completely committed. Tanya gave the signal for the general retreat. 

And so the Empire's forces slowly withdrew, leaving any of the dead and wounded behind. The trap was about to be set.

"Set it off," Tanya said.

At that point, time stopped.

Being X was in front of her. "My child, yet you refuse to be faithful to me." It paused. "I cannot allow this war to end yet."

Time resumed. "We cannot set the trap off, ma'am."

"Damn you being X," Tanya said in a small voice. She turned towards her 203 batallion. "Retreat, I will set it off."

And so she had flown off. Gotten near the ground as she had fast approached her own overtaken line. She launched one bombardment spell after another, blowing entire enemy units away. Her shield flickered as machine gun fire was concentrated on her. She took off, dodging left and right. The few bullets that hit her got deflected by her mage shield. And so she was within the enemy base. She had to trigger the trap manually. Flying through one corridor after another, killing anyone in her way. She had finally reached the bomb, created under her directions. 

She began to set up the trigger. The enemy was still confused, unsure of what was happening due to the fog of war.

Tanya got to work. Making a manual trigger capable of causing a remote detonation. This was simple, set a timer on it and then run like hell.

That was until she was peppered by bullets. Her shield could hold up so much until it too cracked. Her mana had long since reached the limit. An entire magazine had been unloaded into her chest.

She looked down and realized that she was going to die. There was nothing she could do about it.

 And so, as she lay dying again. Time stopped once more.

It seems that Being X was here to mock her again.

"Would you still not praise me child. Even in the end, you would rather go to hell."

Tanya had smiled and unleashed her countermeasure on Being X. A virus capable of affecting such a higher being.

"My pitiful child. Such actions have no relevance." Being X talked through the mouth of the enemy squad as they looked at her. That was until the expression changed, becoming contorted. Reality itself began to tremble and crack.

Tanya laughed hysterically as she heard her plan bear fruit. Tanya spoke, a cruel smile on her face. "I found a way, Being X." Cracks began to appear in the stopped time around her. "We humans do not require you gods anymore. You and your kind will end today. I would rather go to hell than praise you, hypocrites." And so she began to laugh hysterically as cracks spread around her. 

"I will send you to a world that is to be exterminated. You shall beg for the sweet release of death."

That was until reality itself broke around her.

Time resumed as Tanya looked around her. She was surrounded on all sides. She began to laugh again. She had finally achieved what she had set out to do. 

Tanya coughed out blood. She was in so much pain. She felt so sleepy.

She looked up and saw Mary. The same one whose father she had killed so long ago. A throne in the side of the Empire. Tanya gave her a mocking look but she was unable to say anything. Her mouth was starting to fill with blood.

She just let go of the trigger, a dead man switch.

On that day, the Hero of the Empire died. The world was graced by an Atomic bomb. The devastation was legendary. Wiping off the military strength of the enemies of the Empire.

And this is how Tanya's life came to an end.


(Alex Merek POV)

Alex Eclipse was raised among Wookiees. He was the son of Juno Eclipse. A rebel at one time. His father was unknown to him. He had been raised as a warrior among the wookies. 

In time, he had joined the rebels in the fight against the Empire. Raiding their convoys with the help of the Wookiees. His journey was brought to an abrupt end when he was confronted by Darth Vader.

He still had managed to escape with the help of General Kota, someone who had then become his own mentor. Teaching him about the force. He began to find out how he could compete with the Wookiees in strength and always found himself capable of keeping up with them. 

It also explained his danger sense. The reason he could feel attacks coming and dodge them/ General Kota had taught him well until he had been killed by an unknown Sith. Not a normal Sith, but a Sith lord. Self-proclaimed as the hidden apprentice.

This was the catalyst that began the journey of Alex Merek. As General Kota had lied dying, he told Alex one thing. To seek out information about his father.

And so Alex's journey began.

He sought out his mother's companions. He infiltrated one of the capital ships of the Empire and sliced into it. There, he had found details of a rebel leader known as Starkiller. He worked extensively with Juno. Both of them worked to lead the rebellion. There was one final mention. A mention of the Planet Kamino.

He began to leave in his disguise as a Stormtrooper. When the entire ship had gone into an emergency lockdown.


Alex sighed. The force rang in warning. Alex hurried to his confiscated TIE fighter. Time was of the essence.

That was until he heard the footsteps.

Alex got a warning of an attack. Acting quickly, he moved out of the way. Lightning struck that place, cracking the entire area.

"How amusing. So much potential, and yet you hold yourself back." The Sith raised his hand and pushed forward. 

Alex was thrown backward. Willing himself to stand up, he put both of his hands forward. Willing the force to come forward in front of him. It acted as a shield. As the entire area around him began to break off, Alex held on.

The Sith brought his arms down, and Alex fell onto his knees. Stormtroopers surround him. Their blasters pointed at him.

"Is that all? I killed your father, gutting him like the coward he was. Your master was pathetic. He died like a worm."

Alex, filled with anger, finally exploded. He began to push back against the Sith, his entire body sparking with lightning. With one large yell, it exploded, vaporizing all the stormtroopers surrounding him. Alex used the force to push the Sith back. Seeing him go through the wall, Alex almost fell onto his knees, panting.

He got up and hurried into his stolen TIE fighter. He would finally have some answers. For now, he set his destination to Kamino.


It was finally on Kamino that Alex had found some answers. The force had guided him to a destroyed lab.

It was there that Alex had met a force ghost. A force ghost of his father named Galen Marek. It was there that his training within the force had begun. His father had taught him how to harness the force, and all of its intricates.

It was then that he had heard about the final confrontation between the rebels and the Empire. A final assault on the Deathstar. 

His training complete, Alex had answered the call. He was on a ship, leading an assault planet side on Coruscant.

Alex got out of his transport. An entire army in front of him. He placed his trust in the force as he strode out. He had destroyed many bases already. Both of his lightsabers were out as he stepped forward.

Each of his steps was methodical and slow. It was done more to inspire feat than anything else. And so the stormtroopers had begun firing at him. Alex broke into a run as he quickly approached the forces of the Empire. Both of his lightsabers out, deflecting each and every shot back.

Soon, he was within the ranks of the stormtroopers. His lightsabers make short work of the troopers surrounding him. One by one, he began to cause chaos among them. The force warned him, and he saw a few missiles approaching him. He threw one hand forward and stopped the missile. With the flick of one of his hands, it was brought within the ranks of the stormtroopers.

Alex looked around. He would need to speed up. Alex began to use his force abilities. His lightsabers sparked as he passed force lightning through them. Now, his lightsabers began to disintegrate the troopers surrounding him.

He heard the sound of a TIE fighter approaching him. He raised his hand and clenched. The TIE fighter with a small explosion deformed. Seeing another TIE fighter approaching, he threw the crushed fighter in its path, destroying it.

Around him, the spirit of the stormtroopers was crushed. With a clatter, they dropped their weapons, some falling to their knees in despair.

That was until he saw a star destroyer rising from within the water.

"Damnit, does anyone have eyes on the star destroyer?" A voice had said out on the radio. "We need it down, I repeat we need it down. Our assault on the Emperor depends upon that."

Alex stopped. His eyes turned towards the star destroyer rising. Alex reached out with the force. Empowering himself, putting his entire being into the force. Alex stops it from rising. Slowly, he brings it down. It's nose crashing into the shipbuilding base. With a giant explosion, both the facility and the ship are destroyed.

After witnessing such a harrowing scene, the stormtroopers do not raise any resistance and they just let him pass.

"Impressive." A familiar voice calls out, accompanied by the sound of a lightsaber being activated.

Alex turns towards the person and finally finds the secret apprentice.

And so they begin their clash. Force lightning sparks around them. Their lightsabers clash as if they are both mirror styles. Alex throws a force push to throw the Sith off his feet, and the Sith does the same. The area between them cracks as they both vie for dominance. The ground split apart between them.

Alex began to be pushed back.

"Is that all? I am truly disappointed." The Sith said as he jumped up, his lightsaber out. 

Alex channeled lightning inside his lightsaber as he counterattacked with a yell. Using the force to jump and fast approach the Sith. Alex throws both of his lightsabers, and the Sith deflects them easily. Seeing his opportunity, the Sith stuck. The Sith watched in amazement as Alex's hands stopped both of his lightsabers. His hands burning but yet holding them back. The Sith channeled force lightning through his lightsaber and into Alex's body.

Alex yelled and fell to his knees from the corner of his eyes. He saw his own lightsabers falling down. He redirected the force of lightning back into the Sith as he willed both light sabers back towards him.

The Sith could not react fast enough as both arms were lopped off. Both of his lightsabers are in his hand. Alex had placed both of them under the Sith's head in a cross pattern and cut it off.

Alex stumbled onto his legs and removed the mask. He found his father's face. At that moment, Alex snapped out of it. His anger left him, and all that was left was remorse.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to the side. He saw the forced ghost of his father as he smiled at him. "That was just a clone." He had smiled at him.

At that moment, the screen had come alive, and Alex had seen the Emperor in all his glory as he sat on the throne.

"Then so be it, boy. You have doomed an entire world to obliteration." 

"What have you done." Skywalker had yelled out.

"The destruction of Coruscant." The Emperor had smiled at him madly. "It is a pity that the rebels destroyed the entire planet in an act of terrorism."

Alex clenched his hand. He could retreat. He may be able to survive, and yet he looked into the force. He felt the billions of innocent souls behind him. 

"No matter what choice you make. I will always be proud of you your mother as well. We both love you unconditionally."

Alex made his decision. It may be foolish. It may be impossible. But he will still fight. 

He felt the force and felt a feeling of sadness. A feeling of hope and a feeling of despair.

The Sith had long since powered their abilities by their hate and fear. 

However, Alex wondered if the opposite could be done. If he can power his abilities with his own will to protect. He would prefer to die on his own terms if he was meant to die.

He felt the billions of lives behind him, many too young to be snuffed out. He lowered himself further, the billions of other people that suffer at the Empire's hands. The people who have already been lost to the machinations of the Sith. He used his anger from there.

 Alex spoke out.

"There is passion, peace, serenity, emotion, chaos, and order.

There is no dark side to the force.

There is no light side of the force.

There is only the force.

I am the will of the force."

His eyes turned blue as his body was enveloped by lightning. Not blue, but instead, it was white. It crackled around him as it enveloped him completely.

His words had reverberated in the force. It was heard by every force user left alive. His voice an echo within the force. This moment was felt by everyone.

Luke had a smile on his face as he had felt the change happen. He had fought with a renewed determination. Darth Vader was shaken up as he was pushed back.

"Impossible." Darth Sidious had called out as he had looked down.

 Ahsoka had opened her eyes as she heard and felt the change. 

Alex had jumped toward the Death Star. He put everything within the strike: his hopes, his dreams, his will, his fear, his anger, and then his entire being. He took the form of a phoenix as he clashed with the beam from the Death Star. Slowly, the Phoenix began to push back against the Death Star. Winning out little by little.

Alex felt his own body disintegrating. His entire body becomes undone, molecule by molecule.

 One of them must give out, and the Death Star gave out first. It had overheated, so the laser stopped as the Phoenix crashed into its main gun.

The second Death Star went into a critical state. Alarm bells rang out as it was being destroyed.

And so, with a smile, Alex perished.

And so it was felt in the force. As the feeling of sadness reverberated within the force.

Anakin looked at his fallen son. His hands went to his tears. "Why am I crying? No, enough. I must do the right thing, so he turned towards Darth Sidious."

Ezra felt his face as tears were coming out. A Jedi, not a force user, had given his life against the Empire. He decided to immortalize those words inside his heart.

Maul and Ahsoka were the same.


(In another world.)

(Tanya's POV)

Tanya opened her eyes. She looked around and realized that she was in a nursery. She looked down at her small arms as she thought to herself. "So, this is all happening again. At least there is no Being X."

She closed her eyes and let sleep embrace her.


(Alex's POV)

Alex opened his eyes and panicked. This had never happened to him before. For a moment, he was afraid that he had been kidnapped and then bound. That was until he had looked down and saw his hand. He had tried to sit but was unable to. As strange as it was, he felt too weak to do that.

 It was not until he turned his head and saw a blonde baby to his side that he realized he had been reborn.

Alex panicked. Trying to feel the force. 

The force answered, calming him down. Strangely, it felt as if it cooed at him. As if it was the child of the force.

Alex let his sleep consume him.


(One year later.)

It had been one year, and Tanya was glad. Honestly, this was the most boring part of life. She had tried to use a magic spell and had been unable to. She did not have enough mana for the moment. But, it seems the Type 95 operation orb had somehow fused with her heart. 

 Being X's curse seems to follow her even in this life.

At least she had managed to kill it.

Tanya looked around and saw that she was in a play area. She was glad for the fact that this time, she was not in a poor orphanage. 

She saw the children around her playing with blocks. There were also some kid shows on some kind of Holo projection.

She saw the droopy and unintelligent eyes of the children around her. They held no interest in her. In this life, she intended to live a long and happy life at all costs.

That was until her eyes had gone to just one more pair of intelligent eyes. Eyes that were not blank and had a purpose in them. 

She crawled towards him, intending to investigate. Her curiosity as a child overrides all her other instincts.

His eyes followed her every movement.

Tanya felt a little bit irritated at him. Reaching him, she proceeded to bump her head into his stomach. Knocking the wind out of him. She had looked up and seen the anger in his eyes. The boy had not cried. So, he may be just like her. That was Tanya's thought. Until he had grabbed her ponytail and pulled hard.

Tanya had yelled, but she pushed him down and began to punch him in the head.

The boy had bit her, pushing her to the side. 

By that time, Tanya had managed to get off her back. The boy had used the blocks to write a message to her with the help of Blocks.

"Fuck Off"

So, he is definitely like me, a transmigrator. 


(Alex POV)

I was minding my own business when the strange girl had crawled towards me. I followed her movements with interest until she sped up and bumped me in the stomach. 

I fell back, one of my hands on my stomach.

That bitch. This was not the act of a child. I had seen the look in her eyes and realized it for what it was.

I grabbed her ponytail and pulled hard. This would teach her to mess with me. The force disapproved.

I was pushed down, and then the brat started to land blows on my face. 

Fuck no, I bit her hand and then pushed her off me. I got to my blocks. This would confirm if I am truly dealing with a child or not.

I spelled Fuck Off with them. Her eyes widened as she looked at me. Take that, you brat; it took me only six months to learn this language.

And so this was the story of how the founder of an intergalactic Empire met. Future historians would say many things about them, like how they both found kindred spirits within each other.