

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Cómic
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76 Chs

22) Supercharger (4)

Supercharger entered the room and kneeled beside the battery pack, placing his hand on top. Small sparks zapped between the two. After a couple more seconds, he got back up and headed back into the hallway.

"You're still conscious?" he questioned. He was sure that it would knock him out. He closed his hands angrily, with a hard grip. He was getting annoyed at how resilient the superhuman was, thinking with his power over electricity things would be easy.

"There's no way that weak shockwave or whatever you call it, would knock me out of the count" replied Peter, coughing afterward whilst still holding the place he was hit. 

"You should have given up. Now I'll make sure your death is painful" Supercharger scouled towards Peter. 

"Yeah, yeah. Just come at me" Peter replied gesturing Supercharger to come towards him. Supercharger stood still and got in a fighting position waiting for Peter to make the first move. "Really?".

Peter started to run towards him while Supercharger waited. Supercharger threw a jab and Peter dodged effortlessly, before reaching behind his back and whacked Supercharger with a fire extinguisher right in his face. A loud metallic thud could heard followed by the leaking of the white fumes the extinguisher released.

Just before chasing Supercharger, Peter very awkwardly attached the fire extinguisher to his back with his web. 

Supercharger was confused and before he could react he punched again in the chest through the white cloud, making him step back and almost fell through the hole in the floor (now in front of him) in the process. 

Supercharger prepared a ball of lightning, quickly firing it towards Peter. Peter slid under it falling down the hole in front of Supercharger and webbing his chin.

Before he could burn the web his face fell flat onto the floor and he could see Peter waving at him through the hole. He grabbed the web stuck to his chin, turning it to crisp, and stood back up before jumping down. 

Peter moved out of the way and while Supercharger was slightly hunched from the jump, he kicked him in the face and then stepped back. A small stream of blood trickled from Supercharger's nose, which he quickly wiped away.

Supercharger then sent a flurry of lightning orbs towards Peter, through both his hands using all the power he had left while roaring at the top of his lungs. Peter maneuvered around them like a dancer. As they flew past him, Peter slowly narrowed the gap between them. The more they came, the smaller they were. 

He crouched down to dodge one and webbed a locker door behind Supercharger, pulling it towards him and hitting Supercharger directly in the head. 

Supercharger groaned in pain stopping his assault for a while. He tried to continue the flurry but only a little spark came from his hands. He had used up all of the power he had. He stared at his hands and the realization of his situation dawned on him, and the look on his eyes said it all.

"You little shit. Do you realize what you've done? You Superhumans are a danger to the world and while the mindless people of this world praise and idolize you, I was supposed to make them see that we are truly monsters. Look around you" he ranted.

Destruction roamed throughout the corridor they were now in, with a student lying flat on the floor charred black. 

"This is what only one of us can do, imagine how it would be if it was one hundred but NO. Everyone just sees them as heroes when most of them don't care about saving lives. Just the fame and money. Just because I'm beaten early on in my endeavors doesn't mean my message will go unspoken. They will all soon come to realize just how dangerous our kind is" he continued. 

"While they can only see the good, you can only see the worst in people. In the end, you're no different. Instead of looking at everything you only focus on what you want to see. That isn't a message we should teach. It's over" replied Peter. 

"SHUT UP!" Supercharger yelled and ran towards Peter throwing a hailmary punch. Peter easily dodged and counter with a left to his chin knocking Supercharger out cold instantly, making him fall to the floor as blood from his nose dribbled onto the floor. 

Peter looked up and let out a sigh of relief. He won. Finally. He was sore all over his body and his chest still hurt like hell. 

"BREACH!" was yelled from somewhere nearby followed by doors banging against the walls. 

'SHIT!' Peter thought looking around him as to where he could go before quickly hopping into a bathroom stall and taking a random backpack that was left in the hallway. 

He took off his costume to reveal some slightly cooked school clothes since he didn't have time to take them off when changing.

He emptied the bag and placed his charred and slightly fucked suit into the random bag and continued to hide in the stall.

He could slightly overhear Supercharger being arrested from his little stall and a smile beamed across his face thinking he did Uncle Ben proud. 

Not long after the officers found him hiding and brought him outside to safety. After many hours all the students left in the building were escorted out and ambulances took away those deemed severely injured. 

People were yelling and screaming from beyond the tape and others were recording the entire thing. Peter couldn't find Harry amongst the students, but he crossed eyes with Flash, who quickly looked away. 

Aunt May eventually arrived in a cab and embraced Peter. She cried and told Peter how worried she was too many times to count in which Peter could only smile and tell her he was alright. After a long car ride home, Aunt May embraced Peter the entire time they reached home. 

Peter opened the creaky door placing the random back he picked up on a dining room chair and stared at a photo of him and his Uncle Ben fishing on the table. He smiled at the photo and muttered "Thank you".