
Spiritual Contract: The Path of Alder and Eon

In a world where magic and technology intertwine, humans live in symbiosis with mystical spirits, establishing contracts that define the course of their lives. This universe, governed by both ancient magical traditions and contemporary innovations, is a place of endless possibilities and formidable challenges. Alder Halloran, a young man marked by doubt and uncertainty, receives a mysterious badge that propels him toward an unknown destiny. Accompanied by Eón, an enigmatic spirit with his own agenda, Alder must navigate through a world where the boundaries between the spiritual and the human blur, facing challenges that test his courage and his ability to change his own fate. As he explores the most remote corners of this vibrant and complex world, Alder discovers that each choice has profound resonances, both for himself and for the countless beings that populate this place full of magic and mystery.

DreamTech · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Second meeting with Oliver.

"And that concludes today's class," announced Professor Carter as she surveyed her new students. "Don't forget to download the academy's app. It contains everything you need for your stay here, including your dormitory location and access to class information." With an encouraging smile, she dismissed the class, wishing them luck on their first day.

As the students began to file out of the classroom, Lucas approached Alder. "Hey, I'm going to check out some clubs. Have you decided which classes you're going to pick?" he asked in a friendly tone.

Alder, still unsure, responded with a shy smile. "Not really, I'm still deciding. But thanks, Lucas, see you later."

Lucas nodded and left with a friendly pat on Alder's shoulder. "Good luck with that! See you later."

Alone in the hallway, Alder pulled out his phone and opened the new academy app. "I hope this app keeps me from getting lost again, huh, Eón?" he remarked, checking the digital map for his assigned dormitory.

Eón, with a mischievous glint in his eye, fluttered nearby. "Just make sure you follow the directions this time and don't go on another surprise tour of the secret gardens."

Alder sighed, recalling his earlier small odyssey. "Yes, let's avoid another 'adventure' like that."

They headed towards the dormitory area. Each building was numbered and styled uniquely to reflect the character of each school year. Upon reaching the entrance to Dormitory D, Alder showed his phone to the security guard at the booth.

The guard checked the screen, then looked up at Alder with a surprised expression. "Room 402, top floor," he said with a tone denoting respect. "Not every student gets to enjoy that view."

"Thank you," Alder replied. With his backpack slung over his shoulder and Eón fluttering nearby, he entered the building, excited and slightly nervous about discovering his new home at Gryphon Academy.

Alder reached the dormitory area, where several tall buildings stood, each designated for a specific year of students. His destination, however, was narrower than the others but equally imposing with its ten stories. From the outside, the building exuded a reserved elegance befitting the most luxurious constructions, rivaling the five-star hotels Alder had only seen in movies and on the internet.

"Are you sure we didn't get the wrong address and this isn't some kind of luxurious hotel?" joked Eón, as they admired the opulent lobby that welcomed them. Polished marble floors, strategically scattered designer sofas, and warm lighting made the place a spectacle in itself.

Alder, trying not to be overly impressed, headed to the elevator and pressed the button to go to the top floor. Upon arriving, he found a waiting room just as luxurious, adorned with modern art and large windows offering a stunning view of the campus.

The hallway was wide and quiet, with doors generously spaced from one another, giving a sense of privacy and exclusivity. Alder quickly located the door marked with the number 402 and followed the instructions on his app to open it, placing his phone on the digital panel. However, the door did not open, increasing his confusion with each failed attempt.

Just as he was about to seek help, a soft and reassuring voice surprised him from behind. "Are you lost, or do you need help with something?"

Alder turned to find Isabella Gryphon. The closeness allowed him to appreciate details that the distance at the ceremony had not revealed. Isabella had a slender figure and a presence that radiated both confidence and approachability. Her straight, chestnut hair shone under the corridor light, and her light brown eyes looked at him with a mix of curiosity and courtesy.

Alder, briefly mesmerized by her presence, hardly noticed the bright insignia on her uniform, identical to the one Oliver had given him.

Alder and Isabella held each other's gaze, a momentary silence hanging between them, only interrupted when Alder realized he had taken too long to respond. Quickly and respectfully, he slightly bowed and said, "Good afternoon, major. I'm having trouble opening the door to my room."

Isabella scanned him quickly, from top to bottom, before responding. "Here in this dormitory, doors do not use the phone as a key." Her elegant fingers pointed to her shiny insignia, then to the screen next to the door, explaining without words.

Taking the hint, Alder pulled out his own insignia from his pocket and aligned it with the screen. A soft beep confirmed the action, and the door opened. He bowed again to Isabella, saying, "Thank you very much for the help, major."

Surprise was evident on Isabella's face as she heard his formal thanks. "You're a new student, aren't you?" she asked, her tone soft yet direct.

Alder nodded. "Yes, major, I'm a freshman."

"And that insignia... how did you get it?" Isabella continued, her interest clearly piqued.

"Professor Oliver gave it to me a few months ago. I didn't know exactly what it was for until now," Alder admitted, his tone conveying both his appreciation for the gesture and his earlier confusion.

Isabella chuckled softly. "Professor Oliver has his own... peculiar style. It's good that someone finally occupies the room that has been vacant for so long."

The conversation was interrupted when Isabella noticed Eón. Fascination painted her face, and with a gentle gesture, she extended her hands toward the little spirit. Alder, initially surprised by her proximity, was speechless as Isabella delicately took Eón and brought him to her chest.

"What a beautiful owl! You're as soft as a toy," Isabella murmured with a childlike glow in her eyes, hugging Eón with a joy that belied her usual composure.

Silence returned for a brief moment, with Alder watching the scene, slightly overwhelmed but touched by the tenderness Isabella displayed. It was a side of her that clearly wasn't often revealed.

As Isabella cradled Eón with almost maternal tenderness, the little spirit began to protest. "Major, please, let me go," his words accompanied by a fluttering of wings, a futile attempt to escape the embrace.

Isabella, taken aback by his eloquence, stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. "Can you talk?" she asked, a mix of astonishment and delight in her voice.

"Of course, I can!" Eón retorted, his tone bordering on irritation.

Far from being offended, Isabella only smiled even wider. "You're even more charming than I imagined," she said before embracing him again, not lessening her grip.

The situation took an awkward turn when Alder, trying to manage his own astonishment and a hint of protective jealousy, intervened. "Uh, major, I think hugging someone else's spirit might be... considered rude?" His question was as soft as it was confused, barely a whisper amid the silence that had settled.

Isabella startled, as if suddenly realizing her forwardness. Her eyes met Alder's, whose face was a tapestry of mixed expressions, ranging from astonishment to dismay, and visible confusion. She then turned to Eón, and back to Alder again, a series of realizations crossing her face. With a swift motion, she released Eón, clearing her throat while a subtle pink hue tinted her cheeks. "Sorry," she said, trying to maintain her usual composure. "Your spirit is quite unusual."

"I am not just 'a spirit'," corrected Eón with dignity, his chest puffed out in a show of pride. "My name is Eón."

Isabella's laughter that followed was natural and warm, dissolving any lingering tension. "Well, if you'll excuse me," she said, but before turning to leave, something held her back. She looked at Alder and asked, "Excuse me, what's your name?"

Alder, still recovering from the shock and surprises of the past few minutes, stammered, "I... my name is Alder."

"A pleasure, Alder. If you have any questions, I'm right next door; my room is 401." With a smile that still carried the echo of her earlier emotion, Isabella turned gracefully and walked away, leaving Alder with a feeling of incredulity and a slight blush on his face.

As he watched her walk away, a mix of emotions overwhelmed him, but above all, a sense of curiosity about the young woman he had just met, who clearly was much more than she seemed.

On the threshold of his new home, Alder paused to appreciate the room that would be his during his stay at Gryphon Academy. The door gently closed behind him, sealing the luxurious space that surrounded him. The room was divided into several areas: a small kitchen equipped with state-of-the-art appliances, a living room with inviting leather sofas, and a large flat-screen TV on the opposite wall.

"Wow, this is... incredible," murmured Alder, his eyes scanning every detail. Eón, perched on his shoulder, seemed equally impressed, turning his head in all directions.

"I wonder if the fridge is stocked. You know, after all the hustle and bustle today, a snack wouldn't hurt," commented the spirit with a wink, clearly hopeful.

Alder headed to the bathroom, and his amazement grew upon seeing the elegant bathtub and a separate shower stall with glass enclosures. Everything was arranged in a way that invited relaxation and personal care.

Back in the main living area, he approached a bookshelf that held a range of books and a state-of-the-art computer on a polished wooden desk. Each item seemed carefully selected and purposeful.

Finally, Alder entered the bedroom and saw that all his belongings were already there, neatly organized. The academy uniforms were lined up in the closet, each one hung and ready to be worn.

Approaching the desk, his gaze fell on several packages of snacks, his lips curving into a smile. "Look, Eón, grandpa didn't forget your favorite treats."

Eón lunged for the packages with an enthusiasm that Alder barely managed to contain. "Aldiii! Open one, open one now!" Eón pleaded, almost trembling with excitement.

Laughing, Alder took a packet and pulled out a gummy. "Here you go, but remember, one every two hours. I don't want you getting too hyper," he said, handing the treat to Eón.

Eón took the gummy with a look that was a mix of joy and resignation. "Alright, alright," he sighed, before starting to chew the candy with an expression of pure happiness.

Alder was organizing his belongings with meticulous care, a trait he had inherited from his grandfather. Clothes folded precisely, books lined up on shelves, and personal items placed in their designated spots. His new room soon began to feel like a home away from home, each item a piece of his previous life.

In the midst of the calm, the sudden sound of the phone ringing broke the silence, making him jump. An unknown number appeared on the screen. Cautiously, Alder answered the call, and on the other end, a familiar voice resonated, "Hello Alder, it's Oliver. I hope you remember me."

Of course, he remembered Professor Oliver, the man whose gift of the insignia had opened the doors of the academy for him. "Yes, Professor Oliver, how can I assist you?" Alder asked, maintaining the formal tone he had always been urged to use.

There was a sigh from the other side of the line. "You're very formal, just like your grandfather said. But, let's get to the point. I need you to come to where I am as soon as possible. I'll send you the location." And with those words, the call ended.

Alder stared at his phone, confused, until a message popped up with a link to the map and coordinates of Oliver's location.

Looking at Eón, who was still enjoying his treat, Alder informed him of the sudden appointment. "It seems Professor Oliver needs to see us immediately."

Eón perched on Alder's shoulder, ready for whatever was to come. "Then let's not waste time. Let's see what that old man who brought us to this place wants," he commented, the gummy still in his beak.

With one last look at the room that was beginning to reflect his identity, Alder stepped into the hallway.

As Alder crossed the campus, the surroundings buzzed with the activity of students taking advantage of their day off. Lively chats and casual gatherings filled the air with youthful energy. With determined steps, Alder headed towards a prominent building marked with a sign that announced the "Department of Runic Research." Upon entering, his presence immediately drew the attention of a group of students gathered around an attractive young professor, who radiated a nearly magnetic confidence.

The professor, noting Alder's arrival, smiled broadly. "It's quite unusual to see a first-year student here on his first day. Tell me, young man, how can we help you?" he asked, as the group of students, predominantly female and apparently sophomores, directed their curious glances towards Alder.

Alder, who did not enjoy being the center of attention, blushed slightly under the inquisitive stares. "Ah, uh... Professor Oliver asked me to come," he stammered, trying to maintain his composure.

A surprised murmur spread among the group. The young professor examined him from head to toe, his eyebrow raised in skepticism. "Really? That's unusual. Professor Oliver rarely does something so direct. Can you prove that it was really him who called you?"

Before Alder could respond, the tension of the moment was interrupted by the arrival of an imposing figure from the elevator, whose opening had gone unnoticed at the start of the commotion. "Oh, Alder, I see you've arrived much earlier than I expected," announced a male voice with authority, echoing above the conversations.

The group turned towards the direction of the voice, finding Professor Oliver advancing quickly towards Alder. Without offering greetings or acknowledgments to the group or the young professor, Oliver took Alder's hand and led him urgently. "Come on, come on, hurry. Follow me to the workshop, we don't have time to waste."

The young professor and the students were momentarily paralyzed, surprised by the abrupt interaction. Oliver, showing total disregard for the confusion he left in his wake, dragged Alder towards the elevator. The doors closed behind them, leaving the group in a state of astonishment and curiosity, murmuring among themselves about the unusual situation and the possible reasons behind Alder's visit to Oliver's lab.

In the elevator, as they silently ascended to the top floor, Professor Oliver broke the silence with a casual question. "How's your room and the classes going? What do you think of the academy so far?"

Alder, maintaining his composure, replied in a formal tone: "The room is more than I expected, and the classes... I'm still adjusting, but everything seems incredible, professor."

Oliver smiled slightly, sighing before correcting his way of addressing him. "Alder, you don't need to be so formal with me. You can call me 'master' if you prefer something less formal, and please, save my number. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help with anything."

Grateful, Alder nodded. "Thank you, master. I greatly appreciate your support."

Eón, the owl-shaped spirit accompanying Alder, couldn't resist making a comment. "Yes, thanks, 'master.' Does this mean you'll start wearing a robe and speaking in riddles too?"

Oliver laughed at Eón's quip. "Maybe, but only on special days," he replied with a wink, showing a lighter side of his personality that Alder rarely saw.

Upon reaching the top floor, they were greeted by guards at a well-guarded reception. With natural authority, Oliver addressed them, pointing to Alder with a friendly gesture. "This young man is Alder, and from today he has free access to this place, just like me. Treat him with the same respect you offer me."

The guards nodded seriously, saluting Alder with respect. "Welcome, sir," they said almost in unison.

Surprised by the rapid change in his status within the academy, Alder responded with a shy "Thank you" and returned the salute, still trying to assimilate the new reality in which he found himself, with privileges he had never imagined having.

As they crossed the threshold of the workshop, Alder was amazed by the profusion of technological devices that filled the space. Despite his youth, he recognized many of the machines, thanks to his interest in reading and mechanics, and knew they were used for creating runic devices.

Oliver, noticing the impression on Alder's face, smiled approvingly. "It's a nice place, don't you think?" he commented as he began the tour. "This is the main room of my personal workshop. The building has other more common workshops for students and teachers, but this one is special for my personal projects and research. From today, you can come here and use whatever you need."

He then led Alder to an adjacent room, a library filled with books. "This is the library. Here you'll find all kinds of information on runes, from humanity's first contact with this science, through the exchange with other races, to the most recent research. Over a hundred years of history and research are contained in these books."

Continuing the tour, Oliver led Alder down a hallway that ended in two doors. "Although you have your own dormitory, sometimes we'll need to stay here due to the nature of our work. My room is on the right, and the one on the left will be yours. It's not as luxurious as your main dormitory but has all the necessary amenities, including a small kitchen and bathroom."

Observing Alder's confused and surprised expression, Oliver smiled kindly. "I imagine you're wondering why all these troubles and privileges, right?" he began, capturing the young man's attention. "I've been talking to your grandfather and he's told me a bit about your life and how much you've accomplished so far. I'm impressed that at your age you've read so much about runes. In the library, you can expand your knowledge, although, as I understand, your level surpasses even that of third-year students at this academy."

Oliver paused before continuing. "I asked you to enroll in the runic research department, but you don't need to attend regular classes unless you want to out of curiosity. I hope that at least twice a week and some weekends you'll come to this place." Observing Alder's uniform, he pulled out a star and placed it on it. "Don't be afraid to use the badge I gave you. If I gave it to you, it's because I saw and trust the talent in you. Use it without shame."

In Oliver's technology-filled workshop, where each device seemed to hum with runic energy, Alder listened attentively to his new mentor's instructions. Oliver, with a mix of informality and authority, cleared his throat before starting the session.

"Alright, now that we've got that settled, let's start working," Oliver began enthusiastically. "You don't need to attend regular classes; I will personally take care of your training in runes. But first, let me see how much you really understand."

Alder nodded, organizing his thoughts before speaking. "Runes are a system of individual symbols, each with its own meaning, which can change when combined with other runes. This creates a quite complex structure. The first runic system that humans studied came from the elves, a race from another world. Although we have not fully deciphered their system, we have developed our own. Runes operate like a programming language; precise instructions are needed within a complex runic matrix that must be energized with ether, whether from a contracted spirit, our own ether, or energetic minerals. However, the main problem is that many runes are incompatible with each other, which limits the system."

Oliver nodded, impressed by Alder's understanding. "Excellent summary of the current state of runic knowledge. Now, let's talk about that theory on rune frequencies we discussed a few months ago. You said that each rune has a frequency that can positively or negatively influence others, right?"

Encouraged by a nod from Eón, Alder continued cautiously. "Yes, that's what I believe. It might sound far-fetched, but..."

Interrupting with a reassuring smile, Oliver said, "Your grandfather mentioned that you've been talking about this frequency since you were young and that you didn't receive much attention from your previous family. Don't worry, just because I can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Plus, you've already proven your worth in your grandfather's workshop." Oliver's smile widened. "Isn't it exciting? Your theory could radically change our understanding of runic sciences."

Placing his hand on Alder's shoulder, Oliver concluded with enthusiasm: "Let's start with that theory of yours. It has the potential to change everything we know about runes. Let's start there!"

In the brightly lit workshop filled with advanced machinery, Oliver continued to probe Alder's unique theories. "You told me that not only runes, but all things have their own frequency, including inanimate objects, living beings, and spirits, right?" Alder nodded in confirmation.

"Interesting... and how exactly do you perceive this frequency?" Oliver asked, clearly intrigued.

Alder pondered for a moment before replying. "I don't know how to explain it well, it's not so much seeing it as feeling it. It's like a hum; each object emits its own characteristic sound. I've been hearing this peculiar noise from everything I see since I was young. Fortunately, I've learned to mute it so it doesn't bother me, but if I concentrate, I can hear it clearly."

Oliver nodded, showing understanding. "And do identical objects emit the same sound?"

"For the most part, inanimate objects have a characteristic sound. However, each element has its own tone. For example, humans and spirits have a very particular and unique sound for each individual. A wooden table usually sounds similar to another wooden table, although it can vary slightly due to the type of wood or finish. But steel, if it's pure, always has the same sound."

"I see," said Oliver, considering the information. "Then, you also mentioned that each rune has its own frequency, and that through that you can determine compatibility. You told me you've created several new runes based on this, right?"

Alder nodded. "Yes, runes have their own 'noise.' Often, when combining two runes, the noise turns into a sort of terrible static, as if they were incompatible. But there are runes that when combined produce a new sound, indicating that they are compatible. The same happens with materials for runes; static indicates incompatibility, while a new sound suggests that the material is suitable."

Oliver paused for a moment before looking at Alder with a smile of possibility. "If what you're saying is true, we are facing a new theory that could revolutionize the runic system, allowing the creation of countless new devices."

Alder, somewhat skeptical, responded, "I don't think it's that big of a deal."

Oliver laughed. "Don't underestimate the impact of what you've discovered. But for now, we'll work on developing and testing your theory. Although it's something that only you can see, that doesn't mean we can't do something to make others understand it as well. For now, your task will be to write up a document detailing all this theory. We'll draft a scientific article about it. You can use my personal library and any resources in this workshop. I'll help you with the writing if necessary."

Alder, eyes wide with surprise, asked incredulously, "A scientific article?"

"Exactly," affirmed Oliver with an encouraging smile. "It's easier than you think. Just start and you'll see how the ideas begin to flow naturally."