
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: The beginning of the gathering of geniuses

Chapter Thirteen: The beginning of the gathering of geniuses

Back to the quiet beer

Looking at the lake for the last time, Tian Fei got up and headed for a dark cave

When Tian Fai crossed to the end of the cave, he found a bronze-armored knight waiting for him. Besides the knight on the ground, there was a huge circle he had drawn.

The Bronze Horseman stood up without any change in his expression and said, "Stand in the middle."

Since the knight obviously had no intention of speaking, Tian Fai wouldn't initiate a conversation with him

Tian Fai headed toward the bisector and when he stood in the bisector, a powerful light radiated from the lines drawn on the ground

Tian Fai felt his surroundings distort and before he knew it, he found himself in a completely different place

Tian Fai was feeling extremely nauseous at this moment but there was a huge shock in his heart, "Spatial teleportation!?"

After the nausea was gone, Tian Fai looked around to find that he was in a circular giant arena

It may not seem an exaggeration to say that the area of ​​this arena is equivalent to 10 football fields

And in the middle of this arena, 15 platforms are forming a circle with each other, and one very high platform is in the middle of the entire arena

When Tian Fai looked around, he found that there were many people around the large platform

Most of them are children and young people, as from their views, they are between 5 and 13 years old

Tian Fai approached this gathering of people

At the same time that Tian Fai was looking at them, they were also looking around

If it were any ordinary person, he would have felt the inconvenience of having hundreds of people looking at him at the same time

But for Tian Fai, that was not the big thing

The first thing Tian Fai noticed was that everyone seemed to be wary of those around him

After looking around well, Tian Fai found some interesting people in this group

One of them was a 7-year-old kid wearing an all-black robe with an extremely cold facial expression, of course, what attracted Tian Fai's attention was neither his coldness nor his black robe.

But the fact that he's the only one who seems to have lowered his defense out of everyone around

But Tian Fai knew the truth behind this situation

Despite the careless attitude this kid takes, he controls his blood and heart to spin at full speed, which gives him the ability to respond to any threat at any second.

Why did Tian Fai know this? Because he also takes that same careless attitude toward the boy in front of him as well

Of course, since Tian Fai noticed the boy, that boy noticed him as well

Their eyes met for a second before they both looked away from each other

Tian Fei completed a survey around him, and at the same time, every few seconds, several people were arriving via the teleportation formation.

At the time, Tian Fai was examining his surroundings

One of the children waiting loudly said, "Take your eyes off before I blow them out for you."

The boy was a little big and looked as if he could be about eleven years old

Its shape was a little strange, if you focus on its neck, you will find some green scales covering its neck

He was addressing the black-robed boy with the cold face from earlier. The black-robed boy looked at him and a slight smile emerged on his lips and cold face and said, "I'd like to see you try."


The burly boy felt the gazes around him and also felt that many of these gazes were directed toward his neck

He felt great anger burning inside him, especially since he looked like a freak in this place

When he was in the cave the previous time, he wanted to learn from the ways of the snake's movement, so he started imitating it. With time he did not see real progress in what he was doing, he injected the blood of snakes into his body until he exchanged a quarter of his blood for the blood of the snake.

Only then did he succeed in perfecting his martial art based on imitating snakes

The massive boy felt extremely proud of his martial art

But his art had the opposite results, which led to a change in some areas of his body, including his tongue, which was divided into two parts from his front.

But the most prominent of them is the appearance of scales on his skin like a snake

Without realizing it, he felt some inferiority in his heart when he looked at all those children around him who were able to pass the test without an obvious change in their bodies.

Everything exploded when that cold-faced kid looked at him earlier

His gaze was not directed towards him or his face, but rather at the scales at the bottom of his neck, although he tried to hide them.

And what made matters worse is that this damned child with a cold face looked at his scales with contempt!!

This caused his anger to explode so completely that he directly threatened the child...


"Damn, forget your eyes, I'm going to smash you all!" The big kid took a punching stance and wanted to attack, said the cold-faced boy.

But suddenly a knight in silver armor appeared between them and said coldly, "It is forbidden for anyone to fight at this moment, this is the only warning you will get, but don't worry, soon you will have the opportunity to fight."

The boy with a huge build was not stupid, on the contrary, perhaps because of his change and the closeness of his build to the snakes, he could feel the extreme danger from this silver knight, so he knew that even if he did not want to, he must obey.

But just because fighting is forbidden, that doesn't mean he can't respond verbally

The burly boy released a heavy pressure from his body and said to the cold face, "Hmph, trash As soon as I get the chance, I'm going to break all your bones and then feed you to the dogs."

The expression of the cold-faced boy in black did not change at all, but if you were careful to observe, you would see that the extreme coldness and killing intent flashed in his eyes intensely.