

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!* BONUS CHAPTERS AT: 10 Power Stones 30 Power Stones 60 Power Stones 100 Power Stones

MassiveSimp · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

13) Delilah (2)

"Are you my contractor Mr Grosvenor?" replied Delilah. 

"Indeed I am, Delilah. I believe we have some matters to discuss" replied Peter. 

"We can talk about it in person, can't we not" replied Delilah and crossed her legs. 

"In love with me already? I don't think we have that kind of relationship and I'd prefer it if no one knew we've conducted business" replied Peter. 

"You wish you had a girl like me. Now tell me what you want already, I don't have all day" replied Delilah 

"There's a certain new superhero who's recently stopped a lot of my plans, I'd like for him to die and for it not to be connected to me at all. The sooner you bring him to me, dead or alive it doesn't matter, a bigger bonus you shall receive," answered Peter.

"You know how to get a girl excited, how much are we talking about here?" questioned Delilah.

"One million, every day I don't see him at my door I remove one hundred thousand" replied Peter. 

"So who is my target?"


Delilah quickly grew angry and almost crushed the phone in her hand right then but composed herself. She fake giggled "You like to joke I see. How did you know about our recent event?" she questioned somewhat furious. 

"I left a stack of documents on everything you need to know about him. Including his real identity in the alleyway next to the cafe you're currently in. You can decide if you want to continue with the contract or not. You've fought him before, so you have the experience. That's why I choose you. I hope we can have a prosperous relationship moving forward, I hope you don't disappoint". He hung up the phone quickly put on his mask and swung to the other rooftop, dropping down behind his slingshot. 

Delilah stood up from her seat and began to exit the cafe. She threw the phone in a black bin and placed her hand in her coat pocket. This time she left her hair flowing naturally and wore a long coat for the winter. Her high heels could be heard strutting across the street and she went in towards the alleyway. 

Peter had placed the table and a bunch of blank paper on top in front of the bin slingshot and a camera facing it. It was connected to his phone and gave him an instant view of the place. He was looking at it and waiting for Delilah to turn up, hoping she would take the bait. 

Delilah turned the corner and saw a small table with some paper on top and strutted towards it with her hands in her pockets. She walked towards the table and picked up the pile of paper bending down. 

Peter saw her bending down from his phone and cut the web holding the bin to the slingshot, making it fly towards Delilah like a catapult. 

Delilah opened the file and in big red writing it said 'Get Fucked' Delilah scrunched up the paper and when turning around saw a big metal bin flying towards her. She had no time to react and got slammed in the face and flew backward and fell flat on the floor. 

Peter ran towards the center of the alley and turned around the bin to get a tingling sensation again. Delilah was laying her back on the bin pointing a gun towards him and Peter could see the spark ignite. Peter ducked and webbed the gun slinging away from her and Delilah rushed in and punched Peter into the ground. 

"You think you'll get away with this! last time I was simply playing with my food" she roared before slamming her fists towards Peter and blood dripping from her head. He webbed her eyes and moved his head out of the way just in time. 

While Delilah tried to destroy the webs covering her eyes Peter quickly got up and threw an uppercut. Delilah gained some air and then fell flat on her back and groaned. "You've already lost Delilah. Ever since you were caught in the spider's web, it was clear who was going to win".

Peter walked towards Delilah and got ready to web her up before he got a huge kick to the balls. "ARRHHH, FUCK. SHIT," he screamed holding his balls gently and bending down. 

Delilah got up tore the web from her eyes and took her coat off before breaking the heels on her shoe since they made it hard for her to walk. "Don't get arrogant with me boy" she replied and started to walk towards Peter in a fighting pose. 

Peter waved his hand to signal a stop, "I request a momentary cease-fire, My future kids are having a really hard time at the moment arghh" he groaned still slightly hunched and protecting his nuts.

"I'm afraid that's not how I work" she replied before kicking towards his face. Peter leaned backward and watched as her leg went over him. The pain was starting to wear off so Peter got ready to fight again. This wasn't exactly the swift fight Peter expected but he still knew she got somewhat injured from his spider-pult. Yes, he named it that. 

"I must say you look fantastic today, I think after that compliment I deserve a time-out. It's really hard to lie as a man of God you know" quipped Peter. 

"Let's see how long you can last then, hmm" replied Delilah before starting her attack. She went for a quick one-two which Peter could easily dodge.

Peter slowly backed up and pointed behind her and screamed "Look it's an Elephant!" which Delilah ignored. "It was worth a try".

She threw a fake and Peter backed up to dodge as he anticipated a punch Delilah slammed his shin with a kick and he began to fall forward but was met with a fist right into his jaw. Peter stayed up but his leg was shaking and he shot two webs behind her. 

Delilah turned around thinking he was going to throw another bin at her but saw nothing behind her. Peter threw a hard hook at her chin causing her to fall over onto the floor, confused.