
Spider Man: Web of Destiny

On the eve of "Captain America: Civil War", the life of a high school boy, Peter Parker, changed dramatically. Not only was he bitten by a spider, but a special web of fate often appeared in his mind. He found that through this thing, he seemed to be able to travel to different worlds and go on wonderful life journeys! In each world, he has a different title. During the Great Depression, he was called Shadow Spider-Man. On the planet Conte, his name is Super Spider-Man. In the parallel universe, he crawls out of the coffin, but not as a zombie spider. There are also Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man... and he himself has gained the abilities of countless different Spider-Man! (Note: The main plot of this book is only in the live-action movie universe.)

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Chapter 20: The Second Time Travel

When the car was about to arrive in Queens, Iron Man pulled Peter aside and had him shoot an "alibi" video together. 

Well, it was mainly used to deal with Aunt May.

When Peter thought about it, it made sense, so he filmed a short clip.

Iron Man then told Peter that Happy would be his exclusive contact.

If they needed Peter to suit up, someone would contact him.

Before getting out of the car, Iron Man noticed Peter's absent-mindedness and roughly guessed what he was thinking. He warned: "Remember, don't do what I would do, and don't do what I wouldn't do."

Peter wondered: "Then I won't do anything?"

"No, no, there is a gray area between these two extremes, and that is your scope of operation." Iron Man didn't want to dampen Peter's enthusiasm.

Peter thought carefully: "Ouch~"

Had he obtained official permission to be Spider-Man?

From now on, when he acted on the streets, he would no longer be a vigilante, but a probationary Avenger! 

As for how big the gray area was?

Haha, didn't you see that even Iron Man himself couldn't explain it clearly?


Peter was imagining a bright future.

Iron Man suddenly turned sideways. 

Peter thought he was going to give him a hug before leaving, but Iron Man just opened the car door for him: "I didn't want to hug you, we haven't gotten to know each other that well yet."

Peter: ...

When Peter returned home, Aunt May hadn't come back from work yet.

So he lay on the bed and continued to ponder the web shooter.

In fact, if it weren't for dinner time approaching, he would definitely go out to try it instead of debugging it at home.

He had to say that the function of this new web launcher fascinated him!

Peter could already imagine how powerful he would become after he had thoroughly understood all the web combo modes in the web shooter, and then fully studied the technology in the suit!


Just as Peter was studying the web shooter with great interest, the door was suddenly pushed open and Aunt May walked in.

Peter was startled, his mind raced in an instant, and then he quickly put down his right hand with the web shooter on it, and pretended to cover his eyes with his left hand.

"Peter, you..." Aunt May walked in. She originally wanted to say 'you're back', but she noticed Peter's actions and quickly changed her words, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just got into a fight with someone," Peter told a half-truth. He did get into fights, more than one even.

"Who, who hit you?"

"Some guys."

"What 'some guys', what are their names?" 

"Uh, Steve, Scott, Sam, etc., I don't know them too well."

"Steve? The one with buck teeth? I did hear that Scott and Sam were his delinquent partners?" Aunt May turned to the kitchen to get a damp towel.

"No, no, no, it's not them," Peter was startled. He didn't expect that Aunt May could actually find the right people, so he quickly covered it up, "You don't know them, they live in Brooklyn, yes, in Brooklyn."

Aunt May came back and handed the towel to Peter: "I hope you hit them back."

Peter took the towel and quickly covered his face before Aunt May could see his lack of injuries clearly.

"Of course! I punched them back several times. Really, it's just that their friend is so big, so, so big."

Aunt May touched Peter's head, and seeing the nervous look on his face, she gave up the plan of checking for injuries: "What do you want for dinner, my little tough guy?"

"I want to eat Salito!" Salito is an Italian delicacy, somewhat similar to fried rice, and is one of Aunt May's specialties.

"I'm going to see if there are enough ingredients in the fridge," Aunt May turned and left the room.

"Close the door for me."


After dinner, Peter continued to ponder the web shooter in his room.

It wasn't until around ten o'clock that he found the opportunity to put on his suit and sneak out of the room, trying to do some good deeds. Of course, he also tried out his new suit.

However, he didn't know why, but things were quiet in Queens tonight.

Peter walked around for several hours but didn't encounter anything.

Well, nothing happened, which should be a good thing.

It's just that this was really not ideal for a guy who was excited to experiment with his "new toy".

At almost 1 o'clock in the morning, seeing that there was really nothing to do, Peter returned home, took off his suit, and lay on the bed.

"Oh right, look at that web."

Peter closed his eyes. 


Next to the dim light spot representing the Noir Spider-Man, another glowing dot appeared.

Peter was delighted.

This meant that he could go to the world of another Spider-Man, experience his life, and gain some of his abilities!

Just do it.

Peter looked at the time, 1:13 AM, as long as he came back before 7 AM. 

This meant that he had about 6 hours of "other world experience time".

After silently noting this, Peter closed his eyes and slowly moved the luminous spider thread in his consciousness towards the glowing dot.


When the luminous spider silk and the glowing dot connected together, Peter "fell asleep" as expected.

But he woke up quickly!

When he came to his senses again, he found himself squatting on the edge of a building, wearing a green sweatshirt on the upper body, jeans on the lower body, and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Uh, what kind of outfit is this? The friendly neighborhood brother?" Peter complained.

Memory fragments flooded into his mind at the right time.

As expected, this body he now inhabited was also called Peter Parker. Maybe all Spider-Men were called Peter Parker?

Or maybe all Peter Parkers would become Spider-Men? 

But why?

Peter felt that he might be able to find the answer as he experienced more of these worlds.

Continue receiving information.

The Peter Parker of this world was actually similar to him. He didn't acquire spider powers long ago either, but this version had also made his own web launchers and webbing just like Peter had.

However, this one was a year older than him, and was now 17 years old.

He had a girlfriend named Gwen Stacy. 

Tonight, Gwen invited Peter to her home. After dinner, Gwen's father, Police Captain George Stacy, talked about Spider-Man during the meal and believed that Spider-Man was a public menace.

Peter was stung by this and couldn't help but argue in Spider-Man's defense.

As a result, a pleasant family gathering was completely ruined.

But it wasn't without gain.

Facing questioning from his girlfriend Gwen, Peter chose to reveal his true identity to eliminate the misunderstanding between them. 

At the same time, Captain Stacy's words during the dinner also struck a chord with Peter:

"That guy wore a mask and looked like a desperado, and the group of prisoners he captured looked like they were all printed from the same mold, as if he was out for personal revenge!"

(End of Chapter)