

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Cómic
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76 Chs

12) A Plan Is Brewing

'I need to find out who Delilah is, but how exactly do I do that though?' thought Peter. He just signed in on his computer and hyped himself up to find out who Delilah really was but he didn't know where to start. He looked up, crossed his arms, and started to click his tongue thinking.

"She said something about a contract didn't she? That would mean she must be something like a mercenary, hitman maybe even an assassin. Where would one hire one of these people?" muttered Peter talking to himself. 

"I doubt it was a mercenary they seem more gun-ho than sniping an old lady. Was the lady someone politically important? They didn't seem to be foreign but she was quite rich, it was a nice apartment. I should start trying to find out who she is and her importance."

Peter started to search the web for the political parties in New York and the important members within them including their families. After looking into it for a while he found no connections between politics or the old lady he saved so he decided it was probably a hitman. 

Peter narrowed down the type of person Delilah was, now all that he needed to do was figure out how to find her. The fact she was also a superhuman means she would be on the more expensive side and more well-known most likely. Peter decided it would be best to browse the recommended Hitman sites on the dark web.

Peter already knew how to access the dark web due to a dare he got from Harry during a sleepover they had ages ago when they just started middle school. It took him a while but he did eventually manage to get in, winning 100 bucks. 

"Hithub is the most popular? It's strangely similar to another site with it being black and yellow" muttered Peter quite surprised at the similarities. It was laid out like eBay, it would have a picture of the person's mission history, rank, and success rate. He looked at the filter options and chose the options Superpowered & High to low price. 

He scrolled down for a while before coming across a familiar face. Delilah. That was her name but sadly there was no photo of her but even so Peter felt that it was her for sure. She was part of an organization called Goliath and she had a pretty high success rate of 95% it even had a list of past contracts. 

Her last mission was for a person called Martha Franklin Jameson, who is the wife of an editor-in-chief for the news company Daily Bugle. Makes sense how someone would want to make a journalist type of person feel pain, they aren't exactly known as the best people in the world. 

The problem now was that he had nowhere near enough money to buy her services and arrange a meetup. So how exactly was he going to do that? Peter scratched his head and tapped his desk. Could he fake a transaction? The website would surely have countermeasures for this, and Peter wondered if he could bypass them. 

Peter couldn't think of another way and he didn't want to ask Harry for any money, he valued his friendship more than just this. 

After 6 Hours of rigorous attempts of trying to make it work and a lot of pulling hair, it finally went through and worked. "YES!" Peter screamed jumping out of his seat, he was exhausted. 

"GO TO SLEEP PETER, IT'S LATE. DID YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH?" Yelled Aunt May from her bedroom. 

"Yes I did, and I'll go to sleep now ok?" replied Peter. He set up the meeting between him and Delilah now all he had to do was set up the trap and catch himself a Hitman. 


Peter woke up after finally managing to get himself to sleep, he stayed awake trying to calm his excitement and nervousness. Today he was going to catch a hitman. He quickly got dressed headed downstairs and sat down on the table awaiting breakfast. 

Aunt May carried three plates towards the table and placed them there, with jam on toast. Peter quickly scruffed down his meal got up from his chair and picked up his backpack, placing it on him. Peter began to walk out and started to open the door "I'm going to the library" he announced. 

"Let me take you" replied Uncle Ben who was standing in the hallway in his little blue jacket and jiggled his car keys. 

"You don't have to Uncle Ben" replied Peter. 

"No, it's fine. We can talk with each other for once, the last time it was just me" giggled Uncle Ben squishing past Peter and walking down to his car. 

During the drive, they talked and chatted like normal. The car stopped in a nearby parking lot and Peter opened the door. "Thanks, Uncle Ben".

"No problem Peter, what time should I come back to pick you up?" questioned Uncle Ben.


"8:30 would be perfect" replied Peter 

"Alright, I'll see you then Peter," said Uncle Ben and Peter closed the door before Uncle Ben slowly drove away. 

Peter entered a t-shaped alleyway next to this cafe and started to prepare his trap. He attached his webs to a bin and pulled it back near the back wall. He placed a wall of web between the bin and the wall and pulled it backward to form a slingshot. As soon as he removed the web holding the bin to the wall it would fly towards Delilah doing massive damage. Hopefully. He believed she would be too confused and could finish the job before she had a chance to fight back.

It was 7 PM and Peter was wearing a blue hoodie, hood up, and entered the cafe. He sat at a table for a while and before leaving placed an old cellphone on the table. He then dressed in his costume stationed himself on the opposing roof and waited. 

After around 5 minutes a familiar face entered the cafe and sat at the table with the cell phone. The phone started ringing and Delilah hesitantly picked it up and answered.

"Hello Delilah, I believe we have something to discuss," answered Peter in a robotic voice.