
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 7: Battle of New York (1)


Barry remained dumbfounded for a few moments, his mind grappling with the surreal scene. However, a sudden thought jolted him out of his dazed state, prompting him to swiftly shift his focus.

"Aunt May and Uncle Ben!"

Concern for his Aunt and Uncle flooded Barry's mind, and he felt a surge of worry for their safety. 

Stepping out of the room, a sudden recollection halted him in his tracks as Barry turned around, his gaze fixated on the key on the floor. 

Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed back into the room, retrieving the key and securing it in his pocket, recognizing its potential importance amid the unfolding chaos.

With the mysterious key now secured, Barry swiftly descended and exited the house, ensuring to lock it behind him. 

As urgency fueled his every step as he raced down the streets, making his way toward his Aunt and Uncle's apartment with a growing sense of concern for their well-being.

While Barry sprinted through the streets, a chaotic scene unfolded around him. Countless people were gripped by panic—some wore expressions of worry, others seemed disbelieving, and a few voices rang out, proclaiming that it was the end of the world. 

This only intensified Barry's anxiety, leaving him even more worried and disoriented about the true nature of the unfolding events.

After a while, Barry spotted the apartment building in the distance and sighed in relief.

Drawing closer, the familiar car parked in front of the building became clearer in Barry's view. Recognition sparked in his eyes, immediately lighting up with a mixture of relief and familiarity as he identified the vehicle.

It was Uncle Ben's car...

The sight of his Uncle's car and the reassurance it provided helped to quell Barry's anxiety. His pace quickened as he arrived inside the building and ascended the stairs, determined to reach their apartment and confirm the safety of his Aunt and Uncle.

Upon entering, Barry found Aunt May and Uncle Ben in the living room, their expressions marked by apprehension as they watched the television.

The sudden noise from the door caught the attention of Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and their apprehensive expressions shifted to concern as they rushed toward Barry. Worried about his well-being, they checked him over, ensuring he was not injured from the chaos outside.

Fortunately, Barry appeared unharmed and in good condition as a collective sigh of relief escaped from the couple, reassuring themselves that he had not been harmed amidst the tumultuous events outside.

"What's going on, Aunt May... Uncle Ben?"

"It's aliens, Barry"


Barry took a moment to process the information, finding it difficult to believe that their world was being invaded by aliens. 

The realization that they were not alone in the universe added another layer of complexity to the unfolding events, leaving him grappling with the enormity of the situation.

While theoretical discussions about the potential existence of intelligent life in the vast expanse of space had circulated, Barry found it challenging to fully grasp or believe in such notions. 

The absence of concrete evidence had left these ideas lingering on the fringes of his understanding—until the current events unfolded, thrusting him into a reality where the existence of extraterrestrial life was no longer a mere theory.

Given the undeniable evidence unfolding before him, Barry found himself with no choice but to accept the reality that extraterrestrial beings indeed existed. 

"What will happen to us?"


"Will the government save us?"


"Will there be... a war?"

Overwhelmed by a flood of questions, Barry bombarded Aunt May and Uncle Ben, who could only listen helplessly. 

However, Uncle Ben, reaching his limit, coughed, abruptly snapping Barry back to reality. A wave of embarrassment washed over him as he realized the barrage of inquiries he had unleashed upon them.

Understanding the whirlwind of emotions Barry was experiencing, Aunt May and Uncle Ben weren't angered by his barrage of questions. 

They had, after all, shared a similar sense of bewilderment just moments before, and empathy softened their response to Barry's outburst.

After all, how could anyone, especially ordinary people like them stay calm in front of the existence of aliens?

It was then, that a loud voice emanating from the television captured their collective attention, prompting Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Barry to shift their gaze towards the screen. 

"Reporter John here, live in Manhattan, where an army of aliens surged out of a wormhole that appeared out of nowhere and attacked New York City"


"We don't know what's their purpose nor goals but we do know one thing... they are hostile"

Barry, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben watched with bated breath as the person named John bravely stepped forward, courageously heading towards the epicenter of the crisis. Tension gripped the room as they followed the unfolding events on the screen, their focus completely absorbed by the unfolding narrative.

On the television screen, the unfolding events revealed humanoid extraterrestrial creatures wielding futuristic weapons. 

The creatures ruthlessly attacked the citizens, firing lasers upon lasers into the city as the scene played out in front of Barry, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben, their eyes widening in shock and horror at the surreal and devastating spectacle.

"My god..."

The shocking images unfolding on the screen elicited a gasp of horror from Aunt May. She instinctively covered her mouth, unable to fully comprehend the scale of destruction and chaos caused by the extraterrestrial invaders.

As fear and anxiety gripped them, a sudden shift occurred on the screen. A group of people suddenly emerged and, against all odds, engaged in fierce combat against the invading extraterrestrial army. 


Watching the screen with a mix of shock and excitement, Barry recognized two individuals within the group.

One of the familiar faces leading the resistance was none other than Tony Stark, widely known as Iron Man—a multi-billionaire philanthropist and superhero. 

The realization that Tony Stark, the superhero Iron Man, was actively involved in the fight against the extraterrestrial invaders struck a chord with Barry. His admiration for Iron Man went beyond the screen.

Barry still vividly remembered a personal encounter in 2010 when he was saved by Iron Man at the Hammer Expo, narrowly escaping the danger of a blast from a robot.

The memory of being saved by Iron Man at the Hammer Expo was a source of pride for Barry, and he never hesitated to brag about it to his friend Ned. However, after realizing that Ned had grown annoyed by the repetitive storytelling, Barry eventually decided to cease the frequent retelling of his superhero encounter.

Despite refraining from bragging about it, Barry held the memory of Iron Man's heroic rescue close to his heart. Grateful for being saved during that perilous encounter, he silently harbored the intention that if an opportunity ever arose, he would find a way to repay the debt to the superhero who had once safeguarded him.

And the other one was Captain America...

Who doesn't know him?

In Barry's childhood, legends about Steve Rogers were passed down, and stories of his heroic exploits were recounted. 

Captain America held a special place in the history of superheroes, often regarded as the first of his kind—or at least, that was the narrative according to American tales.

While Barry revered Captain America as a superhero, there was a faint recollection lingering in his mind—that Steve Rogers was supposed to be dead, having sacrificed himself heroically. 

Despite the lingering narrative of Captain America's supposed demise, Barry paid it no mind in the present moment. 

His eyes glittered with awe as he watched the screen, witnessing a group of superheroes fearlessly battling against an overwhelming extraterrestrial army.

The display of courage and unity among the superheroes captivated Barry's attention, filling him with a sense of inspiration and hope amidst the chaos.

"A... Amazing!"

Bonus Chaperone :)

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