
Spider-Man of MHA si (dropped for now

azuku120 · Cómic
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4 Chs

reborn ( intro )

When I found out that I was reancrated in a world of quirks and superheroes I was intatly a little worried for the future because it's was a while since I last caught up on MHA and last I heard Thier was a war at some point so I prepared for that outcome until I found out who my father is izuku midoriya and his wife uraracka well I was okay with it being in the future sure I couldn't exactly change anything but that was okay maybe il get a cool power at least that's what I hoped for but I wrong and in my fourth birthday I wasn't expected to get a quirk which was a bit of unrerving but hey I could just train my ass of and go a batman route with is what I told myself so I trained pushed my body to my limits until I was ten that's when it happened my dad went to face of against a villain of an unknown origin and did come back mum said he was MIA so maybe he just missing or dead but I gues that be good for anyone else but for me it wasn't he helped a lot he was an awesome dad and mum pushed her self into hero work after it and barley as any time anymore but my life changed one when a class feild trip at a lab I was bitten by one of thier spider and after i went home fully expecting to just sleep it off the next day I woke up with spider powers and it was a freaky experience the first time I found out and. I guess I sorta assumed that keeping this a secret was for the best maybe laying low but no I guess it wasn't what I wanted the crime rate went up faster than some pro hero's where taking them down and I know that know that I've had these powers I guess you would call it deasinty cause a thought slot about before making a vigalinte coustome with red and blue black webbing on the lines and a spider on my chest

I become this world's spider man and for the past 5 years I've made alot of foes mum still doesn't know and Il keep it that way until we'll the end my name azuku midoriya I was reborn in the MHA universe and taken on the responsibility of becoming the spider man of this universe

IAn I have a sorta plan this more like a sudden rush of an idea it's gonna be like my previous spider hope but with a bit less grim and tryna make it make more sense and as in he probably find himself stuck in the past due to an incdent I may aswell put to to a vote do u want this onc to get the future ofa and il find a way to incorporate it